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Consolidate Data from Multiple Columns into One Column

I have a dataset that looks something like this: Customer Col1 Col2 Col3 Bob 111 2221 Michael 112 Anna 113 2223 Rachel 114 2224 334 Person5 115 I'd like to put all data into one column, ...
Beef_tataki12's user avatar
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Importing a range of formulas from csv or txt file starts with ' in excel and sheets [duplicate]

I am generating some image URLs with a python script and converting them to a formula. I have tried saving it to both a CSV and a TXT file as others suggested, but both lead to the same problem: After ...
dennisklad's user avatar
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How can I get an aggregated count of rows grouped by two values and enforcing uniqueness on a third in Excel?

I have a Google Sheets spreadsheet which is connected to an external integration that automatically populates rows with new 'events' contained within one of the sheets. I want to create a second sheet ...
soapergem's user avatar
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Alpha-sorting multiple rows, empty cells for missing values

Say I have multiple columns: A | B | C… Bill | Bill | John Adam | Fran | Nick | Adam2| Adam I’d like to alpha sort the rows in each column, and also add empty values in a cell if the cell ...
Matt's user avatar
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MAX function not working on date with format dd/mm/yyyy in Google Sheets (Excel)

I'm using Google sheets and the MAX() function works only on dates with format mm/dd/yyyy. How to get the MAX() of date with format dd/mm/yyyy?|
Vu Le's user avatar
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Google Sheets - Making a chart where certain series do not have data for all X-axis values

I am making a chart for research in musicology which requires me to graph the duration and tempo of notes based on the score, i.e. musical values like a quarter note. Using a recording of a string ...
Santiago Garcia Cuevas's user avatar
-2 votes
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Excel / Sheets: How do I filter addresses based on a list of zip codes?

I'm planning to mail some postcards to potential business contacts. I've got a spreadsheet of 2,500+ addresses with columns including Name, Street Address, City, State, zip code, etc. that cover the ...
helloandyhihi's user avatar
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Find next cell within column that is a number, starting from reference cell in another sheet

I think this sounds simple but I'm having a bit of trouble figuring it out. I have 2 sheets, the Sample Sheet attached and an Input Sheet. In the Input Sheet, I input one of the green shaded values (...
user1779906's user avatar
8 votes
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Formula to see if a series of numbers is increasing in value?

I have a spread sheet with thousands of sets of numbers. That is too say, there are ten columns and each column has a number - and there are thousands of rows of these numbers. What I want to do is ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Using XLOOKUP or FILTER to aggragate data into a single cell

I have a data set that is compiled by various people filling out a form to populate a spreadsheet on Google Sheet. Here's what the data set might look like: A data set listing out name, collected ...
hyrshe's user avatar
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Excel: How to count how many times a consecutive text value appears

I'm making a work schedule and I have to pay attention to a specific rule that, no worker should be scheduled to work more than 6 days in a row. I got this spreadsheet where I make those schedules but ...
Rafael Valverde's user avatar
-1 votes
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Excel: How To Transpose Every Random amount of N Rows From One Column To Multiple Columns?

I have a set of multiple choices questions with ABCD as answers, all answers are stacked on a column, but not every question has the same amount of answers. Instead of transposing every nth value, my ...
nubcodeman's user avatar
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Is there a formula for calculating the difference in minutes or hours between two times?

Is there a formula for Is there a formula for calculating the difference in minutes or hours between two times in two columns? In my spreadsheet I have the following two columns called start time and ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
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How to get Project Wise Summary numbers from one Google Sheet to another?

I am trying to create a Project accounting Google sheet. In one sheet I have all the expenses, revenues for the projects. (see below) and the other sheet will have list of projects with Summary of ...
meetpd's user avatar
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Search across cells and return value from different cell

I need to reference a cell based on drop-down values from four different columns. Essentially I am trying to compile a summary list of data from different tabs. Each tab is laid out the same however ...
JSheet's user avatar
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Sequence Generation formula in excel for an “exploder” function

I am wondering if there is a way to create the following type of sequence in excel: 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 3 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 I would ...
user1737077's user avatar
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Excel/Google Sheets: What is the best way to continue this formula so it will include cells yet to be filled in?

I'm manually calculating the variance and standard deviation of a set of potential investment returns, each with their own probability of occurrence. Assuming I'd like to expand this list and not have ...
AdamLucasMiller's user avatar
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How to get "winner" based on row MAX

I'm trying to get the header value based on the highest value per row. For example, given a sheet like: A B C D ------- 1 2 3 4 3 3 1 2 I'd like to do reports on the winners of the row. For example ...
Oscar Godson's user avatar
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How do i create a Dynamic Dropdown Data Validation List based on pre selected criteria?

I seldom use Google Sheets or Excel, but now that I'm working on a card game, I have since thrusted myself into formulas and data validation. I'm currently running into a logic issue. I would like to ...
Davon Allen's user avatar
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Time since previous order

I need to go through a big amount of data for the last 2 years in a company and calculated the time since previous orders for Users who have made multiple purchases. Which Excel function can be used ...
Anonymous users's user avatar
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Return X amount(s) of cell values under under specific cell address

To start, thanks for reading, I will be leaving this picture here, which is what my current sheet looks like. I'm trying to parse the information on A:A so that every instance of "X/Y", ...
Nox's user avatar
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Excel/GoogleSheets Forumla to List All Rows Without A Corresponding Value in Another Column

I'm hoping there is a simple way to perform the following. I have 2 columns (A,B), and I would like a third column (C) which consists of all values from column A that have an empty cell in column B. I ...
user1683174's user avatar
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Formula to identify a list of codes in various combinations

Bit of a tough one to explain, but here we go... I have a large database (15K rows) of unique codes (AA1, AA2, AB1, etc.) in letter & numbers convention that identify them to a specific name (in ...
Andres Mallcott's user avatar
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Count cells in a column between values until specific value reached in Google Sheets - Multiple Criteria

I am trying to do a tricky conditional count on a dataset. I need to count the number of rows that meet a set of criteria (after a specific date, a certain category) that sums up to a set limit - that ...
user1661033's user avatar
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Perform multiple calculations in one cell

I have a spreadsheet that has 4 columns that perform a simple "if" based on some data entered elsewhere. Adjacent to each of those columns is another column that assigns a "1" or &...
Andrew Matheson's user avatar
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In Excel I am wondering how if a value is met in a column then to sum up the cell to the left of that value across multiple rows if that makes sense

For example where the cell says David I want to sum all the cells on the left of David in £ up to a total like at the bottom not sure how I'd go about this. £4500 IWI 14/12 DAVID ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Extracting multiple values from a sentence in single cell with same preceding value. eg. Player 1, Player 2

Im trying to extract just the Player numbers from the sheet below. What is the best way to extract just "Player + (player number)" ?
Michelle's user avatar
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Need help in Excel Adding 2 columns

i just want to add column 2 to column 1 if and only if column 2 has just 1 text character in its cell .enter image description here
Aabideen's user avatar
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How to FIlter/Match spreadsheet data based on two row headers?

I need to find a value based on a specific column and header, that also fall within another merged header (spans 3 cells) like the example below: |January 2020 |February 2020 |...
Yevgen's user avatar
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How can you format each row from a pivot table to display transposed with the headers repeating themselves?

From a pivot table, I am attempting to take each row of data and format it transposed with the headers from the pivot table present in each instance. Here is a link to a Google Sheet that has a sample ...
Joe Nilsen's user avatar
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How to bring sum of previous column in to next column automatically, in Excel or Google Sheets?

I'm new to this. I'm trying to make a personal budget sheet, where I can bring the previous months' sum into the next month's column as "savings from last month". Basically I want to show ...
Bluebug's user avatar
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Formula - Get previous date and sum of unique months based on unique user

Goal Estimate the next date Abbie will make the purchase based on average days. Screenshot to give a better idea: Questions A.1 & A.2 - how to search for the most recent previous purchase date ...
wendy's user avatar
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2 votes
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CONCATENATE cells in a column IF condition in other colum is met

Using Google sheets (or Excel if Google sheets can't do it). I'm trying to concatenate any cell in B column, if its corresponding A cell is "include". The columns are very long and therefore ...
SpidrJeru's user avatar
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Excel/Sheets: Average only the input data in a range of data?

I've got an annual budgeting spreadsheet in which each month is listed along with given categories of items. I'm trying to find my average monthly expenditure on any given category, but don't know the ...
BudgetingInNeed's user avatar
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Listing function points in a spreadsheet/excel [duplicate]

I am working on a Pre-Calculus Polar coordinate graphing project that incorporates some creativity; My current plan has me graphing the Nautilus Shell as my focal point. However, I have to list points ...
Landry Ratliff's user avatar
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How to apply Text cell format permanently on a google sheet's column?

I recently added IDs as Number in a column those are basically built as alphanumeric. Then I've applied Text cell format on those IDs to keep their data consistent with the other cells in that column, ...
Gunter Herd's user avatar
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How to copy rows of specific columns based on a criteria (and then continuously update)?

I have 2 sheets, let's call them sheet 1 and sheet 2. In sheet 1, I have some data where essentially at its core its a Scoring tally, something like this: Name Age Gender Score Jack 12 Male 155 ...
DoubleRainbowZ's user avatar
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How to calculate max sum held over a month?

I need help with a formula that needs to calculate the max sum held at one time for each month. In this example it would be 54 for March (12+13+14+15, held on the 29/03/2021). Month is determined by &...
vaidab's user avatar
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Extracting text between two repeated sets of values in Excel

I have campaign names that conform to the following structure: [Network] - [Language] - [Country] - [Channel] - [Campaign Type] - [Free Text] This could look like: Google - English - India - Display -...
Balaji Bhat's user avatar
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How can you show the first cell in a cluster in Excel? And how can you lookup the value?

Several questions. But let me break down the problem of what I am trying to do: I have a condition to show YES/NO if a certain value is met. If YES >= 60 and NO <=30 - this is easy I can do ...
Tes Ting's user avatar
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Is it possible to reuse the same sumif range?

In the following table, I constantly reevaluate a2:a4 to run different calculations against it. In a real table it would have been thousands of rows like it. Is there a way to somehow store a2:a4 in a ...
LWC's user avatar
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Sum of vlookups for each value in a row

There should be a way to do this, and yet I'm struggling... ==The Data== Sheet1 A B +---------------+-------+ | Fishy_Product | Price | +---------------+-------+ | Cod | $9....
Farivan's user avatar
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Can I make a graph for iterative function in MS Excel or Google Spreadsheets?

Let's say I have a formula: k = 0.2 a = pow(a, k) I'd like to see how the curve changes on each iteration with a different k value. The formula can be anything. The only thing is - I need the ...
Vladimir Ishenko's user avatar
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google sheet formula, if “yes”, copy to other sheet

I’m trying to figure out the formula in google sheets - if the cell is “yes”, then copy the adjacent cell to another sheet. Can anyone help?
Katiekate's user avatar
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Return text string for highest duplicate values

I've been battling with a google sheets conundrum so hoping someone can help. In a nutshell, I'm trying to achieve the following based on the image below: Where the name is the same in column C ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Excel/Sheets - Adding the content of a row to the end of another?

So I'm still new-ish to data analysis on Excel and/or Sheets, and I'm trying to "merge" data. Essentially, I have a few thousands rows, and I want every second row to be added to the first. ...
Pascal's user avatar
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Populate names in cell based on tiered choices using excel formula

I have 2 tables First table is a list of items and 3 other columns depicting choice tiers Items Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 item1 item2 item3 item4 ...
MoxGoat's user avatar
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Function that writes name depending on two conditions

I would like to know how to implement this in an excel formula: I have a column with some names, a row with different numbers (dates), and the remaining values work as "keys". For instance: ...
player1's user avatar
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Update an excel list dynamically without using scripts

I'm a bit stuck and could use some help. I am trying to keep a list in excel updated dynamically, based on conditions in other cells. Something along the lines of (IF both cell values in A1 and A2 ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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How to highlight a row if "yes" appears more than once across multiple columns

I have a product list export that shows the products and which categories those products are assigned to. I want to audit the product list by highlight products that are assigned to multiple ...
mickytwotoes's user avatar

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