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htmlcoderexe's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 8 months
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How can I have two desktop.ini files in the same place?
@not2qubit the "actual desktop" is not the same as a regular file explorer view - it's kind of a separate "panel", which displays files contained in the two locations mentioned above. As for why 2 locations are needed, the public/All Users desktop is used for placing shortcuts to programs that show up for any logged-in user.
How to use uBlock Origin to block the Reddit user avatar hover tooltip?
also consider using "old" reddit, it is missing most of the misfeatures of this new design...
Alt + Tab How to open only windows from active monitor
Definitely does on 10, I was actually wondering if 11 does it, too.
Migrating Windows to a new internal drive, changing drive letters?
not even necessary to use external freeware for cloning (although the DISM method does require some inbetween storage to store the image before rolling it over the new disk) I was able to migrate my OS to a different disk and it booted so seamlessly I still had my browser tabs afterwards.
Windows locked to single user despite wiping SSD?
for what it's worth, changind the hard drive/SSD and/or RAM will not change the hardware hash, I know mobo replacement would do it but that's almost the whole PC.
How can I sign out of Windows 10?
Side note, why blur out your user? For one, you already use your name on SO, and for two... the blur is hilariously ineffective.
Arrow keys are tied to my cursor
@att yep that was the baddie
Electric shocks from tip of laptop charger and laptop case - how to safely test if it's a bad charger or a bad outlet?
We don't know exactly the amount of leaking - and it seems a generally bad practice that will get someone shocked at some point. You also mentioned an electric water heater, I hope that isn't grounded to a nail as well. What country is it? Often it should be possible to retrofit a proper ground even if the code doesn't require it (which is sorta strange). I am not an electrician by trade, though, so I hope a proper sparky will see us discussing and explain one way or the other.
Electric shocks from tip of laptop charger and laptop case - how to safely test if it's a bad charger or a bad outlet?
Because the point of grounding is to provide an alternative path for the current that has "gone astray", for example, energising an appliance's conductive outer shell. This alternative path is set up so that the current 1) is more "willing" to take it - so a low resistance towards "ground" where it simply disperses... sorta and 2) causes less damage / damages less valuable things on its way. A nail in a wall is not guaranteed to do 1) if the part of the wall it goes through has nothing conductive and 2) if it does provide a path, it is unpredictable (could be through water pipes for example)
Saving one file format with a different file extension. JPG - PNG; MOV - MP4
Throwing this in as an example when a text file gets confused with... a text file: there used to be a bug in Windows Notepad that caused certain plain text to be recognised as Unicode, turning it into gibberish: Funny thing, it's actually caused by a Windows API function, so the "fix" for Notepad was to use a different algorithm; as far as I can tell the original function is still in Windows and still just as faulty.
Can I create an image with a specific size in bytes?
Case in point: rarjpeg. It's an image file spliced with a rar file, each program only reads its own part.
My computer crashed, and a weird pattern of pixels was left on the screen
Does the pattern move if you try moving the mouse?