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How to add file inside folder of a zip

How do I add a file/folder in a zip file that isn't in the root folder? For example in\parent test folder\folder1 and I want to add test1.txt inside the \folder1 of the zip file? I am using ...
ghostanime2001's user avatar
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Create multiple compressed folders in Linux

I need using 7zip for create multiple compressed folders in Linux. Same case as here (But this guide is only for Windows):
Ellie's user avatar
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How to join splitted files from Linux on Windows

So i splitted up a huge file from my Ubuntu Machine (via the split command) into 2GB Chunks so i can download them easier. Now i have them laying on my Network Share and i can't seem to figure out, ...
OTRAY's user avatar
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How do you prevent lynx from unzipping files?

Lynx has this bizarre behaviour where it (randomly!) decides that a file is a zip file, and then automatically unzips it. This is extremely frustrating: it means it's no longer acting as a web browser ...
Adam's user avatar
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Zip file corrupted after SSH file transfer

I'm trying to zip up some files on my Windows laptop, then transfer them to my Ubuntu server, and unzip them there, but I always get an error while unzipping the archive telling me that the archive is ...
Jaïr Paalman's user avatar
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Can't install zip on ubuntu

I'm trying to install the zip package on my ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS server, but when I run the command apt-get install zip I get the following output The following packages have unmet dependencies: linux-...
Alfonso Cuccaro's user avatar
8 votes
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While trying to see the content of a zipped file, I only get information about the zipping process

In Ubuntu, installed on Windows Subsystem for Linux, I want to see the content of a zip file, using gzip --list. I expected to see a list of included files like this: FileName ratio File1 ...
Dominique's user avatar
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ubuntu: How to zip a directory in ubuntu by excluding some subdirectories from command line

Added from SO as off topic, however there is no answer in here I want to zip a directory by excluding some unwanted subdirectories. I have tried : zip -r * -x 'test1/' 'test2/' and zip -r ...
Efren's user avatar
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How do I update a Web software package from a ZIP file from the command line?

I have a Web software package installed on my Linux server. I've downloaded an update in a ZIP file, and I want to overwrite only what's changed. (For example, all the core files should be replaced, ...
stephenwade's user avatar
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Zip only contents of directory using absolute path

A lot of solutions to zipping the contents of a folder, Excluding the folder, look like this: zip -r * But I need to do this WITHOUT cd'ing into the directory, I want to use an absolute ...
Hurricane Development's user avatar
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Unziping multiple ziped and rename automatically files with same name if needed

I have a bunch of Ziped files in a folder, and i would like to unzip all, ut automatically rename folders or files with the same name, example: In and i have one ...
FXux's user avatar
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How to unzip multiple ziped files and rename automatically if needed

I have a bunch of Ziped files in a folder, and i would like to unzip all with: unzip ZIP/*.zip But automatically rename folders or files with the same name, example: In and ...
FXux's user avatar
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16 votes
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Check if zip file is damaged [duplicate]

How can I check whether a zip file is damaged? I know that with zip -F --out I can fix the file. But I could not find an option that only checks the file CRC. I'm using Ubuntu 12....
ironsand's user avatar
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Merging 2 zip files

I have 2 zip files: I want to compare the two zip files and then only extract the files missing in (directory structure intact) so that I can merge them in. ...
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How do I unzip a file with PPMd compression: I have the error "PPMd method not supported"

Ubuntu/Windows 7 user here, I have a zip file that I am trying to extract. In windows I get an error. In Ubuntu, the archive manager I get a "PPMd method is not supported" I read about 'e', a ...
torrho's user avatar
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Unzipping archives, preserving folder hierarchy

I've got a problem and am not sure what it is, but hope someone can help me think this through because this has me stumped. Backstory: I wrote a Java app (Android) that unzips some zip files ...
Hydrangea's user avatar
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How to zip folder and upload to Dropbox?

I would like to zip a folder and upload to my dropbox from Ubuntu shell. I intend to use this as a backup solution, so it would also be nice to run everyday and replace the older file.. If dropbox ...
Francisco Costa's user avatar
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How to update one file located in a zip subdirectory?

I have a zip archive that contains several folders and I need to update one specific file within such a folder. How can I update the file with a command line? I have already tried 7z u ./...
Force's user avatar
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versatile unzip utility

Is there a compression utility that will allow extracting a file while skipping the first (container) directory. My purpose is to create an automated install script that will download a specific .zip,...
Neal's user avatar
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Include empty directories in zip file with Linux

I'm trying to zip a directory a linux using the following command: zip -r . This works, but it isn't include the empty directories that I want to be included in the zip file. How can I get ...
Calvin's user avatar
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In Ubuntu, how to copy all contents of a folder to another folder?

I want to copy the contents of an unzipped folder, wordpress/, to another existing folder. I tried cp -R wordpress/*.* /my/folder but the sub-folders in wordpress/ didn't get copied over. Why not?
user27449's user avatar
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Winzip Legacy Format in Ubuntu?

I have a script that uses the ZIP command in linux (Ubuntu), and changes the name to make it executable for a certain program. Now I realized the reason this program was not unzipping and installing ...
Parris's user avatar
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Want to zip up folder with 20K images to upload, how to breakup zips and then unzip?

I have a folder with about 1 gig worth of images I have to upload to a server. I want to zip/tar them up, preferably into multiple files that I can upload to my ubuntu server. Then I want to unzip/...
user27449's user avatar
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File was deleted and then reappeared when folder was zipped

I am using Backtrack 4 Final, which is a Linux distro that is Ubuntu based. I had a directory that contained around 5 files. I deleted one of the files, which sent it to the trash. I then zipped the ...
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