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What is this blank white box in pgAdmin 4

I had the same problem after un update, I had to go to file > reset layout
Sebastien Horin's user avatar
10 votes

How to Fix the pgAdmin 4 v3.0+ Port Number

Your specific problem might have already been resolved, but... It is possible to configure a fixed port for pgAdmin 4: Click on the pgAdmin 4 tray-icon Click "Configure..." Check the box ...
Tanja's user avatar
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6 votes

Undeterminable error with pgAdmin 4

A ticket about this error exists in the postgres bugtracker. The problem is due to python3-psycopg2. The latest pgadmin4 version requires psycopg2 2.8. But if you're on Debian/Ubuntu stable, apt ...
vidlb's user avatar
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5 votes

Undeterminable error with pgAdmin 4

vidlb is spot on, I will just add a couple of details: In order to install psycopg2 2.8 using, you must first uninstall the psycopg2 debian package, which will also uninstall pgadmin4. sudo apt-get ...
Quique's user avatar
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5 votes

How to Fix the pgAdmin 4 v3.0+ Port Number

Ran into this problem on Windows Server 2016 with pgAdmin4 v3.5 - resolved it by setting "IE Enhanced Security Configuration" to OFF - can then immediately access the management pages (note - 'run as ...
Alex Pietruszka's user avatar
4 votes

Change the font size for the the browser tree in pgAdmin4?

As of pgAdmin4 v5.1 there is a File > Runtime menu that allows you to zoom in and out, which will affect all fonts in pgAdmin.
TobyLL's user avatar
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4 votes

pgAdmin4 "Unauthorized" error

What is happening is that when you start it and opens your browser, the ?key=xxx is lost. I copied mine from the startup log file in: ~/.pgAdmin4.startup.log It should look something like this: ...
Matthew Sawatzky's user avatar
3 votes

How to shutdown pgAdmin 4 from the command line on Windows?

Kill the process directly through command prompt: taskkill /im "pgAdmin4.exe" /F
M.SAI KUMAR REDDY's user avatar
3 votes

PGadmin V4 on Windows 10 - Can not create select, update scripts for table "Error message" error fetching SQl for script: 'attname'

I had the same problem. It was working fine with 4.16 version then I updated it and got that problem. What I had to do is downgrade my pgAdmin version to 4.16 and now it's working. I hope this helps....
Daniel Allen's user avatar
3 votes

What is this blank white box in pgAdmin 4

At risk of having this deleted, the solution I ultimately went with was to use the DBeaver database tool instead :) It's a local application instead of run through the web browser as pgadmin4 is. ...
Hugh_Kelley's user avatar
2 votes

Change the font size for the the browser tree in pgAdmin4?

pgAdmin4 starts his own webserver accessible at From there you can easily change font size with usual browser options as ctrl + and ctrl -.
mickro's user avatar
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2 votes

Change the font size for the the browser tree in pgAdmin4?

You can just use CTRL +/- to adjust font size, on the fly. It works fine for PGAdmin 4 v6.0.
Luis Talora's user avatar
2 votes

Searching a whole postgres db for a string

--Iterates through all the tables in the database CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TablesCount(_searchText TEXT) RETURNS text AS $$ -- here start procedural part DECLARE _tname text; DECLARE cnt int;...
Ganesh's user avatar
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2 votes

How to Fix the pgAdmin 4 v3.0+ Port Number

Had the same issue in the following setup: Kubuntu 18, Firefox 64.0 What worked for me: Context menu > Copy server URL. That will give us an url of form:
Siroj Matchanov's user avatar
2 votes

pgAdmin not working on mac OS Big Sur

Updating to latest version of PGAdmin 4(released on 12th Nov) fixed the issue for me.
Dharmik Chauhan's user avatar
2 votes

Undeterminable error with pgAdmin 4

PgAdmin 4.11 now relies on psycopg2-binary, not psycopg2. You don't need to uninstall 2.7 for 2.8, just: pip3 install --user psycopg2-binary
RLee's user avatar
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2 votes

Undeterminable error with pgAdmin 4

Thanks a lot vidlb and Quique! As vidlb stated above, there is a currently a bug pertaining to the psycopg2 package for pgadmin4. If any one is having trouble with this issue on Debain and Ubuntu ...
Arban Nichols's user avatar
1 vote

How does windows encodes non English path?

Both. It would appear that the tool you’re using does not use Unicode-capable Windows APIs. The path that does work is the 8.3 path. It is created for compatibility with DOS applications that do not ...
Daniel B's user avatar
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1 vote

How can it be that most software for Windows treats each single update as if you are installing the software for the first time?

The chief problem that you're overlooking is that the installer runs at elevated permissions. It has to be a separate program for that reason alone. And the OS itself will warn you that this elevation ...
MSalters's user avatar
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1 vote

How can it be that most software for Windows treats each single update as if you are installing the software for the first time?

Because they have no idea what version you or your neighbour might be updating from and thus what dependencies might have changed. If they were to take account of original version installed then they ...
Mokubai's user avatar
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1 vote

PGadmin V4 on Windows 10 - Can not create select, update scripts for table "Error message" error fetching SQl for script: 'attname'

I just right now fixed to me my Pgadmin4 wich is a python wheel Version. I have a pyenv-virtualenv from python 3.8 where I install pgadmin4 wheel. I found that in that file: ~/.pyenv/versions/3.8....
Samuel's user avatar
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1 vote

What is this blank white box in pgAdmin 4

With the pgAdmin 4.10 File -> Reset Layout works. May be fixed in future versions
MasterPoj's user avatar
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1 vote

Port forwarding - How to connect to remote postgresql server - No public IP

Am I making any error in port forwarding? Probably, yes. The "destination" field in the tunnel declared in Putty must be the IP address and port of PostgreSQL from the point of view of the server you ...
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
1 vote

How to Fix the pgAdmin 4 v3.0+ Port Number

I loved pgadmin4, so I tried all of the solutions I could find. But nothing worked, so I'm using pgadmin3, which was still installed from a prior version of postgres.
Chris's user avatar
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1 vote

Change the font size for the the browser tree in pgAdmin4?

Make a text file called 'qt.conf' with the following contents: [Platforms] WindowsArguments = dpiawareness=0 Then put this in your pgAdmin folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\pgAdmin 4\bin ...
Brian Burns's user avatar
1 vote

Set default search path in pgAdmin

To set the value DB-wide you can also set a parameter for search_path in the database properties pane (confirmed in pgAdmin 5.7).'s user avatar
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