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iTechieGamer's user avatar
iTechieGamer's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
21 votes

How to display current Windows OS date, time and timezone in CLI?

7 votes

Please help me delete a file?

5 votes

Launch powershell as admin when double click on ps1 file

4 votes

How to remove shortcut and wscript.exe viruses

2 votes

Add multiple files of one type to the “New” context-menu

1 vote

Change Windows 10 File Explorer "Edit" context menu action for images to "Windows Store version" of

1 vote

Registry > App Paths: Modify a string so that app could open a particular file?

1 vote

Weird graphical text editor glitch in a dual monitor setup on windows 10

1 vote

How to stop Windows from loading the default account at startup

1 vote

OBS recording videos at 1000 FPS

1 vote

Microsoft Windows 10 "remove everything" keeps user name

1 vote

Win10 does not shut down, shutdown.exe not working

1 vote

Failure to resize a virtualbox volume

0 votes

Computer won't fully shut down

0 votes

Chrome memory usage over 2.5GB for a single page?

0 votes

How to close Windows 10 taskbar

0 votes

Can't delete or take permission of a eyfmunxx.sys In drivers folder

0 votes

How to extend default choices in User Account Control Pop Up

0 votes

How do I clone a hard drive?

0 votes

Using Apple Extended Keyboard in Windows 10

0 votes

How to change the display color of the screen on Windows 10?