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25 votes

How to delete MS Word table cell contents but not cells

Using the delete key instead of backspace should do it. On a PC, anyway. If you're on a Mac, and therefore don't have a real delete key (the delete key on the Mac's keyboard is functionally equivalent ...
Packetdude's user avatar
9 votes

In Excel, how can I round or display numbers to 2 significant figures (the two leading non-zero digits of a decimal number)?

If rounding is required, you can also try this formula =ROUND(A1,INT(2-LOG(A1))).
Emily's user avatar
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9 votes

Prevent Excel to automatically "Wrap text" in a cell

Set Fixed Row Height(s) In order to stop row heights from increasing to accommodate content containing ALTENTER line breaks you can set the row height(s) to a fixed value. Row Height: Fixed Value  ...
user1769377's user avatar
7 votes

In Excel, how can I round or display numbers to 2 significant figures (the two leading non-zero digits of a decimal number)?

Try, In B2 formula copied down : =0+LEFT(A2,MIN(FIND({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A2&1/17))+1) Edit : 1] 1/17 =0.0588235294117647 which is called Pandigital number that contains digits from 0 to 9 2] A2&...
bosco_yip's user avatar
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4 votes

Add drop down list / combo box into excel cell

Found this answer when looking to do the same thing myself, while experimenting discovered, there's a second option which means you don't need to use a defined cell range. Entries can be added ...
Sinfrax's user avatar
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4 votes

excel formula of sum with error and cells not in range

You can use the AGGREGATE function to SUM and ignore errors: =AGGREGATE(9,6,c3,f3,h3,j3,n3)
Ron Rosenfeld's user avatar
3 votes

Limit Excel cell entry to a certain number of digits

You can use the data validation (Ribbon > Data > Data Validation) to control it. Allowing a 9 digit number only, is equivalent to allowing numbers between 100,000,000 and 999,999,999. If you want to ...
piko's user avatar
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3 votes

Excel: How do I reference an entire row except for a couple of cells?

Unfortunately Excel does not have the nifty google sheets feature to write a formula as A3:A (for rows) or C3:3 (for columns). While most of these answers listed will work, I would argue my below ...
pgSystemTester's user avatar
3 votes

How do I turn my CSV formatting into a automatic "drag & drop" BAT file?

Ctrl+H Find what: ^(\S+)\h+(\S+)\h+(\S+)\h+(\S+)\h+(\S+)\h+(\S+)\h+(\S+)\h+(\S+)\h+\R\*FROM CLIP NAME:\h*(.+?)\h*\R.+ Replace with: $1,$2,$4,$3,$5,$6,$7,$8,"$9" check Wrap around check Regular ...
Toto's user avatar
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3 votes

VBA to check if all cells in a range are empty before proceeding further

No loop needed: Sub Check_and_execute() If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A10")) > 0 Then MsgBox "Not all cells are empty." Exit ...
Scott Craner's user avatar
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3 votes

Two-way connection between multiple cells and across multiple worksheets

In the module "sheet 1" put this code: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) On Error GoTo eh If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("F9,F12")) Is Nothing Then Application....
ZygD's user avatar
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2 votes

Hide cell from being computed in the formula

If you know that you might want to exclude certain items from the formula, you can prepare for this as follows: in R1 through R10 enter 1 use the formula: =SUMPRODUCT((R1:R10)*(Q1:Q10)) Now if you ...
Gary's Student's user avatar
2 votes

Hide cell from being computed in the formula

You can't omit these cells from being included in the formula without making changes in the formula. You can't have your cake and eat it. I suggest you change the formula to exclude the cell ...
teylyn's user avatar
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2 votes

Excel merge cells, keep values, collapsing chart

Using data from Sheet1, create a new sheet as Sheet2 For Row 1 in cell A1 insert =Sheet1!A1 & CHAR(10) & Sheet1!A2 & CHAR(10) & Sheet1!A3 Using CHAR(10) is the equivalent of ...
Antony's user avatar
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2 votes

How to link cells from access to excel?

One way: In Excel, go to the Data tab > Get External Data > From Other Sources > From Microsoft Query From there, uncheck "Use the Query Wizard to create/edit queries" (this is because the query ...
Billy's user avatar
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2 votes

Cell reference in formula

It's a little inelegant, but use the following formula part where you have M:M: INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,10+ROW(),4),"1","")&":"&SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,10+ROW()...
Jeorje's user avatar
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2 votes

Increment number with letter in cell

If your B***** cell is at B1 cell, Left: ="B"&TEXT(INT(RIGHT(B1,LEN(B1)-1))-1,"00000") Right: ="B"&TEXT(INT(RIGHT(B1,LEN(B1)-1))+1,"00000") If you have 6 digits after "B", use "000000".
FezzikMontoya's user avatar
2 votes

Looking for the same value in two cells

What's neede is an exclusive or (XOR): =IF(XOR(JANUARY!D6="Higgenbotham", JANUARY!E6="Higgenbotham"),JANUARY!B6,"") A XOR is essentially two ANDs wrapped in an OR =IF(OR(AND(JANUARY!D6="...
cybernetic.nomad's user avatar
2 votes

Sum cells based on the value of other cell

You need SUMIF() formula. In your specific case =SUMIF(B$2:B$9;D4;A$2:A$9) will give you the sum for Name1 then paste it down for Name2 and Name3
Kevin Anthony Oppegaard Rose's user avatar
2 votes

convert Date to Julian day in Excel

You can use this formula: =DATE(A2,B2,C2)-DATE(A2,1,0)
Lee's user avatar
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2 votes

VBA to check if all cells in a range are empty before proceeding further

Something like this? Sub Check_and_execute Dim Cell As Range Dim CellsEmpty as boolean CellsEmpty = True For Each Cell In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A10") If Cell.Value <> "" ...
cybernetic.nomad's user avatar
2 votes

Excel: How to create a list of values in one cell for curent and previous values?

You can do it with a slight change in your table, 2 different formulas, and an understanding of anchoring. Table changes: you don't need column C and column E become really stock/usage. So, if you are ...
gns100's user avatar
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2 votes

Libre Office - Single Column Pie Chart

You can do it by creating a pivot table, then using the data from the pivot table to create a chart. Here are the steps: Select you data. Then on the menu, select Insert -> Pivot table. On the ...
Reddy Lutonadio's user avatar
2 votes

excel formula of sum with error and cells not in range

Is the formula you're looking for something like this? = SUMIF (A1: A14; "<> # N / A") = SUM (IF(ISERROR(A1: D2), "", A1: D2)) SUM on its own does not ignore nested ...
JokerSob's user avatar
2 votes

Excel Conditional Formatting - Using Formula as Part of a Cell Reference

You don't need to employ complex, indirect methods using ROW, INDIRECT and ADDRESS. Simply use the following for row 4: =AND(D4="",$A4<>"") and set the Applies to range to ...
Jos Woolley's user avatar
1 vote

How to move partial text from one cell to another

Try this: Copy from PDF Paste in text file (I use Notepad) Copy from text file Paste in excel Select "Use Text Import Wizard…" in the paste icon Select Next 3 times and see if the results are correct ...
Josué Morataya's user avatar
1 vote

How do I create a ''droplet'' script in Win7 that runs a Notepad++ task on a CSV file

Windows 7 comes with PowerShell v2 which supports Regular Expressions with negative look behinds. If I interpret your RegEx correctly you want to apply the two digits 99_ leading the 2nd field to ...
LotPings's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I copy specific selected data between cells in a CSV file in Excel or Notepad++?

With Notepad++, you can do: Ctrl+H Find what: ^([^,]*,(\d\d)_[^,]*,[^,]*)(?<!_\d\d), Replace with: $1_$2, check Wrap around check Regular expression Replace all Explanation: ^ : ...
Toto's user avatar
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1 vote

Robust linking of cells Excel

As other Users have explained, the only way to have a "linked" cell that auto-updates its format when the source cell's format changes is to use VBA. However, if the only thing you wish to do is ...
robinCTS's user avatar
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