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6 votes

Remove new type of ad on Windows 10 search bar after Windows update

Right click task bar -> search -> uncheck "Show Search Highlights" and it disappears
Andrea Rojas's user avatar
5 votes

Outlook POP3 cannot receive Junk mail folder, how to work around this?

POP3 does not have a concept of "folders" – when you log in, you only have access to one mail store, and that's usually the Inbox. It's really meant to be used in situations where the server does no ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
4 votes

How to stop programs from opening my browser?

I realize this thread is old, but for those who are still wondering: Open the Registry Editor (search for regedit in the start menu), then open HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command Double click ...
Leo's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes

All name servers should resolve to IP addresses

Basically they're asking you to add an A record for your NS domain. That means, that if you have which is your NS record, it should also have at least an A record with an IP address. ...
nKn's user avatar
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4 votes

I have received a E-mail and the ‘To:’ address is not mine

The email message format and protocol makes a distinction between: The "envelope address" - the address stated in the SMTP interaction between the SMTP server (your email server) and the ...
fraxinus's user avatar
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3 votes

Adding mail header as column in Thunderbird

I've been using this columnswizard addon for this and it works great.
Bob's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I filter emails by IP in Thunderbird?

To create a filter in Thunderbird, highlight the Inbox to filter and then select Tools → Message Filters. In the Filter Rules dialog box, enter a filter name (e.g. Spam Filter). Under the matching ...
Anaksunaman's user avatar
  • 17.5k
3 votes

Warning : Zeus Virus Detected

To close a single tab, Ctrl + w never failed me. If that doesn't work, open another Chrome instance + one new empty tab. Drag-drop this adware tab out to the first instance, so that you can have those ...
doriclazar's user avatar
3 votes

Finding BCC in Internet mail headers

Here is the simple test case I have created for the BCC field. Create new email with BCC only. Check the raw message at received end(Here I sent to Gmail). If you have a close look on the raw ...
Prateep Gedupudi's user avatar
3 votes

Preventing spam website to open tabs, popup and url automatically

The best browser add-on I've ever used is uBlock nothing can escape from it. I advice you to use it. EDIT: The English version of the add-on page is here.
Ahmed Hassan Suror's user avatar
3 votes

Strange activities involving fake email address within a domain of mine

There is not an awful lot you can do. If you want to reduce the spam, you could remove the catchall, and have stuff silently swallowed. It could be an idea to switch off catch-all addresses, except ...
davidgo's user avatar
  • 71.4k
3 votes

Can certificate issues cause your IP to get blacklisted by spamfilters?

This warning is about communication between Outlook and whatever mail system (probably Exchange). This communication is not checked by spam filters. And even then, a a spam filter/blacklist would ...
Daniel B's user avatar
  • 63.9k
3 votes

Do spammers actually make subject lines such as "[SPAM]"? Or is this added by some filter?

While spammers arent the smartest people on the planet, they probably arent adding [SPAM] to their email. More than likely, an automated spam filter is detecting the email as spam and adding it to ...
Keltari's user avatar
  • 73.6k
3 votes

How is it that Email Marketing Platforms like mailchimp are able send emails from me without me giving them my email password?

Most of these services need you to authenticate your email domain. The process includes updating DNS records to add information that allows their servers to send mail from your address without being ...
Bob Kilroy's user avatar
3 votes

Control email sent on behalf of different address with Outlook Rules

Depending on how the header is written, you usually can recognize one of the following “Sent on behalf of” methods so you can get quite specific when setting up your rule. Step by step guidance refer ...
Joy Zhang's user avatar
  • 452
3 votes

How to remove the random stock images from Windows 10's search pane?

I have found the answer here: right-click the taskbar for a context menu, pick "Search" from the appearing context menu, in the additional flyout menu pane, remove the checkmark from "...
Levente's user avatar
  • 247
3 votes

Privacy concerns related to OpenPGP (Email Encryption) key being searchable on key servers

If you read the FAQ of MIT PGP server you will see this: I think spammers got my email address from the PGP keyserver. What can I do? Yes, there have been reports of spammers harvesting addresses ...
Romeo Ninov's user avatar
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2 votes

Receiving Spam emails from my Own Email address in Lotus Domino

Your problem is that you have not configured anti-spoofing mechanisms for your mail server. In the 20th century I used to send e-mails from: [email protected] without any problems. 1) Enable ...
Vojtěch Dohnal's user avatar
2 votes

How to reliably configure custom Spamassassin rules with Amavisd (on Ubuntu)

1st question: First, and to be clear: The Spamassassin configuration files ARE used - they are not 'skipped'. I have seen others report that they are not used at all. I know you saw this faq link, ...
B. Shea's user avatar
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2 votes

Does using Microsoft Outlook Junk E-mail filtering mean that Email contents or attributes are sent to Microsoft?

No, Outlook junk email filtering will not send email to microsoft for analysis. There are a few things that make junkmail work in outlook. 1. Classification by the spamfilter It is possible that the ...
LPChip's user avatar
  • 62.4k
2 votes

How do I know I've marked a message "not junk"?

As the Mozilla support page Thunderbird and Junk / Spam Messages states Tell Thunderbird what is NOT junk It as just as important to tell the filter which messages are not junk. First, during the ...
Jimmy_A's user avatar
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2 votes

Email sent via domain name address rejected as spam

The best solution would be to pick a email service provider and send all mail using their SMTP server (with on submission port 587 instead of STMP on port25) instead of ISP's SMTP servers. This way ...
Esa Jokinen's user avatar
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2 votes

Our emails are always going to gmail recepients spam folder

It's probably the content. Gmail has heuristics which read your e-mail and look for signs that it's an advertisement. Their systems also track known domains that use "wardialing" tactics, such as ...
CDove's user avatar
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2 votes

Stop Thunderbird from spam filtering

Even if junk filtering is disabled in Thunderbird, there are two other ways that new emails can show up in the "Spam" folder: other email clients the server handling the emails Other Email Clients ...
Deltik's user avatar
  • 19.7k
2 votes

How to find the Chrome extension that opened a spam website?

I followed the same approach that you used and by searching for "Materialnetzwerk genossenschaft" on Google and found the same link in position 1. (If nothing else, this will confirm that your OS is ...
Clinton's user avatar
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2 votes

Group policy to block office macros

I've seen a lot of other posts using user config > administrative templates > office 2016 > block macros, but my server does not have this admin template in its group policy. You need to install the ...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.1k
2 votes

How to leave a Google Shared Drive that I'm not editor

I know you posted this a year ago, but I just had this issue and think I found a solution. I had to go to Google Groups (, choose the group that was making me be in the shared drive,...
Johny's user avatar
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