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user12889's user avatar
user12889's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
14 votes

Is it possible to run networking commands like nmap in WSL?

12 votes

What does the command CD do?

9 votes

How to correct the unrecognizable code in my debian?

7 votes

How to turn-on/wake-up a laptop without opening the lid?

6 votes

Virtual sound card driver for Windows

3 votes

Memory percentage in top (linux)

3 votes

Should I worry about making my picasa web albums public?

3 votes

boot from encrypted filesystem without user interaction?

3 votes

Motherboard won't post after electrical storm

2 votes

Mac Mail folders under TrueCrypt?

2 votes

How to get higher download rate than upload rate

1 vote

advantage of 64 bit os on system with only 2Gb

1 vote

Windows 7 64-bits default installation folder problem

1 vote

Issues with using a HD LCD TV as a PC monitor?

1 vote

Vista won't boot - just get black screen

1 vote

Do I really need a firewall?

1 vote

What is the next step up from ASDL?

1 vote

How do I enable/disable overscan on my TV in Catalyst Control Center?

1 vote

building a new pc - no display, no beeps

1 vote

How to sandbox a VMWare image as much as possible

0 votes

Windows update configuration fails every boot

0 votes

Steam in Windows 7

0 votes

How to prove a file was not tampered?

0 votes

Emacs and Dvorak