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11 votes

Using ffmpeg to cut up video

use this format: ffmpeg <start time> <input file> <cut duration> <out file> eg. cut 60 second clip after 1 minute of video ffmpeg.exe -ss 00:01:00 -i "in file.mp4" ...
Zimba's user avatar
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8 votes

Rotate a MP4 file, while preserving codec and quality attributes

If you actually recorded video in landscape mode, but phone erroneously saved in metadata that it is 90 degrees rotated (it happen to me today during helicopter flight) just download ffmpeg and use ...
Nenad Bulatović's user avatar
5 votes

Using ffmpeg to cut up video

As with user225366, the -t option doesn't work for short videos, but it does for longer videos. For short videos it seems that -frames:v is better. This is what worked for me. ffmpeg -ss 4 -i input....
VectorVortec's user avatar
5 votes

How to extract image from PDF file

Sumatra PDF is a fast and lightweight open source PDF reader that can copy images directly to clipboard, without any re-rasterization.
Laurenz's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I change all pixels of one color to another color in a picture?

The free (gratis) tool IrfanView has a tool do do this, and it will even do Batch processing (several files, or an entire folder, at once). Go to File: Batch Conversion, then hit Advanced, then "...
whiskeychief's user avatar
4 votes

Using ffmpeg to cut up video

I see not many mention this (I'm no expert so maybe there is a catch), but if your file has other streams like subtitles and other metadata like chapters and so on, it's possible to cut/trim and keep ...
Gruber's user avatar
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2 votes

How to extract image from PDF file

use pdftocairo from poppler toolkit. It can extract and convert images of pdf to any desired format. It always generate images and never generate ppm or some craps like that. Following command covert ...
MSS's user avatar
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1 vote

How much RAM to add t i3-6100 processor to fasten speed?

Adding an extra RAM will almost certainly speed your system up. Opening large files, video editing and Chrome use a lot of RAM. 16GB is pretty standard today and 8GB is the minimum I'd go for. It's ...
joshkrz's user avatar
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Does running large file compression on SSD go faster than on HDD?

SSD to SSD will be fastest. HDD to SSD will be usually be second - hdd reads are faster then writes but if you are compressing to more then about 5 times the reverse may be true (exact ratio depends ...
davidgo's user avatar
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Performance difference between Intel Core i3, i5 and i7

There are 3 major differences: the number of cores the number of threads the cache size Frequencies have a very wide range for each model, to cover a lot of market segments. Also, i3s do not ...
Overmind's user avatar
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Performance difference between Intel Core i3, i5 and i7

Core i7s are better than Core i5s, and Core i5s are better than Core i3s. The main reason here being performance. In general, Core i3 chips are found in budget PCs and low-end laptops. For a normal ...
learnmore's user avatar
1 vote

Using ffmpeg to cut up video

Building on top of already great answers. What is missing there is preservation of metadata. I am using following script to cut_video, which also preserves metadata: #!/usr/bin/env bash INPUT="$...
kravemir's user avatar
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1 vote

How to extract image from PDF file

Some recent comparative observations based on common suggestions. A large number of images embedded in a PDF are manipulated on insert or extract. Except for DCT compressed images (which are normally ...
K J's user avatar
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How can I easily correct slight rotational misalignment in scanned images

You can use package deskew in python. Install the packege pip install deskew Use it import numpy as np import skimage import deskew image ='input.jpg') grayscale = skimage....
Sajjad Aemmi's user avatar
1 vote

How to automate photoshop from the command line

Actually, you can do this very easy in Photoshop with the creation of small executable tasks that run Photoshop macros (actions). This is called a Photoshop Droplet
Andrew's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I batch change the date taken information in EXIF data?

Set to oldest date from Exif meta or file name Step 0 - install exiftool from below Installing ExifTool 👉 Step 0.1 Save the oldest_datetime_config in the home folder C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME or in your ...
Pratyush's user avatar
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