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4 votes

Unlock Bitlocked data drive as standard user on the command line

You could grant the standard user or a security group they are a member of the explicit access to the WMI object per the path as you found from wmimgmt.msc. This way you do not need to give the ...
Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style's user avatar
4 votes

Unlock Bitlocked data drive as standard user on the command line

Continuing my research I explained in the question itself, I further looked into this. Using the PowerShell cmdlet Unlock-Bitlocker because its code is available in clear-text on every Windows ...
Peter Hahndorf's user avatar
2 votes

Disable Windows animations for a single user

While Windows does not offer its System Performance Options to individual users, it does provide an option in the Ease of Access Center (Control Panel > Ease of Access). Select the Make computer ...
palswim's user avatar
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2 votes

Windows 10 non admin install

(Some) Apps that install themselves onto the user's AppData do not require administrator rights as any app with the user's access tokens can access that folder. Only apps run with an administrator ...
m-doescode's user avatar
2 votes

Windows 10 non admin install

When you install Steam you need Admin rights. But Roblox is Java based and can be executed without any Admin rights. That is the reason it worked.
mineiwik's user avatar
1 vote

How to run an .exe file in command line without adding PATH variable in Windows?

You should be able to change the Path for your own account with Windows Environment Variables UI, or set the variable explicitly from CMD.EXE to change your Path default value: setx Path "%Path%;...
DuncG's user avatar
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Chocolatey upgrade all as non admin user

I found the solution After you install chocolatey you have to enable these two features: choco feature enable -n=allowglobalconfirmation choco feature enable -n=allowemptychecksums I needed ...
m00p's user avatar
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1 vote

Unlock Bitlocked data drive as standard user on the command line

I'm afraid you can't do this with running script as yourself, unless you completely disable UAC on your computer. However, if your question is related to simplify usage of your script I found a ...
hagier's user avatar
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