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34 votes

How do I "safely" keep my NVidia card up to date?

Log in to GeForce experience using your favourite spam email address, with info as true / alternative to true as you feel comfortable with. Now you can get driver updates, and need not be worried ...
Sir Adelaide's user avatar
  • 4,967
7 votes

How can I horizontally flip/invert my monitor (not rotate)?

I had the same need for a content displayed within a browser, where I ended up using CSS tip to flip the element : transform: scaleX(-1); Not sure it applies to OP situation, but could help ...
Uriel's user avatar
  • 1,107
7 votes

How to configure proxy settings in GeForce Experience?

No. Not even now. Every time I need to install something from Nvidia at work that requires network connectivity, I need to switch my dev rig from my work line to a different ISP entirely to avoid ...
kayleeFrye_onDeck's user avatar
6 votes

NVIDIA card not shown as device by `lspci | grep -i vga`

Use lspci -nn | grep '\[03' Reason is that for some video cards, they're not listed as a [0300] VGA compatible controller they could be: [0380] Display controller [0302] 3D controller
Nikhil Mahendran's user avatar
6 votes

NVIDIA X server settings is displaying empty window

I had the same problem. The reason was in the version of the nvidia-settings utility. I used to install drivers. Run the command to list ...
Радогор's user avatar
6 votes

NVIDIA X server settings is displaying empty window

Running this command made the trick for me: sudo prime-select nvidia Source:
Cassio's user avatar
  • 161
5 votes

How can I horizontally flip/invert my monitor (not rotate)?

I know exactly what you are trying to achieve. I'm running a three display setup in Windows extended desktop mode where one of the displays is in a teleprompter and needs to be horizontally flipped (...
Graham's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes

How do I "safely" keep my NVidia card up to date?

I'm pretty sure you can use Steam itself to update your Video drivers. I don't know if it'll work with NVIDIA but I guess it's worth a try. Note here I'm using Linux and this option is not functional ...
WindowsXpUser's user avatar
5 votes

Disable Nvidia Control Panel from checking for updates

Nvidia creates a number of scheduled tasks. You can disable the task named NvDriverUpdateCheckDaily_{GUID} to disable the update checks. To do so: Run taskschd.msc to launch the scheduled task MMC ...
HelpingHand's user avatar
  • 2,468
5 votes

Do I need to install cuda separately after installing the NVIDIA display driver?

Result in advance: Cuda needs to be installed in addition to the display driver unless you use conda with cudatoolkit or pip with cudatoolkit. Tensorflow and Pytorch need the CUDA system install if ...
questionto42's user avatar
  • 2,423
4 votes

Geforce experience shadowplay desktop capture is gone in version 3

Update: GeForce Experience 3.0 has an option for desktop capture, but you will still have to login: Open in-game overlay -> Settings -> Privacy Control -> Desktop capture https://...
Ketho's user avatar
  • 440
4 votes

How can I uninstall old Nvidia drivers from DriverStore FileRepository?

Another method is to use Driver Store Explorer (RAPR). (Note - I have no affiliation with this product). This lists the drivers and lets you select ones to remove. I didn't try this personally, ...
M.M's user avatar
  • 562
4 votes

How do I "safely" keep my NVidia card up to date?

To automatically update? You're going to have to follow their restrictions however you can easily check the site yourself and download the newest driver. How often do you expect them to update the ...
djsmiley2kStaysInside's user avatar
4 votes

NVIDIA display driver, Windows 10: Install most recent GEFORCE GAME READY DRIVER in addition to most recent device manager update?

Yes, you should update to the latest driver. You could've installed it in the first place too. There was no need to install one from the CD, as you've updated it using Windows Update anyway. why is ...
gronostaj's user avatar
  • 57.5k
4 votes

Dell suggests lowest of the low maximum RAM

I cannot discover a good reasons as to why this is so. Nonetheless, it is so. Multiple third-party sites indicate the maximum RAM is 8GB. You should not add more RAM than this unless you are willing ...
Brian's user avatar
  • 1,045
3 votes

How can I horizontally flip/invert my monitor (not rotate)?

Two thoughts. First, you can buy hardware that does this to a video image "en route" to the monitor. They use this for driving teleprompt/autocue systems. Sedcond, I know you said you were using ...
Toby Eggitt's user avatar
3 votes

How many nVIDIA GPUs does my system actually have?

Looks like 3 by your stats, but you can make more detailed checks. If your system is running Windows Server, then use from a cmd prompt: wmic path win32_VideoController get AdapterRAM, Caption, ...
Overmind's user avatar
  • 10.2k
3 votes

Windows 10 laptop screen messed up after sleeping

I have the same laptop and started having the same problem recently. I was able to roll back the Intel HD driver to version (from which appears to have solved the problem. ...
Matt H.'s user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Windows 10 laptop screen messed up after sleeping

Edit: The same day I posted this, Intel provided a new driver branch (15.60) which also appears to solve the problem from the initial version, TL;DR - if you use a built-in Intel ...
Bob Sammers's user avatar
3 votes

How to turn off update for NVidia Driver from NVIDIA Control Panel?

It did take me awhile to look through the menu bar, and I realize it isn't there. It's in Manage 3D Settings > Global Settings > Manage update... So uncheck this box then NVidia won't check for ...
123iamking's user avatar
3 votes

How to identify what program is stealing keyboard input shortcuts

Posting this as solution for further issues. All credits go to Dr. Moishe Pippik and Hans-Peter Störr Application confirmed by OP to be working on Windows 10: HotKey Detective (Git) Find out what ...
telometto's user avatar
  • 279
3 votes

Why does my GPUs keeping a high power usage even without any workload?

Finally, I successfully bring the idle power usages down to normal level. And I think I know what's going on. All I did is enable the persistce mode by sudo nvidia-smi -pm 1. And it works and the idle ...
Tianfang-Sun's user avatar
3 votes

How to get rid of NVIDIA Settings?

The standard driver package from Nvidia includes the control panel. See if you still have Nvidia drivers in Device Manager > Display Adapters. If so, remove & restart to see if that clears the ...
Jordan R's user avatar
3 votes

What is this unknown FPS counter?

Open an application that causes this value to display. Download and run Process Explorer (by Microsoft Sysinternals). In the toolbar in Process Explorer click the target-shaped icon titled "Find ...
music2myear's user avatar
  • 43.2k
2 votes

"PC Screen Only" in Windows 10 "Project" Settings shows on wrong screen

I had a similar issue, where I have a quad display setup at my desk, connected via 1x HDMI and 3x DisplayPort to an Nvidia GTX1070 The graphics card will always allocate the first DisplayPort as the ...
Charles Oliver's user avatar
2 votes

"PC Screen Only" in Windows 10 "Project" Settings shows on wrong screen

I had the same problem after replacing a projector in my 3 screen setup. What worked for me was a much simpler fix. SOLUTION Press Windows + P and select "PC screen only" Open Nvidia control panel ...
Abishek Gokal's user avatar
2 votes

Batch: Run with GPU command?

From cmd.exe I use set SHIM_MCCOMPAT=0x800000001 Downloads\wglgears.exe -info to observe the beloved gears in rotation with "high performance". It turns out that vsync is obtained, unlike with the ...
Nacre's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Geforce experience shadowplay desktop capture is gone in version 3

I went with Ketho's answer, but for those want to try something else, registry hacking has worked for some. Many thanks to joshindaphils who posted the answer here; I've simply copy-pasted his answer ...
aggregate1166877's user avatar
2 votes

Will the GTX 1060 physically fit in my PC and can I link it to the gpu I already have?

Found the size of it on: Graphics Card Dimensions: Height: 4.378" Length: 9.823" Width: 2-Slot You will have to replace the 760 with the ...
Cole's user avatar
  • 356

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