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how to install tmux locally without root access?

An alternative solution is to install miniconda (no sudo needed) via $ wget $ bash and then ...
Levon's user avatar
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12 votes

How to choose a sensible local domain name for a home network?

In 2018, IETF approved RFC 8375 reserving for use in home networks. (Although the specification is from the Homenet WG, it explicitly states that the name is meant to be usable in any home ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
11 votes

how to install tmux locally without root access?

You will have to manually install it from source in your home directory and then add that to your path. The process is straightforward enough and described in a few places, there is a script for V1.8 ...
Aaron's user avatar
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3 votes

Having multiple web services run at home on the same ports (80 and 443)

I know that I can configure multiple domains in Apache but could that also work for other devices? How would I configure this? Yes, if you configure Apache as a reverse proxy it can forward the ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

My local IP in on Windows 10 changed randomly?

Have you configured your router to assign your computer a specific IP address? If not, then your IP address most likely changed because a DHCP lease expired. One of the uses of DHCP – the ...
LMS's user avatar
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2 votes

Local Mandatory Profile doesn't work after joining a domain

You likely need to setup the mandatory profile to be on a server share in the domain as that's the way that functionality works with Windows in domain environments so it's likely the way you have it ...
Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style's user avatar
2 votes

What ist happening when I use “localhost:123456” as an adress in my browser?

Resolving means translating the human readable address: “localhost” in to a computer address known as an IP address. The computer normally does this by contacting what is known as a dns server, ...
Ed B's user avatar
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2 votes

router can not distinguish local ip address and vpn ipadress

Yes, you have an IP addressing/routing conflict. For IP routing to work correctly, a given address (or subnet / range of addresses) can only appear in one location in the larger internetwork. Since ...
Spiff's user avatar
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pihole - Can I call a local top level domain name anything?

In theory, yes, as long as your DNS server answers to a name, then that name "exists" from your computer's point of view. (And of course, as long as your computers query your DNS server.) In ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
1 vote

How to unlink two identical local drives Windows 10?

The S: drive seems to exist only because you've subst'ed it. The subst command is used to make folders appear as drives. I'm not sure why you were thinking subst will fix your problem, because its ...
gronostaj's user avatar
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Apply local group policy objects to custom user group

Using the PowerShell method to get local computer user and group membership from the Check if user is a member of the local~ post, here's some conditional PowerShell logic that will help. You only ...
Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style's user avatar
1 vote

remote SSH device to communicate with devices on a local network

Depends really on what constituents 'communicate'. If the machines on your local LAN need to communicate with already known unarbitrary ports, you can use SSH forwarding and have your laptop act as a ...
decodebytes's user avatar
1 vote

Having multiple web services run at home on the same ports (80 and 443)

What you are referring to is a reverse proxy - it forwards incoming traffic to specific applications according to rules you set. It can be used for anything, not just HTTP/S. Nginx, Traefik, and ...
Peleion's user avatar
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Create a user account for development in Ubuntu

The answer will likely be application-dependent. Some may exist as snap packages, flatpaks, or appimages (three ways to install somewhat "isolated" apps), that you can install without any risk for ...
xenoid's user avatar
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proxy pass ssl requests to localnet ssl sites

Did it using apache. <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/git.error.log TransferLog /var/log/apache2/ SSLEngine On ...
qmor's user avatar
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Chrome RSS Viewer similar to Firefox where registration / external website is not required

I'm using Feedbro extension for Firefox, appropriately updated to support the new architecture. A quick search using The Google for "feedbro for google chrome" resulted in a solid indication that ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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Make Win10 account local without the password

If you are using a Microsoft account and forgot the password, but still remember the PIN, you need to reset your password online from Microsoft website. Step 1: sign in to Windows 10 with the PIN. ...
K. Doner's user avatar
1 vote

RDP bandwidth versus local bandwidth

It would probably be a significant increase in bandwidth to use RDP, as you are essentially downloading the page once and then streaming it out as a video, but it depends on the use case. On a local ...
Mokubai's user avatar
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how to install tmux locally without root access?

I found this repository very useful. You just download the appimage and alias tmux to the appimage. Done. Hope it works also for your distro. For me it works in CentOS8.
vim4life's user avatar
1 vote

How to make redis work locally?

Set the config option "protected-mode" to "yes" and leave uncommented the "bind" option: bind rotected-mode yes Then be sure your running redis-server instance is starting with the config ...
dodger's user avatar
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How to share local network links with team messenger?

It should be in the format file://server/folder/file.ext That's two slashes at the beginning. So you need to convert backslashes to forward slashes, and escape any non-URL-allowed characters (e.g. ...
benshepherd's user avatar
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WAMP: Missing http://localhost/ in urls , wrong wamp projects links

RiggsFolly's Answer worked for me... Also want to add if you want give permissions to folder and access it on browser. Make a separate entry in file httpd.conf <Directory "d:/websites/example....
Dave1's user avatar
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