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Tim De Baets
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

How to display current playlist/track list in Windows Media Player 12?

4 votes

Problems with subtitles with Windows Media Player and DLNA

4 votes

Cannot open .hlp files after upgrading to Windows 10 Anniversary Edition

3 votes

Is it by design that Windows 10 no longer displays "<app> has stopped working" dialogs when apps crash? Can I re-enable this dialog?

3 votes

Show all File Types in Windows Media Player (WMP)

3 votes

Windows Media Player Changes not reflected in File Explorer

3 votes

How to enable VSFilter.dll (DirectVobSub) on .mp4 files

3 votes

Backing up Windows Media Player star ratings?

2 votes

How to play a ONE song repeatedly by Windows Media Player

2 votes

Find out recently played file in windows media player

2 votes

How to view the filter graph used by Windows Media Player

2 votes

How to adjust "skip forward" in Windows Media Player?

2 votes

Double album shows as one album with tracks in wrong order

2 votes

Exclude an specific subfolder on Windows Media Player library

2 votes

How to exactly “protect” a folder from Windows Media Player (preventing it from messing up album covers)

1 vote

Incorrect Album Artist and First Track in Plex

1 vote

Auto volume leveling with Windows Media Player 12

1 vote

Windows Media Player is not in Default apps list in Windows 10

1 vote

Tool allowing to resume and bookmark specific location of video/playlist

1 vote

WMP 12: Any way to save the sorted state of an auto playlist?

1 vote

How to set "64-bit" Windows Media Player as the default media player?

1 vote

Windows Media Center/Windows Media Player CPU usage high for some users, others are fine

1 vote

Why does Windows Media Player prevent changing playback speed only on certain files and not others?

1 vote

Windows Media Player Playlist (.wlp) - how to save relative paths?

1 vote

Playing FLAC, Ogg Vorbis and Opus files over DLNA to a renderer

1 vote

How can I stop Hard disk spinning when bluetooth audio is played for NAS content?

1 vote

Finding particular Windows Media Player playlists by one song

1 vote

Windows Media Player 11 and ID3v2.4 Support

1 vote

Play *.srt subtitles in Windows Media Player?

1 vote

Converting from WAV to MP3 using WMP 12