Discovery and content marketing solutions

Within a discovery environment of over 90 million articles, book, and chapter records, ScienceOpen offers services for publishers to highlight their academic content and promote journal and publisher brands with unique Collections, banner marketing and search short-cuts.

Explore our tailored offerings:

As an Publisher, you need to maximize the presence of your digital journal and book content in a way which can translate into increased impact for authors and submissions for your journal and book program.

ScienceOpen is a freely accessible research communication platform with the technological infrastructure to support multi-dimensional search, community curation, and researcher networking. We provide space and services to publishers to promote their content – from enriched metadata and promotional packages to open access hosting solutions and custom-tailored publishing environments.

ScienceOpen can create an innovative channel to increase submissions to your open access journals to align with your APC income stream, provide an attractive showcase for  topical selections of content that respond to rapidly developing scientific developments

Publisher benefits for journals with the ScienceOpen discovery technology:

  • Context: Promote your journals in topical Collections within the context of 90+ million article records on ScienceOpen including banner marketing and search highlights.
  • Submissions: The “Submit manuscript” button leads back to your manuscript submission system for a direct return on investment.
  • Community: Use ScienceOpen infrastructure to build communities around your books and journals. Users can curate, share, recommend, comment, or review articles, books and chapters.

Your Content on ScienceOpen

  • Context environment of over 90 million records driving search and discovery for your content
  • Link back to publisher webpage via read button for usage tracking and access management by the publisher
  • Journal branding or flexible topical collections promoted with a banner on all relevant content in 90+ million article records
  • “Submit manuscript” button on journal pages that leads to your website
  • Dynamic search and filtering of all content at journal, publisher, author, article, and collection level
  • Article and journal level usage statistics on the fly and quarterly usage reports
  • Author profiles and self-promotion tools for users to add lay summaries and share and track their work
  • Community-run, researcher-led topical collections further promote usage
  • Commenting and recommendation functionalities
  • Post-publication peer review functionalities to further engage community

If you would like to learn more about ScienceOpen discovery and content marketing solutions and get a quote for your journals and books, please contact Stephanie Dawson or Stuart Cooper.