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8 votes

What is "Maximum Frequency", why is it above 100% most of the time, and why is it so high when it should basically be idle?

As stated in the comments, your processor supports Intel Turbo Boost Technology. If you are not scared by (very slightly) technical papers, I suggest you to take a quick look at that paper. Your CPU ...
Margaret Bloom's user avatar
8 votes

Threads (versus cores) and rated CPU clock speed, what is the effect?

First, cores do not "have" threads. A thread is a property of a process. Processes and threads are things the operating system creates and the CPU really has no direct concept of them. Advertisers who ...
Jamie Hanrahan's user avatar
5 votes

The Silicon Lottery

CPUs are very complex and contain billions of tiny transistors, each only a few nm in size. There are bound to be small differences between each CPU manufactured. One of these factors is the critical ...
Akbar Ramzan's user avatar
5 votes

Relationship between CPU and Memory Clock Speeds

TL;DR: First rule out modules that have clocks faster than what your chipset can support. Then pick modules with highest clock rate to CAS latency (CL) ratio. Don't mix modules with different clock ...
gronostaj's user avatar
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3 votes

CPU stuck at base clock after BIOS update

The graph shows utilization, which is not the same as clock speed, so the graph itself is fine, but if the clock speed never changes from base speed, it seems that Intel SpeedStep is disabled in BIOS. ...
Tonny's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the purpose of laptop OEM RAM clock speed being faster than CPU maximum?

The rated clock speed of RAM is not the clock speed it operates (or must operate) in, but its maximum supported clock speed. Thus there is no "clocking down" per se, it's just run at a lower clock ...
vlumi's user avatar
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2 votes

CPU works louder when I am plugging my laptop in

Since you didnt list your laptop's model, I cant say with the following with 100% certainty. However, it is very highly probable to be correct. Your laptop is working absolutely as it should. 3.9 ...
Keltari's user avatar
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1 vote

Why does adding CPU cores make programs run faster?

Does this mean that increasing CPU cores will not make a program run faster, unless you design the program to use multiprocessing? That's exactly how it is. However, you can make use of more CPU ...
Daniel B's user avatar
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1 vote

Does upgrading RAM with different Speed, affect the pc or affect all the RAM?

As long as the RAM is working and being recognized by your motherboard, the faster chip will run at the same speed as the slower chip. Since the slower chip is what speed you were already running at, ...
spaceman-spiff's user avatar
1 vote

CPU looks overclocked even though its in a laptop with base settings

Almost all processors self-throttle these days. No user intervention required. It is not 'broken' it is doing its job. If it gets too hot it will throttle down again to cool itself. CPU Spec at Intel ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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1 vote

My laptop's cpu runs at more than 150% maximum frequency

That's completely normal. Let's have a look at the spec sheet. Processor Base Frequency 2.30 GHz Max Turbo Frequency 4.00 GHz What Resource Monitor reports as "Maximum Frequency" is just ...
Bob's user avatar
  • 62k
1 vote

Why is the base clock in task manager lower than the titled clock speed?

Manufacturers can adjust the processor performance to fit the thermal limits of their cooling system, adjusting the nominal clock speed and limiting higher clock speeds. The Intel page for the i7-...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 93.8k
1 vote

What are highest clock frequencies for consumer CPU achieved with extreme cooling?

if you're looking for the fasted overclocking achieved I believe the following post will answer your question (and a lot more): The TDLR: ...
bcm27's user avatar
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1 vote

Wrong memory speed with Supermicro X11SAE

The Xeon E3-1230 v5 does not support DDR4-2400 memory. Per the Intel Ark page for Xeon E3-1230 v5 Memory Types: DDR4-1866/2133 Your memory is operating at the highest compatible speed supported ...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 93.8k
1 vote

How does BCLK work in regards to "overclocking" non K Intel CPU's

The values are MHz and the CPU multiplier gives you the final clock rate. Boosting/Turbo just adds to that/modifies that.
Seth's user avatar
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1 vote

Cpu Type vs Cpu clock

Depends on what you do when you're on your computer: More cores, slower clock speed Pros Applications that support multi-threading will greatly benefit from having a higher number of cores at their ...
Narzard's user avatar
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