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144 votes

How do I change the character encoding for a webpage in Chrome?

Unfortunately… a Christmas-box from Google Chrome: Chrome encoding options gone?: … Chrome 55 has removed the Encoding menu and Chrome will do auto-encoding detection now: https://bugs....
JosefZ's user avatar
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40 votes

How do I change the character encoding for a webpage in Chrome?

You can now use extensions. Here is an example
user2686101's user avatar
36 votes

Why does Unicode have big or little endian but UTF-8 doesn't?

Note: Windows uses the term "Unicode" for UCS-2 due to historical reasons – originally that was the only way to encode Unicode codepoints into bytes, so the distinction didn't matter. But in ...
34 votes

remove <200b> character from text file

<200b> is a Unicode for "Zero Width Space". You won't find it as a string. You can pipe the character into sed like this for removal: sed -i "s/$(echo -ne '\u200b')//g" file sed -i will modify ...
sirEgghead's user avatar
32 votes

remove <200b> character from text file

You can also get rid of this in VIM. %s/\%u200b// - entire file %s/\%u200b//g - entire file, more than one occurrence on a line
mmrtnt's user avatar
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27 votes

Why does Unicode have big or little endian but UTF-8 doesn't?

Exactly the same reason why an array of bytes (char[] in C or byte[] in many other languages) doesn't have any associated endianness but arrays of other types larger than byte do. It's because ...
phuclv's user avatar
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24 votes

Excel: Change default encoding (file origin) of Text Import Wizard to UTF-8 (65001 : Unicode)

I answered a similar question at Default character encoding for Excel Text Wizard?. I found my answer at Changing default text import origin type in Excel. Close Excel, if it is open. Open the ...
Robert H.'s user avatar
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10 votes

Why when copying a non-English URL from address bar it's URL encoded and not as the text I see (decoded)?

The URL encoded format is the form actually used by applications that communicate on the web. It is copied from Firefox/Chrome this way by default to likely guarantee the usability of the copied URL. ...
Anaksunaman's user avatar
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9 votes

Excel: Change default encoding (file origin) of Text Import Wizard to UTF-8 (65001 : Unicode)

It seems that Byte Order Mark is required by Microsoft Office software. Using Notepad++, convert the CSV using menu: Encoding -> Convert to UTF8-BOM. Using the sed Unix utility, available in cmder or ...
Cristian's user avatar
  • 190
9 votes

My text file is riddled with question marks. How can I make it readable?

How can I make all these letters appear correctly? I can think of two options : Convert the file to UTF-8. – This is what I recommend. Configure VS Code to auto-detect the most proper encoding. The ...
Henke - Нава́льный П с м's user avatar
9 votes

Grep search for text in an ISO-8859-1 encoded file

How can I prevent the grep output from stripping the accented characters? grep itself does not strip accented characters, it outputs matching lines as they are in the input file. It's your terminal (...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
5 votes

How to set character encoding when opening a CSV file in Excel?

On Excel 2016 for Mac: create blank worksheet, in main menu go to Data -> Get External Data -> Import Text File, follow steps in wizard - choose the encoding until you will see the correct preview ...
nickolay's user avatar
  • 159
5 votes

How to decode this seemingly GBK-encoded string?

These – =?GBK?B?1cK5scf4s8e53L7WudjT2s34wufT38fp0MXPoteo?= =?GBK?B?sai1xLTwuLQoz8K6vszBMbrFKS5kb2M=?= – are MIME Encoded-Words. The general form is: =?<Charset>?<TransportEncoding>?<...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
5 votes

Determine and change filename encoding on Windows

I can reproduce your problem using next simple Powershell script $RatedName = "šöü" # set sample string $FormDName = $RatedName.Normalize("FormD") # its Canonical ...
JosefZ's user avatar
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5 votes

Windows 10 All alt codes and accentuated characters replaced by �

I found the solution by wondering around the system settings. x) I'll explain the procedure here (my computer is in french but I'll translate, and you can rely on the icons too). Requirements : ...
Lauloque's user avatar
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5 votes

Stop VS Code from auto guessing encoding

How can I stop the auto-change encoding? – According to your own comment, the Auto Guess Encoding is already off. The fact that VS Code encodes your file as Windows-1252 (code page 1252 or CP1252) ...
Henke - Нава́льный П с м's user avatar
4 votes

Cannot copy non-latin characters from PDF document

In my case Polish characters like ś,ć,ł,ę were broken when copying from pdf. Tested a lot of options. The only one that worked really well was . So ...
ostruk's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes

How do I find the encoding of the current buffer in vim?

I found that : You can reload a file using a different encoding if Vim was not able to detect the correct encoding :e ++enc=<...
Pierre-Damien's user avatar
4 votes

Can't see the Chinese characters in VIM

Open the VIM configuration file $ sudo -H gedit /etc/vim/vimrc Added following lines: set fileencodings=utf-8,ucs-bom,gb18030,gbk,gb2312,cp936 set termencoding=utf-8 set encoding=utf-8 Save and ...
John Paul Qiang Chen's user avatar
4 votes

OneNote backslash character codes?

How do I get the rest? OneNote 2013 uses the same equation editor as Word 2007/2010. There are many more in the linked pdf. Source The Word 2007/2010 Equation Editor
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
4 votes

What is the difference between Windows-1252 and ANSI encoding?

What is the difference between Windows-1252 and ANSI encoding? See below. In practice it probably won't make much difference to your conversion. If you keep a copy of the original file then you can ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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4 votes

Why when copying a non-English URL from address bar it's URL encoded and not as the text I see (decoded)?

You may use an extension like that allows you to copy the URL without encoding.
wmac's user avatar
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4 votes

How does notepad.exe determine character encoding?

According to Raymond Chen: Some files come up strange in Notepad [...] When faced with a file that lacks a special prefix, Notepad is forced to guess which of those two encodings the file actually ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

Type Mayan numerals?

Unicode 11.0.0, released June 5, 2018 includes Mayan numerals in block U+1D2E0 - U+1D2F3. Mayan Numerals
tatojo's user avatar
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3 votes

Finding out the default character encoding in Windows

In .NET Core and .NET 5+ it is System.Text.Encoding.Default gives instance of UTF8. While .NET 4 and previous versions return Windows Active one. You can find more details on following: Microsoft ...
Imran Javed's user avatar
3 votes

FileZilla: preserve UTF-8 encoding when transferring to Linux

Cannot you just transfer them in a binary mode? Transfer > Transfer type > Binary.
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
3 votes

Control I characters in my text file

^I (Ctrl-I) is a representation of the tab character (9 in ASCII). Usually, Vim displays tab characters by the number of space characters as specified in the tabstop option. However, setting the list ...
Anthony Geoghegan's user avatar
3 votes

Resetting Unicode mappings in PDF text

The example PDF is encoded correctly: It includes font-to-unicode tables, and if I try copy-and-paste with mupdf, the hyphen in Хлебни­кова in the second paragraph becomes U+00AD SOFT HYPHEN. So it ...
dirkt's user avatar
  • 17k
3 votes

How to convert this string to Japanese using GNU/Linux tools?

Pipes are an OS feature which works with byte buffers and does not interpret their contents in any way. So piped text doesn't go through to bash and especially never through 'readline'. Text pasted as ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar

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