What can a Researcher do on ScienceOpen?

Register here and join us today! ScienceOpen provides a wide range of tools to support your research


  • Post your most recent paper as a preprint on ScienceOpen Preprints to share your results with peer immediately, open and citable with a Crossref DOI. It’s only a few clicks to get published and enhance the visibility for your work and kick off an academic discourse with peers.
  • Submit your poster to ScienceOpen Posters for free and let your peers comment and discuss your work — anywhere and at any time, not only limited to the few hours in an overcrowded, noisy conference hall.
  • Publish your preprint on ScienceOpen Research after having received at least 2 positive peer reviews in an formatted state-of-the-art  typesetting version both as PDF and XML with all metadata for 400 USD only.


  • Multidimensional search in millions of article records for quick orientation: Filter your search by 18 filters including open access, preprint, author, keyword, content type, source, and more. Sort your results by Altmetric score, citations, date, usage, and rating. Use the article Collections by other researchers to help narrow your search.
  • Export search results in EndNote, BibTex, and Reference Manager (RIS) formats for easy integration with other reference management systems. Up to 200 citations exported at a time.
  • Save your search to find the newest articles in your field with one click.
  • Bookmark the articles you are interested to explore later.


  • Edit a Collection to present the best research in your field for better discovery by your peers. Or, run it as an overlay “journal” with the newest preprints. Create a comprehensive bibliography of a subject or just highlight the top 20 papers in your discipline. The Collection functionality is built to flexibly meet a wide range of goals for the research community.
  • Review an article to share your expertise with the community. An article review, similar to a book review, provides an analysis of the work and recommendations to readers. A review on ScienceOpen is linked with ORCID and published with a Crossref DOI and best-practice XML metadata for discovery across all systems. To ensure expert reviews, the ScienceOpen requires 5 publications for automatic reviewer status. We make exceptions on an individual basis, so just get in touch with the ScienceOpen team if you would like to review (info@scienceopen.com). You can also invite any researcher to review an article with one click.
  • Write an Author Summary can help explain your research in plain language to the general public. Add a summary, thumbnail image, keywords, and disciplines to your article record on ScienceOpen to increase the discoverability of your research.
  • Articles missing? You can help us to improve the ScienceOpen database by uploading the DOIs of important articles that you are missing on the site. You can then add these to your Collection, publication list, or bookmarks.


  • Your ScienceOpen Profile is integrated with ORCID for a low-maintenance presence. Add publications from or to your ORCID record with one click. Biography, affiliation, education, and more can be synchronized with ORCID.
  • An interactive bibliography on ScienceOpen opens your publications to search and sort by altmetrics, citations, date, and more. Gain insight about your own work and share with your colleagues
  • Track usage, citations, altmetrics of your publications on ScienceOpen and watch it develop over time. A whole suite of metrics are available at your fingertips.
  • Follow researchers for updates on their activities and to expand your network.

We love to hear back from our users about features that are particularly useful or ones that are missing. Just get in touch at feedback@scienceopen.com or on Twitter @Science_Open or Facebook.

User Categories

In order to maintain a high quality of scholarly discourse, some functions require previous registration at ScienceOpen via ORCID, as well as a certain number of publications in your ORCID account. Registration is fast, easy and completely free of charge. Scroll down to find out how to update or integrate your ORCID ID.

Guest Member Scientific Member Expert
Browse / search Yes Yes Yes Yes
Share papers Yes Yes Yes Yes
Discovery tools No Yes Yes Yes
Interact with users No Yes Yes Yes
Invite reviewers No Yes Yes Yes
Recommend (+1) papers No Yes Yes Yes
Comment on papers No No Yes Yes
Write reviews No No No Yes
Registration via ORCID Not required Not required Required 5+ articles


ScienceOpen is a freely accessible online platform and no registration is required to browse through the articles. Everybody can read and download papers and share them with others via e-mail or social media.


Once you have registered with ScienceOpen, you can create a personal profile and invite reviewers to your article or book on ScienceOpen. The registration at ScienceOpen and the use of private collaboration tools are completely free of charge, even if you decide to publish elsewhere.

Scientific Member

Scientific Members can, in addition, comment on and rate publications presented at ScienceOpen. Please note that they do so under their own name. To become a Scientific Member, you must connect your ORCID id and provide your email address.


Only ScienceOpen members who have at least 5 peer reviewed publications assigned to their ORCID id may officially review a published article. Please note that the reviews are submitted under their own name and are visible to all users at any time.

ScienceOpen works best when users are connected to their research. You can connect yourself to your research by updating your ScienceOpen profile. To a large extent, you can update your ScienceOpen profile by simply maintaining your ORCID id.

How to update your ORCID

ScienceOpen user profiles are based almost exclusively on the public information you provide in your connected ORCID account.

When you connect ScienceOpen to ORCID, the following information will automatically be imported:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Keywords
  • Biography
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Funding
  • Publications

How to link publications to your ORCID

Listing links to publications on ORCID is important because it establishes your identity and your membership status on ScienceOpen. There are three ways to add your publication links to ORCID:

After you complete this step, your publication list will be imported from ORCID and displayed on ScienceOpen under the ‘Other publication’ section of your ScienceOpen profile. The number of publications on your ScienceOpen profile determines your membership status, which in turn determines how you can interact with content on ScienceOpen.

Public and Private Information on ORCID

ORCID information with a privacy setting of ‘public’ will be synchronized with ScienceOpen. Therefore, at minimum, we recommend making the following information on your ORCID profile public:

  • Biography
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Keyword
  • Publications

To make information on your ORCID public, look for the icon:


Hover over the icon to see some options. For further information see the ORCID Privacy Settings. Also see here for further information on how to update your ORCID account.

ScienceOpen Profile Information not taken directly from ORCID

The following additional information on your ScienceOpen profile can be added under the ‘Edit Profile’ section of your ScienceOpen profile homepage.

  • Profile image (will appear as a thumbnail in newsfeeds, group discussions and all interactions on the site)
  • Disciplines (up to three) – which helps us to direct relevant peer review requests to you.
  • Friendly URL (e.g. https://www.scienceopen.com/profile/firstname_lastname)