Forum Moderators: open Crawler OWLer



11:33 am on Mar 22, 2024 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Administrator 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

For reference, the is a project coming from the European Union to provide independence in search for the E.U.
Free, open and unbiased access to information � we have lost these core principles in web search and urgently need to restore them. This is why will create an open European infrastructure for internet search, based on European values and jurisdiction

Its crawler is called OWLer.
The crawler user agent is:
The new web crawler UA will be:

We�re excited to have you here. Most likely our web crawler has recently visited your site as part of our research project. We crawl the Web to create an open web index and to bootstrap a more open internet search ecosystem, which also includes that webmasters and content producers have more control over how and for what their precious content is used. We�ve outlined more details of what we are doing and why we are crawling the Web (and thus your site) below, including technical information on how to exclude your site from being crawled by us. It would be great if you would allow us to crawl your site, but it is your choice!


Featured image: webmasterworld
Owler - Open Web Search - Promoting Europe-�s Independence in Web Search


3:56 am on Mar 25, 2024 (gmt 0)

5+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

So they're scraping the internet and god knows what they're going to do with the data. No plans to offer a public-facing anonymous-access search portal.

And what IP's are their bots using? I don't see them talking about that. I've not seen this bot.


4:04 pm on Mar 25, 2024 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Administrator 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

I don't think you'll find it's scraping the Net to any extent. At the moment, it's still in the very early experimental stages, and the infrastructure is just not yet there.


6:36 pm on Mar 25, 2024 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Administrator 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

@SumGuy - There is more information about Owler's IPs and UAs here:

This information was posted 3/22/24 in the long Google SEO discussion by superclown2 and the URL was de-linked because some query characters could break the link. Just copy paste it to get the details.


6:56 pm on Jun 12, 2024 (gmt 0)

Or just to another search engine for not real and true transparent content and information without censorship, which is what they have been doing in the EU lately.


4:01 am on Jun 29, 2024 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Senior Member 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

Seen this month, from Germany and the Czech Republic, confirming info from the upthread site. Note the different UA:

Owler (
robots.txt? YES

Owler (
robots.txt? YES


12:12 pm on Jun 29, 2024 (gmt 0)

5+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

Now all hopes are in new search engines,
how delivery visitors to that search engines?
Even if they are much much better of google
but what if nobody using them because just automatic mostly
evetyone going to google?
What to do?




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