I submitted a journal paper to Springer's SN Computer Science Journal. Below is the time line

  1. 18th Nov, 2021 --> Manuscript Submitted
  2. 15th Feb, 2022 --> Editor Decision (Major Revision)
  3. 1st March, 2022--> Revised Manuscript submitted

Since then it shows "under review".

I have contacted the corresponding contact person several times and the editor as well. Either I do not get reply and if I receive a reply, it is always the same stating "under review and as soon as a decision is made, you will be notified and I have requested the editor to expedite the process". It has been more than a year since that revision had been submitted but I have not heard about the decision. Any leads what I shall do? I am reluctant to withdraw it from here and submit elsewhere due to then again starting the long waiting time cycle.


1 Answer 1


Given that you have no leverage to speed up the review, your only choices are to wait or to withdraw. You note, properly, that withdrawing is only likely to extend the time to publication.

Some things take time because of their nature or because of the difficulty of finding good reviewers.

I suggest patience. What you have heard from the editorial department is probably all you will or can hear until review is complete.

Hopefully you have other things to be working on.

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