Is it possible to modify a string in Registry > App Paths in such a way that it will not only open an application but also a particular file in it? Similar to the target box in shortcuts (windows .lnk files).

And if it is possible then I would like to ask what would be the correct format of the string? Because I tried everything and nothing worked.

In my particular case, the key is called paint.exe and the string/path is C:\Program Files\paint.net\PaintDotNet.exe And I would like to add this C:\Program Files\paint.net\MyTemplate.png somehow, so when the application starts it will automatically open the file MyTemplate.png.

1 Answer 1


Try "C:\Program Files\paint.net\PaintDotNet.exe" "C:\Program Files\paint.net\MyTemplate.png" (the image file is an argument of the executable)


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