So i splitted up a huge file from my Ubuntu Machine (via the split command) into 2GB Chunks so i can download them easier.

Now i have them laying on my Network Share and i can't seem to figure out, how to select all the chunks at once.

I have found this command but i have not given my Chunks a name, like he did with Zipchunks. Command i found

copy /b ZIPCHUNKS* > reassembled-zip.zip

I have 99 Chunks in total, where the first one being called xaa and the last one xdu. I'm wondering how i can select all of them for my command to work.


  • Do you know the order in which the files need to be assembled? If not you likely own't be able to reassemble them. If you do you can just rename them and/or if they order naturally you'd just use x*. What parameters did you use for split?
    – Seth
    Commented Sep 15, 2021 at 6:43
  • The order naturally so i can use copy /b x* > reassembled-zip.zip - thank you i am going to try it and let you know how it goes.
    – OTRAY
    Commented Sep 15, 2021 at 6:45
  • Ok if i use that command i generate a 1kb rar file and in the terminal it's done right away, maybe there something running in the background
    – OTRAY
    Commented Sep 15, 2021 at 6:47
  • You could try to use type * > ..\result.zip but this might have issues with binary files. With Copy you'd need to use copy file1+file2 result. Total Commander features a Combine Files option that might be helpful.
    – Seth
    Commented Sep 15, 2021 at 6:57
  • First of all thanks for your quick response, so i have tried the combine files in Total Commander, but that didn't work. With copy file1+file2 result you mean for example: copy xaa+xbb > result.zip than copy result+xcc > result2 or how can i understand that?
    – OTRAY
    Commented Sep 15, 2021 at 7:12

1 Answer 1


Your command:

copy /b x* > reassembled-zip.zip

is almost right but it should be:

copy /b x* reassembled-zip.zip

The first one is more Linux-like, where the command would just output data to stdout and that data would be redirected to the file, but the syntax is incorrect and anyway IIRC redirecting binary data does not work well on Windows. For the second one it's the copy command that creates the output file, without shell redirection at all.

The small file that you got with the first command is just the text output (messages, errors, etc) of the command, you can open it with a text editor.

  • Ohhhhh, thank you - didn't see that haha and know it makes more sense :)
    – OTRAY
    Commented Sep 15, 2021 at 7:15

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