I use SCOPUS or Web of Knowledge to search papers. What I need to do is to sort the result in a descending order of number of citations. SCOPUS and W_of_K both provide this feature.

But I further need to confine those citations only in a specific field. For example, statistics paper can be cited in another statistics paper or in a medicine paper. What I'm interested in is how many times this paper is cited in another statistics paper.

Using scopus and Web of science, I can see all the papers that cited this paper and then confine to a specific field. But I have to do this for all papers one by one. Thus I wonder if there is any search engine that can to this automatically.

  • 2
    This is not a question about academia, but rather a question about how to use a particular piece of software. Voted to close as off-topic.
    – JeffE
    Commented Aug 26, 2012 at 16:56
  • 5
    @JeffE - I disagree; this is a question about how to use a particular academic software tool. If this person found it confusing, it's likely others found it confusing as well, and as such this both academia-related (hence on-topic) and broadly useful.
    – eykanal
    Commented Aug 27, 2012 at 18:46

1 Answer 1


There is no automatic solution to this - it is an extremely time-consuming labour, sometimes performed by bibliometricians - and often only by those with access to full editions of either database (not the web-interfaces, with strict limitations to download sizes).

It is also a tricky subject, as the defionition of e.g. a statistics paper may differ from what you are actually looking at: journal categories. Papers on any topic are also published in journals not directly related hereto, there are plenty of translational and multi-disciplinary journals as well - in other words, what may appear to be a trivial task is actually very complex.

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