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Jari Turkia
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
How can I put the computer to sleep from Command Prompt/Run menu?
This gist is to make a specific WinAPI-call from PowerShell. May I inquire, how much explanation do you need?
Advanced settings or alternative to Windows Filter Keys to filter millisecond keyboard gltches?
As the source code is available, although incompatible with modern Visual Studios, I tinkered a build into
How to install DBAN (Darik's Boot and Nuke) on an USB flash drive larger than 4GB and make it bootable on an UEFI-equipped PC?
Thank you. I was confused as TRIM has nothing to do with this. :-) ATA / NVMe secure erase -command does. I need to try this on a suitable victim.
How to install DBAN (Darik's Boot and Nuke) on an USB flash drive larger than 4GB and make it bootable on an UEFI-equipped PC?
Oh, I omitted the reason. Sorry. Linux loaded ok, then kernel crashed on very early stage. As I really really needed to wipe the Laptop before handing it over to new owner, I kept trying and wet for ABAN ( It booted into Linux, did a quick performance measurement on which crypto to use for erasure and wiped the SSD ok.
How to install DBAN (Darik's Boot and Nuke) on an USB flash drive larger than 4GB and make it bootable on an UEFI-equipped PC?
ShredOS wouldn't boot from USB on my laptop. It seems modern and maintained, there simply are that many different types of machines out there.
Determine channel of wireless interface
On my MacBook Pro iw info is mostly worthless printing almost nothing. iw link will print the frequency used. This can be combined with iw phy to determine used channel. Nothing seems to display 802.11 mode (A/G/N/AC/AX).
SSH Agent Setup on Windows with cygwin
All my private keys have a passphrase. Cannot add them in a script without interaction. Also, my script has /cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/setx just to make sure setx can be found in all environments and configurations.
how can i eliminate date modified grouping from my documents?
Thanks. Solution is working. On Windows 11 grouping is very well hidden.
how to increase the maximum size of the pool /dev/random
As this question was asked nearly 8 years ago, things have changed. See for modern implementation of kernel.random.poolsize.
Is it safe to move a LUKS encrypted partition to another system and be able to use the same passphrase?
Using LVM partitions with dd and SSH, I successfully transferred LUKS-partition to a new machine to same sized volume. In my scenario, this was the easiest option.
Turn off display in Windows on command
@gavenkoa Look at the comments from JPX. Display off can trigger other effects. Those are not easily reproduced on a random Windows 10 or 11. I've tested the above one-liner on dozen PCs without any adverse effects.
How to encrypt files under linux for cloud storage
Modern OpenSSL-versions emit following warning: "*** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used. Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better." Obvious fix is to use -pbkdf2 to derive a better encryption key.
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