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8 votes

What is %windir%?

Open a command prompt by clicking Start, typing cmd, then Enter. Type echo %windir%, then Enter, and the path should print to the screen. Usually C:\WINDOWS
MattSayar's user avatar
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5 votes

Accessing the user folder from a previous Windows installation (content on a read-only image)

I'm answering my own question that I had already written, but hadn't yet posted by the time I came across the answer. There was a ~duplicate (How to gain access to Windows Users folders on a read-only ...
Ville's user avatar
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2 votes

Linux - How to give full access to home folder and files to a user?

You probably just need (as root): chown -R user.usergroup /home/user. Be careful, as you will lose the correct ownership, if some files are intentionally owned by another user.
allo's user avatar
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2 votes

VBS Replace characters from filenames of all files in folder and subfolders

You are not using the Subfolder element in your loop. An alternative recursive solution is below: Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Browsefolder objFso.GetFolder("C:\Users\user\...
davidmneedham's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a Windows equivalent to ~/.local/bin?

I don't think that there is an exact equivalent to Ubuntu's ~/.local/bin on Windows. However, you can achieve somewhat the same effect by creating a folder for your scripts and executables and adding ...
Bilesh Ganguly's user avatar
1 vote

How do I find images based on their numbers in the Excel file?

You can try an approch like the following in powershell It can certainly be optimized, but I wanted it simple to understand with 2 steps : - The first one : creation of the target tree according to ...
oliv's user avatar
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1 vote

Change to user folder from the Command Prompt or PowerShell?

There's nothing like ~ in Windows cmd, but you can use %USERPROFILE% or %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% like $HOME in *nix. See Recognized Environment Variables Windows Environment Variables However in ...
phuclv's user avatar
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1 vote

Change to user folder from the Command Prompt or PowerShell?

The ~ (Tilde) is a built in shortcut that autocompletes to the users 'Home' folder. Normally the home folder will be found under /home/ however it can infact be in almost any location on the system (...
djsmiley2kStaysInside's user avatar
1 vote

SSH keys deleted from home folder after reboot

I think I have found a solution, which consists of the following steps. Since /home/root is reset each time after the reboot, we need to store id_rsa in a place, for example, in folder /shares/...
Brandon's user avatar
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