Open Access hosting

Looking for professional hosting of your scholarly content that maximizes the digital presence of your journals and books in the internet and reduces the time you spend on distribution? ScienceOpen can host your open access journal, conference or books in an interactive environment with state-of-the-art SEO, long-term archiving with CLOCKSS and integration with ORCID, Crossref and more.

Explore our tailored offerings:

ScienceOpen’s unique open access hosting service allows you to situate the version of record of your journals and books directly within an interactive discovery environment.

Publisher benefits when hosting within the ScienceOpen discovery environment:

  • Context: Host your journals within the context of over 89 million article records on ScienceOpen including banner marketing and search highlights.
  • Integration: ScienceOpen connects your digital content to the world with Crossref, ORCID and AltmetricTM integration, indexing by Google Scholar and Baidu Scholar, long term archiving and A&I services.
  • Community: Use ScienceOpen infrastructure to build communities around your books and journals. Users can curate, share, recommend, comment, or review articles, conference papers, books and chapters.

Open Access Hosting on ScienceOpen includes

  • Full XML, PDF and epub downloads via read button
  • DOI deposit with Crossref, integration with ORCID
  • Long term archiving with CLOCKSS
  • Distribution to A&I services such as DOAJ, Dimensions, PubMed and more
  • Context environment of 89+ million records driving search and discovery for your content
  • Dynamic search and filtering of all content at journal, publisher, author, article, and collection level
  • Collections promoted with a banner on all relevant content in 89+ million article records
  • “Submit manuscript” button on Collection leads to your website
  • Optional: Full manuscript submission and peer review management system available
  • Article and journal level usage statistics on the fly and extensive monthly usage reports
  • Author profiles and self-promotion tools for users to add lay summaries and share and track their work
  • Community-run, researcher-led topical collections further promote usage
  • Commenting and recommendation, post-publication peer review functionalities to engage community

Some of our Hosting customers:

Journal Hosting

Conference Proceedings

Book Hosting

If you would like to learn more about ScienceOpen journal and book hosting solutions and get a demo or a quote for your publications, please contact Stephanie Dawson or Stuart Cooper.