I need to get the LOC call number of multiple ebooks.

I used to use http://classify.oclc.org/, but now the website doesn't seem to work anymore.

Is there a (freely accessible) platform, database, dataset, or API that allows user to retrieve a LOC call number for a book?

By the way, I have tried using university library catalogues, and the Library of Congress catalog, but, especially with ebooks, the data does not have the LOC call number.

An example of a title is: Atlas of Male Infertility Microsurgery

  • I Google for "classify.oclc.org" and found it. Warning, it's http, not https. My browser says it's not a secure web site.
    – Nobody
    Commented Aug 26, 2023 at 6:50
  • @Nobody thx but no that's not the issue.. it was just a typo.. go to classify.oclc.org and try typing any title into the search box, and no results appear Commented Aug 26, 2023 at 6:58
  • I just tried it. After finding nothing for a recently-published book, I found this note at the bottom of the page: "The database is current thru June 2022."
    – Bob Brown
    Commented Aug 26, 2023 at 8:48
  • @BobBrown no every title is not available Commented Aug 26, 2023 at 9:12
  • @BobBrown you may try an old title.. say this title from 2008: google.com.sg/books/edition/… Commented Aug 26, 2023 at 9:13

2 Answers 2


I was able to find my own (print) book, published in August, 2023 in https://www.worldcat.org/, but apparently you need a paid subscription to see the call number. However, WorldCat does list libraries that have a book, and you can sometimes find the call number by checking the entry of a particular library. I found Atlas of Male Infertility Microsurgery in WorldCat, but was unable to find a record with a LOC call number. (One of the libraries with this book lists the call number as "R1.")

The Library of Congress no longer attempts to catalog "everything," and unless a copyright registration is submitted, probably doesn't even know about most material, especially self-published material. The cataloging in publication (CIP) data in most books comes from catalogers who either work for publishers or provide a paid service to small publishers and individuals. For that reason, not every publication will even have a LOC call number.

Update: I found this note at the MiraCosta College Library's web site: "Keep in mind that only physical items, not electronic ones, will have call numbers."


try librarything.com i don't know how big that database is but I was able to find call #s there

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