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How does the ocean impact hurricanes?

hurriance animation

Hurricanes are the most powerful storms on the planet, spanning hundreds of miles. We know them for the destruction they cause when they reach land. Their high winds, heavy rains, and storm surges cause billions of dollars in damage each year. But the effects of hurricanes aren’t limited to landfall. They have an outsized impact on the ocean, as well.

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Drawing of Porpita lutkeana by Henry Bigelow

Because their bodies have no hard parts, gelatinous animals, commonly called “jellies,” have always been fascinating and elusive to naturalists. They were already a favorite subject for Henry Bigelow (WHOI’s […]

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Atlantic Ocean currents circulation

To reconstruct climate changes over millennia, scientists like WHOI’s Delia Oppo and former colleague Jerry McManus use conceptual models, like the one depicted here, that simulate the workings of the […]

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Territorial Arctic map

Multiple countries control territories within the Arctic circle, with Russia alone accounting for 53% of the Arctic coastline. (Illustration by Natalie Renier, as sourced from Natural Earth, Flanders Marine Institute […]

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2011 Global Hydrothermal Vents map

2011 Global Hydrothermal Vents map. Updated data source: InterRidge Vents Database, Version 2.1, release date 8 November 2011. (S. E. Beaulieu, E. T. Baker, C. R. German, and A. Maffei […]

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2009 Global Hydrothermal Vents map

2009 Global Hydrothermal Vents map. Funding from InterRidge and Morss Colloquium Program at WHOI. Data sources: InterRidge Vents Database, Version 2.0, release date 5 Mar. 2010; University of Texas PLATES […]

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Biological Carbon Pump

Biological Carbon Pump

Biological Carbon Pump Once the solubility pump introduces carbon into surface waters, the ocean twilight zone’s biological carbon pump (BCP) plays an important role in the rapid removal of a […]

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The birth of a black smoker

During Stage 1 of black smoker chimney growth, hot, calcium-rich vent fluid mixes turbulently with cold, sulfate and calcium-rich seawater, resulting in precipitation of a ring of calcium sulfate (anhydrite) […]

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The formation of 18° mode water

18° water forms when cold winter winds blow over warm surface waters. Heat and moisture rise into the atmosphere. The cooler, denser waters left behind sink and form a layer […]

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