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81 votes

sudo apt-get update couldn't create temporary file

You probably changed the file permissions on your /tmp folder, check with ls -lad /tmp The normal settings for /tmp are 1777, which ls shows as drwxrwxrwt. That is: wide open, except that only the ...
rubo77's user avatar
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42 votes

apt-get update is failing in debian

According to the IRC channel for Debian, jessie-updates is now not supported: Oldstable: Debian Jessie, jessie-updates and jessie-backports REMOVED 2019-03-24 Your solution is either to upgrade to ...
Dan Clarke's user avatar
19 votes

apt-get update not working: Signing/ Verification errors

Solved by doing a docker system prune(?!). Is it the image that was in a bad state? Was it a problem caused by not having enough disk space? Maybe something to consider if you're having the problem ...
Pierre.Sassoulas's user avatar
15 votes

Sudo apt-get error: flAbsPath on /var/lib/dpkg/status failed - No such file or directory

I faced a similar issue recently with ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS, what worked for me is as following - First you need to create an empty file, as following :- adminuser@sandbox:~$ sudo touch /var/lib/dpkg/...
NEERAJ PREM's user avatar
14 votes

Unable to remove package on Debian 7

There is a MySQL server running, but we failed in our attempts to stop it. Stop it yourself and try again! I had this problem yesterday when the mariadb 10.1 server package failed to update and ...
Fat Finger's user avatar
12 votes

What is the step-by-step procedure to fix the "The following packages have unmet dependencies"?

I have no idea if it is still relevant for you to get help on this, but here is a summary of the things one could do to help in such situation (from here at Appuals ( : Method 1: Use the ...
baobab33's user avatar
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9 votes

Sudo apt-get error: flAbsPath on /var/lib/dpkg/status failed - No such file or directory

Step 1: cd / Step 2: cd var/lib/ Step 3: mkdir dpkg Step 4: touch status This worked for me. :)
KaranAnand's user avatar
7 votes

"Unable to locate package sudo" when i try to install sudo on new Debian

apt-get update apt-get install sudo
Vishrant's user avatar
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7 votes

How do I install Clang 4.0 on Ubuntu 14.04?

I believe you can do it this way: sudo apt-add-repository "deb llvm-toolchain-trusty-4.0 main" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install clang-4.0 lldb-4.0 This is based ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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7 votes

Failed to fetch error on apt-get update

Command apt-get update does not update the system, but merely the list of available packages. So it's not trying to fetch the package, but a list of packages from that URL. You need to check file /etc/...
Konrad Botor's user avatar
7 votes

sudo apt-get update couldn't create temporary file

For me, I was using a Docker container and had mounted a directory to /tmp in the container, which was causing the conflict. I removed the mounted directory to /tmp and that allowed apt update to work....
wisbucky's user avatar
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6 votes

Why and what of curl and then sudo apt-get?

curl is downloading a bash script and piping its contents to a new bash shell running as root with your current account's environment variables. - is telling bash to read from stdin, which in this ...
Dyusk's user avatar
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5 votes

Ignore apt-get download errors

Since apt-rdepends doesn't provide a way to ignore packages, a wrapper is necessary to remove packages that can't be satisfied from the download list. A relatively portable way to automate this ...
Dustin Darcy's user avatar
5 votes

"apt-get update" Fails? (Kali Linux with Virtual Box)

The solution is to change mirror in sources.list file. For some reason the default mirror is not working. There are several mirrors of the Kali Linux repository server, all of which are spread over ...
whitecat's user avatar
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5 votes

debian cannot uninstall dovecot

This uninstalls dovecot in debian: systemctl stop dovecot systemctl disable dovecot apt-get purge dovecot-core apt-get autoremove dovecot-core
tak3shi's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I apt-get dist-upgrade without removing packages?

This an embarrassing problem with Debian package managers. Anyone who upgraded heavily customized Ubuntu installations knows all too well that this missing functionality is required. Tired of this ...
Lanchon's user avatar
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5 votes

"Unable to locate package sudo" when i try to install sudo on new Debian

Verify your sources here Try using apt-get install sudo to get it. You can configure users to use it with its config file: vi /etc/sudoers add a line: user ALL=(ALL) ALL
ProdIssue's user avatar
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5 votes

Cannot install ANY packages because of Python

Switch back to python 2.7 Use the command : sudo update-alternatives --config python If you get an error : update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for python Update your update-alternatives ...
GAD3R's user avatar
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5 votes

How to copy all installed libraries to another Linux machine?

Managing a packages like rpm and libraries is very important in all the distribution of Linux. There are two ways to copy the packages from one System to another. You can create File of current list ...
Santosh Garole's user avatar
5 votes

Why does 'apt' do not store downloaded packages anymore?

There's a dedicated setting for this which appeared in 2016 (that is including the Debian 9 stable release): apt (1.2~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium [ Automatic removal of debs after install ] ...
A.B's user avatar
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5 votes

apt-get update is failing in debian

The debian Team did not move jessie-updates to the archive repository (yet). But they already removed it from the regular repositories. So you currently have no access to jessie-updates. Therefore you ...
A.K.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Can I make apt-get always use --no-install-recommends?

Here is a one-liner to create /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/999norecommend file as per @esplor's answer: apt-config dump | grep -we Recommends -e Suggests | sed s/1/0/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/...
kenorb's user avatar
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4 votes

Ignore packages that are not currently installed when using "apt-get remove"

For Debian ≤ 9, it is possible to just use aptitude instead of apt-get: sudo aptitude remove -y cups-dbg bogus-package Aptitude prints warnings, but continues to remove your packages nevertheless: ...
vog's user avatar
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4 votes

Kali Linux Rolling - apt-get upgrade: failed to fetch 404 not found

According to the Kali Linux Official Documentation, the sources.list file should contain the following line(s): deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free # For source package ...
Schorsch's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I make apt-get install default to having the -y option?

One option is to alias it. You can add this to your .bashrc file: alias apt-get="apt-get -y" Another option is to add below config to a file at /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ for ex, a file called 90never-...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
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4 votes

Tunneling apt-get Through SSH Works... Mostly

Your approach doesn't work because of the HTTP protocol's Host: header. Under normal circumstances, the HTTP client (in this case, apt-get) sends the header Host:, which lets the ...
Deltik's user avatar
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4 votes

apt-get "Unable to locate package" with a glob

It looks as though you have pantheon-debian-repos_0.4-0+pantheon+stretch+loki1_all.deb in your current directory, and pantheon-* is expanded to this by the shell. What you need is: sudo apt-get ...
AFH's user avatar
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4 votes

Can not uninstall redis-server in Ubuntu?

See How to force remove when post-installation script always fail on Ask Ubuntu.  In short, try sudo dpkg --purge --force-all {package name}
David Yew's user avatar
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4 votes

apt-get update is failing in debian

While the other answers with deb combinations from this thread and others of the stackexchange network, including very similar ones, did not fix it for me, this one does : deb http://archive.debian....
NanoPish's user avatar
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