I am trying to conduct a publication search on the Cambridge Core database but do not understand how the logical operators and quotation marks work on that site (and even if they do).

Here's an example of my problem:

  • If I search for: (Topological) OR (Data) I get 133326 results.
  • If I then search for (Topological) AND (Data) I'd expect to get LESS results (since I'm looking for the papers which mention both terms. Instead I get the same 133326 results.
  • If I add quotation marks: ("Topological") OR ("Data"), the search yields just 36 results. I feel like adding quotation marks in this case shouldn't even affect the number of results.
  • Finally, running with AND and quotation marks yields more than the above search! ("Topological") AND ("Data") yielded 1866 results.

Does anyone know how this works? I couldn't find information on their website.

  • FWIW, it does not seem that it supports the usual search tools. Quotation marks work, but looking for "Algebraic" OR "topology" has only yielded 8 results, all of which had OR in the title. Without quotes, it works better, but nor OR or AND works. Pipe operator does not work, either. It seems you can only search separately topological, data, and topological data and build the Venn diagram yourself. User guide has no mention of advanced search tools, either.
    – Lodinn
    Commented Jan 24, 2023 at 19:40
  • @Lodinn I thought that might be the case. Thank you anyway for your advice
    – D. Brito
    Commented Jan 25, 2023 at 15:17


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