I am interested in pursuing a Ph.D. program after completing my Masters. How can I compare different Master's programs in Computer Science based on my long-term goal and choose one? Should I check a specific ranking or ...

When I search the internet about how to choose a Master's program, most people talk about salaries or finding a job after graduation, but that is not my intention and I am interested in getting a good Ph.D. position after graduation.

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    @user151413 I don't. It's going to be my first MSc. Currently, I have a BSc in Computer Engineering. Commented May 8, 2022 at 22:05
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    @BryanKrause Thanks for telling me. I didn't know. I edited the body of my question. Can you please read it once again and tell me if it is ok now. Commented May 9, 2022 at 4:41
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    Yes, thank you; you could consider adding some of the other details of parameters you're considering if you keep them vague (if you'd like those points specifically addressed in an answer, that is). It's possible someone else has already asked a similar enough question that people will vote to close as a duplicate, but I think with these edits you escape the shopping/individual factors close reasons.
    – Bryan Krause
    Commented May 9, 2022 at 4:44
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    Is this for the case that you already have a specific area of research that you are interested in? If yes, you can have a look which researchers are at the universities under consideration and see which direction you are more interested in. Otherwise, it's a bit more difficult.
    – DCTLib
    Commented May 9, 2022 at 7:12
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    @SMMousaviSP Sorry, I misread. Regarding your original question, I would vouch for the program with a longer master thesis, especially if you want to do a PhD in a place where this is also common (like ETH). Maybe this is my German perspective, but I feel that after a long (often 9-12 month) thesis one can judge people's research abilities much better. (Note that the 30 ECTS are not always the full truth, and the thesis is in fact longer, with the credits split between the thesis and some "master seminar" or the like.)
    – user151413
    Commented May 9, 2022 at 7:47


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