I received Marie Curie global fellowship to go to US from Sweden. I think the salary I was told to have is too low. 3400 USD/month after tax (4657 USD/month before tax). Please let me know if you think it is too low and who can I try to contact to sort it out.

I will send 2 years in US and 1 year in Sweden, however, I was told to receive flat salary of around 4100EUR before tax and around 3000EUR after


1 Answer 1


From the Guide to Implementation, if you moved to Sweden, your gross monthly salary (at minimum) should be composed of a living allowance of €4880 plus a mobility allowance of €600 multiplied by a country correction coefficient, which can be found in this document, table 2 and which is 1.218 for Sweden. Thus, your gross monthly allowance calculated in this way would be €6674.

In this case, yes, you would be very much right in thinking that your salary is lower than the expected, unless I've missed something.

The Guide to Implementation, in section 3, reports the contacts in case of problems, where there is also a link to a help desk. I suggest you to read that section and follow the links and contacts there provided. In particular, there is a National Contact Point for Sweden. However, I suggest you to first formulate your question to the contact point not as an accusation, but as a request of information on the calculation of your salary.

If, instead, as suggested by Pieter Naaijkens in a comment below, you're moving to the US, the coefficient would be 0.991, yielding €5430. Even in this case, after converting to USD, your salary seems lower than expected.

  • 1
    The OP says that are going to the US from Sweden Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 12:18
  • 8
    I wonder if there is a misunderstand of the term "gross salary costs". We are assuming that this just means pre-tax, but it could in fact include all sort of other on-costs. For example in the UK, the grant chargeable on costs for a postdoc are about 1.5x the pre-tax salary the employee receives. In particular in the US i bet health insurance can be counted against it. When i was in the US, my employer was paying $1200 a month for my health insurance. Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 12:41
  • 1
    @ElenaSubbotina Please, if possible, let us then know the result of your inquiry: it could be certainly useful to future readers. Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 18:19
  • 2
    As I have promised I write how my situation was finally resolved. The main reason for too low salary turned out to be very high taxes in Sweden, which in my case is 57% plus 30% of the residue. This money turned out to be not enough for the outgoing phase, because US has lower live cost coefficient. And my department topped it up. However even with this topping up my salary was around 3200-3400 depending on the exchange rate. But!!! Importantly, after a long negotiation period I asked to use part of the the money allocated to "institutional cost and training". Commented Dec 18, 2021 at 10:07
  • 2
    This money are ment to be used for training and conferences, but at the end of the project if there is smth left they should be paid to the postdoc. But, inportnant to know that it is solely decided by university how these money are used. In addition, these money will be paid as a housing compensation and not as a part of salary, which means that they are not taxed. Hope this info will be helpful for people in the same situation. Commented Dec 18, 2021 at 10:10

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