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15 votes

Where can I see the current charging speed on Windows 10?

Type in powershell gwmi -Class batterystatus -Namespace root\wmi This gives you general info where one number is charge rate. Then, another question is what that number is in amps... I have three ...
Juha's user avatar
  • 611
14 votes

Check health of eMMC

You probably want to use the "mmc" utility from mmc-utils ( I have, however, not yet seen a write and/or bad block counter. # mmc extcsd read /dev/...
user762326's user avatar
12 votes

Check health of eMMC

Above answer is right that mmc-utils is the way to go. The version in git ( reports DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_TYP_{A,B}, where 1 is 0-10% ...
anarchetic's user avatar
8 votes

Auto-restart an executable after the application crashes

One solution is to use a batch file with an infinite for loop to automatically restart the application if it closes. There are two possibilities here, depending on how the application is designed. If ...
Worthwelle's user avatar
  • 4,718
7 votes

How to track a specified program activity

Use Process Monitor Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. This tool monitoring network activity also....
codeDom's user avatar
  • 185
5 votes

tail -f equivalent for an URL

I answered the same question over here with a complete shell script that takes the URL as it's argument and tail -f's it. Here's a copy of that answer verbatim: This will do it: #!/bin/bash file=$(...
Brian's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes

tail -f equivalent for an URL

curl with range option in combination with watch can be used to achieve this: RANGES HTTP 1.1 introduced byte-ranges. Using this, a client can request to get only one or more subparts of a ...
ghm1014's user avatar
  • 291
5 votes

Monitor file changes

I like to use OSSEC, it has many options: OSSEC watches it all, actively monitoring all aspects of Unix system activity with file integrity monitoring, log monitoring, rootcheck, and process ...
mirsad's user avatar
  • 175
5 votes

Can I detect when a Windows process starts up without writing system level code?

You'd want to watch the process that STARTS the process, and not just the target process itself, most likely. Process Monitor by SysInternals should be able to capture this. Filter for the Visual ...
music2myear's user avatar
  • 43.2k
5 votes

infrastructure for secure network monitoring

Managed Ethernet switches often include a port mirroring (sometimes called port spanning) feature to allow all traffic to/from a given port to be mirrored to another port so you can hook up a packet ...
Spiff's user avatar
  • 106k
5 votes

What is the difference between Total Physical memory and RAM ?

The WMIC counter TotalPhysicalMemory is the subset of the installed RAM that is usable by Windows as ordinary RAM. In other words, this is the number against which you should evaluate numbers like ...
Jamie Hanrahan's user avatar
4 votes

Monitoring module missing in Icingaweb2

You might be missing the package for the monitoring module. Perhaps cingaweb2-module-monitoring from may work? I had the same issue ...
Odecif's user avatar
  • 43
4 votes

Monitor which process create a file

You can't retrospectively determine what process created a file... You have to monitor the system while the file is created. Use auditd to help you out. Once it's installed and running, run the ...
Attie's user avatar
  • 20.2k
3 votes

How can I monitor all and any Internet traffic from my home PC?

Resource Monitor (resmon.exe) is included at least in Windows 7, Windows 8, etc. Menu Start → Search → resmon Then switch to the "Network" tab to get a process-by-process breakdown of ...
PkP's user avatar
  • 441
3 votes

How to solve a very sluggish Windows 10 UI

To diag the CPU usage issues, you should use Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) to capture CPU Sampling data / Profile. To capture the performance data, install the Windows Performance Toolkit, which is ...
magicandre1981's user avatar
3 votes

Linux: per-application traffic monitoring (not nethogs)

You can use nethog with total bandwidth monitored per MB since it started with: sudo nethogs -v 3 you can use iftop as an alternative too.
Asme Just's user avatar
  • 153
3 votes

Check health of eMMC

The emmcparam utility from micron gives you a view on erase block counts: emmcparm You can use it with -E to get a summary: # emmcparm -E /dev/mmcblk0 Device file = /dev/mmcblk0 EXT_CSD revision [192] ...
Neal Eastwood's user avatar
3 votes

Internet Traffic Monitoring

If you want to capture every traffic, you could use wireshark: If you are interested in the processes and which ports they use, you could download TCPView from ...
chloesoe's user avatar
  • 716
3 votes

SMART parameters monitoring, can Windows 10 do it on its own?

Yes, Windows has SMART built in, albeit very crude, as it only gets the status. Open a command prompt and type wmic and hit Enter Then type diskdrive get status and hit Enter Type exit and hit ...
Keltari's user avatar
  • 73.6k
3 votes

Alert when a partition is read/written

mount.ntfs is a FUSE "userspace filesystem" host – it actually mounts a filesystem at /storage and will access the disk whenever some other process wants to access the filesystem. So, start ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

Detect ICMP requests on a Windows 10 System

Unfortunately it does not work with netstat, since ICMP doesn't depend on a port No; it's because the ICMP handler does not use a regular socket, but is built into the IP stack. But if you had a ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

Remote monitoring on MobaXterm

You can achieve this by enabling "Remote-monitoring(experimental)" Settings -> Configuration -> SSH Select "Remote-monitoring" Click OK
Nallamalli Raveendranadh's user avatar
2 votes

What does Monit do when it says 'initializing'?

Solved my monit initialization delay caused by a non-responsive SMTP mail server. Commenting out these two lines in /etc/monit/monitrc were the isloated config change I applied to make my monit ...
Taylor Brockman's user avatar
2 votes

Show current ping to website on Taksbar

I know this is quite an old question. I'm currently using perfgraph - It's free and it has more features than what you're looking for, the graph would ...
Christian Noel's user avatar
2 votes

How to monitor CPU-GPU temperature and load in Windows 10?

I keep both CPUID HW Monitor and TechPowerUp GPU-Z on my machine. HW Monitor I like that you can see current sensor information for Value as well as Min and Max values, all displayed side by side. ...
John B.'s user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

What does "% IO" mean in iotop?

IO being short for Input/Output here. These are metrics of the maximum throughput the device can have, in both directions. At a certain point it's simply performing at it's maximum speed and cannot ...
Mimp's user avatar
  • 184
2 votes

How to monitor events of process start and exit under Linux?

Yes, you can use top, which is a console program and there is KSysGuard (if your desktop environment is KDE), which is a GUI program. If you are using GNOME - they have gnome-system-monitor, which is ...
buzz boy's user avatar
  • 171
2 votes

Lsof command in repeat mode no interval

If you dont have inotifywait installed, (which is ideal for this), then you can get closer to real-time if you combine lsof with watch: $ watch -n0.1 lsof This updates every 0.1 of a second.
Zlemini 's user avatar

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