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11 votes

mysql-workbench fails to connect with an error: Service org.freedesktop.secrets not provided

The solution is simple: sudo apt install gnome-keyring It appears that mysql-workbench depends on this service, but does not specify this dependency explicitly in the .deb file. The previous ...
TimSparrow's user avatar
7 votes

How to change the MySQL Workbench editor background color?

Taken from here but I changed it so it works in MySQL Workbench 8.0 on Windows 10. Not needed for MacOS since it has integrated Darkmode afaik. Copy the following into code_editor.xml at the end in &...
Failware's user avatar
5 votes

MySQL workbench giving an error "Unsupported operating system" when running under Windows 8.1

It means exactly what it says where the language states "it wasn't designed to run on your platform", so unfortunately this appears to be an instance where the unsupported OS version is experiencing a ...
Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style's user avatar
5 votes

How do I run multiple instances of SQL Workbench on Windows?

In case someone should need an answer to this, in MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE by default only 1 instance will open. To allow more than one, there is a setting to allow this. You can go to: (MENU) EDIT --...
Robert's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes

Import MySQL data failed with error 1839

If you are like me and you don't want to re-run your dump because it was a very long operation you can just remove those lines after the fact. find . -name '*.sql' -type f -exec perl -0 -i.bak -pe 's/...
Goddard's user avatar
  • 191
5 votes

How to change the MySQL Workbench editor background color?

The editor uses Scintilla and is configured through the file data/code_editor.xml as you guessed. This file is composed of languages and for every language the styles have to be defined. To change ...
mabagu's user avatar
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4 votes

MySQL Workbench unable to restore workspace

I know I'm replying after long time. But I found out a way of getting out of this situation. Note that, I was using Workbench 6.3 and MySQL server 5.7 while writing this answer. I got this error "...
learner's user avatar
  • 177
4 votes

MySQL Workbench installation failing on Ubuntu 16.04

I too have chased this nightmare around and around. My suggestion is to not attempt to install from a downloaded package. Your built-in repos should already have it. At the time of this suggestion, ...
Señor CMasMas's user avatar
4 votes

Is there a 64-bit version of MySQL for Windows?

I would like to avoid 32-bit software if there is a 64-bit version, and I don't want to deal with any issues that could occur with using 32-bit MySQL with 64-bit MySQL Workbench, so I was wondering if ...
Ramhound's user avatar
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3 votes

can't edit data with MYSQL WORKBENCH

MySQL Workbench - Committing table data modifications thru the GUI I'm able to write the value in, but when I run the query again, I can see the value didn't save in the field. When you update, ...
Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style's user avatar
2 votes

Import MySQL data failed with error 1839

I have a huge database, so, like @Goddard, I have a backup/dump spread across several files.  I have low disk space, so I export my dump in compressed format (i.e., .sql.gz).  @Goddard's solution ...
Kamal Joshi's user avatar
2 votes

MySQL Workbench, start with auto commit off

As of MySQL Workbench 6.3 you can just go to Query->Auto-Commit Transactions
CAMD_3441's user avatar
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2 votes

MySQL Workbench 8.0 Users and Privileges tab is blank

I had the same issue in MySQL Work Bench 8.0 and have executed the following script which resolved the same blank issue. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Karthick's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

How do I run multiple instances of SQL Workbench on Windows?

This link provide answer: You have the New Window option in File Menu. That option will be ...
bouikstefan's user avatar
2 votes

mysqldump on windows with mysql 8 community

You must check inside of the MySQL Server 8.0 directory. In my case, the mysqldump file is located here: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin\mysqldump.exe It is advisable to add this bin ...
Meysam Razmi's user avatar
2 votes

MySQL Workbencb while running pops out error message about keychain

It's so simple to fix it. Enter in manage connections, open the connection and then click on "clear" button that is located near to "Store in Keychain...". Then click on "...
Happy SoftSpain's user avatar
1 vote

Mysql Workbench where I can see rows count

The Messages column in the Ouput pane shows resulting rowcount for each statement execution. Scroll down to the bottom or sort by the Time column desc to see the latest result.
squillman's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I safely remotely connect to my database via SSH?

Navicat seems to have option to create SSH tunnel for MySQL connection. When you create a new connection Whatever connection you had there - you can use the Root Username/Password. If you want to ...
Darius's user avatar
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1 vote

Fresh Installation of MySql: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (MacOS)

Just type this in the terminal: sudo -i You'd be taken to the root terminal and then access the databases with the command mysql -u root That's it now do whatever you want to do.
Zubair Hasan's user avatar
1 vote

MySQL Workbench installation failing on Ubuntu 16.04

snap install mysql-workbench-community
shubham bhindwal's user avatar
1 vote

SSH tunneling and port forwarding to connect with MySQL behind ssh proxy

Although not an exact match, here are a couple of other closely related questions: how to access an ssh server that cant accept incoming connections establishing an ssh connection between machines ...
crimson-egret's user avatar
1 vote

Failed to Connect to MySQL at localhost: 3306 with user root. Host '::1' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

You need to update your hosts file so it not include hostname localhost for IPv6. You can make it like: localhost ::1 localhost6 Or you can use IP address ( to connect your ...
Romeo Ninov's user avatar
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1 vote

Selecting maximized window sometimes selects windows behind it

Apparently this might be an issue with post-1709 versions of Windows. As mentioned here, pressing Win+D twice seems to solve the problem temporarily.
Dom42's user avatar
  • 96
1 vote

OpenSSH tunnel and connect to MySQL

Try checking: Connection > SSH > Protocol options > Don't start a shell or command at all. You also have a local and remote port of the tunnel swapped (You have 2 and 3 labeled other way ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
1 vote

MySQL Workbench 5.6 - Synchronize Model option missing under Database menu

"Synchronize Model" is a feature of the model viewer - as can be seen in the top screenshot. You are trying to look for it in the database viewer. Load your model and look for "Database" -> "...
Guss's user avatar
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1 vote

Connect MySQL Workbench on PC to remote MariaDB server

The error 10060 suggests that remote access to the machine isn’t allowed. Verify that, 1) The machine has remote access to the MySQL server 2) In the my.ini/my.cnf file, comment the line that reads ...
xachela's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

MySQL Workbench error for schema in database and table created from Workbench itself

According to most of your Error Message, the problem is from sandbox_02, expected 20 found 16 Foreing keys must be respected, if it`s the case here, you are just missing some important rows. Run ...
Mark's user avatar
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1 vote

MySQL Workbench unable to restore workspace

Close the workbench then go to C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_workspaces and look for the [connection name].autosave folder. Delete the lock file. Reopen workbench.
renzki's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

MySQL Workbench unable to restore workspace

I've been having this problem for months on Windows 10. I just wanted to restore my previous session. I tried updating Workbench to the latest version and "Run as administrator". Nothing worked. ...
Improv's user avatar
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