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21 votes

What does the mortar and pestle Safari address bar icon indicate

The "pestle and mortar" icon is a Chinese character. It is apparently the Chinese character for "text" or "article". The icon represents one person speaking English while ...
Mokubai's user avatar
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20 votes

How can I force Safari to perform a full page reload, without using the mouse?

The shortcut has now changed to OPTION + CMD + R. (Safari 11.1)
sayan's user avatar
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19 votes

Paste Without Formatting won't work safari

Try Cmd + Option + Shift + V its working for me
Bijjala Naga Nikhil's user avatar
16 votes

High Resolution Screenshot

This can be achieved in Chrome as of v59: Announcement in the developer blog Video tutorial Summary of steps (if you prefer text): Open Developer tools Toggle the device toolbar Set the desired ...
jsejcksn's user avatar
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15 votes

How to delete specific HTTP authentication credentials from Safari (for Windows)?

If you are on Mac OS X and you are wondering how to remove a basic-authentication credential from a website, you won't find the password in Safari preferences. The answer is in the Keychain Access ...
Konchog's user avatar
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13 votes

What is the "blob:http://" prefix and where can I learn more about this?

I copy and paste the answer from StackOverflow because of background info about blob in URL string. A URL that was created from a JavaScript Blob can not be converted to a "normal" URL. A ...
Sybil's user avatar
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12 votes

Paste Without Formatting won't work safari

This happens because Safari and Google Doc Shortcuts are clashing with one another. We cannot change Google Doc Shortcuts but we can change Safaris. Just go to system preferences, then select ...
James's user avatar
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8 votes

Is it possible to run a custom script whenever loading a web page on web browsers?

Yes, it possible to inject custom scripts when the page is opened. Many browser extensions are available for this like tampermonkey, violentmonkey, requestly. Using requestly extension you can run ...
Nafees Nehar's user avatar
7 votes

How to move all open tabs from Safari to Firefox?

You could use the following AppleScript: tell application "Firefox" activate set newTabURLs to takeSafariTabURLs() of me repeat with tabURL in newTabURLs open location tabURL ...
John Sidiropoulos's user avatar
5 votes

Safari: How to switch between tabs using a keyboard shortcut

Window Menu - Show Next Tab Ctrl ⌃ Tab ⇥ Show Previous Tab Ctrl ⌃ Shift ⇧ Tab ⇥ Additionally, Cmd ⌘ [number] will go directly to tabs 1 through 8, & Cmd ⌘ 9 = 'right-most ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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4 votes

Safari developer tool search

Once in inspect mode you can use the shortkeys CMD + SHIF + F or use the search button.
Jorciney's user avatar
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4 votes

local .pac-file URL format that works with IE and Safari (Windows)?

On Windows 10, IE/Edge do not support reading a PAC file defined through the file:// syntax, even with EnableLegacyAutoProxyFeatures turned on: This issue occurs because Internet Explorer and Edge on ...
bers's user avatar
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4 votes

Safari cannot connect to localhost but can connect to

Note: This might not solve everyone's problem. I am a MAMP user and noticed in my hosts settings that localhost was removed somehow. Type sudo nano /etc/hosts, type in your password, and ...
Brian's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the "blob:http://" prefix and where can I learn more about this?

MDN is a good resource for understanding things in plain language. I would also suggest as a good resource. They also show the W3C ...
ADJenks's user avatar
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3 votes

Unable to access website on Safari (iPhone) after renewing SSL certificate

Recent certs from StartSSL are suspect because of misconduct by its new owner WoSign and Firefox 51 is scheduled to distrust them in a few weeks. Google says the same for Chrome 56. Apple's ...
dave_thompson_085's user avatar
3 votes

How can I quickly clear cookies for a specific site using Safari for Mac?

As @user6297 says in his comment, the above answer no longer works as of El Capitan. You now need to go to Preferences > Privacy > Details as shown in the image. Note that the Details button might ...
Simon Woodside's user avatar
3 votes

Command Backtick isn't working to cycle through windows in some apps (including Safari)

For those who have an international keyboard, the command might be assigned to a key combination that is not produced by the Cmd + ' (i.e. the button to the left from key "1"). This even if the ...
Mikko's user avatar
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3 votes

Safari cannot connect to localhost but can connect to

You probably installed something on your machine that acts as a web server and uses HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to make sure your browser knows it should always use TLS (HTTPS) when ...
Spiff's user avatar
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3 votes

ffmpeg encoded mp4 won't play in safari, works in chrome & ff

As @Gyan said in a comment, -profile:v main apparently matters for Safari. Just came from adding -pix_fmt yuv420p to get things working in Firefox. Firefox also seems to care more about whether the ...
Jan Kyu Peblik's user avatar
3 votes

Slow website loading times on Mac, possible DNS issue? is probably an okay setting if it's the LAN IP address of your home gateway router, but it sounds like either your router's DNS relay process is going slow, or your router's DNS relay ...
Spiff's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I get 1Password to work in Safari Technology Preview?

Currently, in order to use 1Password (or any Safari App Extensions) with Safari Technology Preview, STP needs to be set as your default browser: Click the Apple menu  in the top left corner of your ...
cecelia's user avatar
  • 51
3 votes

Mac Os: How to open url in browser incognito mode from the command line?

From this answer: "Open a new window in CHROME in INCOGNITO Mode from terminal with specified URLS" open -na "Google Chrome" --args -incognito
ark's user avatar
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3 votes

Why don't Firefox and Chrome respect my local DNS resolver?

This might be related to DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH). Chrome and Firefox are now pushing DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH). Never heard of it? Well, Wikipedia describes DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH): DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is a ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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3 votes

What is UtilityParze?

Have you tried running e.g. launchctl list | grep Utility in a Terminal to see if a launch agent is running that in turn keeps the application running? If so, you should probably run launchctl unload ...
Markus Amalthea Magnuson's user avatar
2 votes

How to pause TTS in Mac Safari when not using full VoiceOver mode?

This is one other way. You can save the entire document as txt file and open it with any browser of yours, tested on chrome or safari. Select all and right click, then "add to itunes as spoken track." ...
Aero Windwalker's user avatar
2 votes

How to prevent/close duplicate tabs in Safari?

I can't find any extension that achieves this, but (9 years after question was asked), Safari does have built-in tab sorting in the Window menu ("Arrange tabs by"). So, that might be a good-...
John Bachir's user avatar
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2 votes

How to move all open tabs from Safari to Firefox?

Minor changes to preserve windows. I put a gist of this as well...if others want to improve it. see tell application "Firefox" ...
Manny Tewolde's user avatar
2 votes

Bookmarks - sync OS X Firefox with iPhone / iPad Safari

Firefox now provides sync functionality on multiple devices, which also includes open tabs. There are a few things that currently don't work well with ...
Steve J's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I stop autoplay videos (CNN, Yahoo) on a Mac, running Safari?

Check out Click2Plugin And make sure "Load Plugin if HTML5 Conversion Fails" is untoggled (off).
Matt's user avatar
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