From a pivot table, I am attempting to take each row of data and format it transposed with the headers from the pivot table present in each instance. Here is a link to a Google Sheet that has a sample pivot table as well as a sample of how I need to format the data.

Screenshot of Pivot Table

Screenshot of how I am attempting to format the data from the table

  • What you are expecting as OUTPUT is possible using the Case ID but one after another and the involve method would be formula,, I don't think that PT can produce such a clean output format.. possibly Power BI or others like ZOHO analytics can do this or even the Fuzzy Lookup!! Commented Aug 30, 2021 at 4:50
  • It looks like you just need to unpivot your source data, and add a blank row between each group. Easy to do in Excel with Power Query. Not sure about sheets, though. But I'm sure if you search, you'll find something. Commented Aug 30, 2021 at 19:51

1 Answer 1


Please check whther following suggestion about PowerQuery is helpful.

Choose the whole data and import them to Excel Power Query.

Then press Ctrl + A, go to File tab > Any column group > Unpivot Columns. Then you would get the result like image below.

enter image description here

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