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Questions tagged [wordpress]

Popular blogging engine – mostly considered off-topic. Questions about belong on WebApps.SE. Questions about installing and maintaining WordPress belong on WordPress.SE

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How to set-up Nginx conf to not pick Alphabetic order incase URL doesn't match reques

Wasn't sure how to word out the title but i have multiple docker server running wp/nginx Now we have a conf with a block for 80 and 443 for every site in the conf.d dir and in Cloudflare point the ip ...
Dean Michael's user avatar
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ISPconfig/Nginx/wordpress to nginx proxy manager | wordpress using permalinks/postname

I am migrating my wordpress site from Ispconfig/Apache to Ispconfig/Nginx and introducing Nginx proxy manager in the mix. The problem seems to be the following: htaccess is not enabled in nginx are ...
Arch's user avatar
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TLS Certificate Verification Error

We have a WordPress website configured to send mail using via the WP Mail plugin, but can't currently send mail with SSL Verification enabled. Without verification, the email works ...
Kyudos's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to Import MySQL 4.1.14 data into MySQL 5.7.44?

I have a fresh install of WordPress 6.5.3 on MySQL 5.7.44-1.el7 up and running via Docker, accessible via my web browser. I also have old data from WordPress 2.0.2 on MySQL 4.1.14 saved into a ...
ususer's user avatar
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Unexpected Login Redirect in Localhost WordPress Sites

I have two WordPress websites set up for learning purposes on my localhost. One is a clone of the other, and both are accessible through different loopback addresses in my /etc/hosts file. When ...
paneer_curry's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unable connect to local webserver via secure ssh tunnel

I have problem with connection to the virtual server. I always get connection refused and I don't know how to solve it. I installed bitnami wordpress on virutal machine(VirutalBox). This working ...
detector's user avatar
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Trouble with PHPMailer and iCloud SMTP Authentication

I'm currently facing an issue with PHPMailer while trying to send emails using iCloud SMTP for my WordPress blog. I have followed the steps to configure PHPMailer with app-specific passwords provided ...
Maciek Rek's user avatar
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Ajax query throws server error 500 if over 16384 bytes

I'm getting Server error 500 when updating pages in Wordpress as soon as content length goes over 16384 bytes, regardless of the editor used (built in or Elementor). This only started after updating ...
Enis Begovic's user avatar
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How to access my files on 000webhost

I've set up WordPress site at 000webhost(dot)com as pre-step to figure things out before paying for domain and hosting. It was fine for few days. Thing is, available storage and inodes filled their ...
Greenmarty's user avatar
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How to automatically trigger URL visit of a WordPress site

I have a WordPress website that is hosted on an Ionos shared server. For some reason, the 1st connection to the website is extremely slow (> 50s), and all the connections (within 1-2h) that follow ...
Clément Jz's user avatar
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Can I link from my website to a certain section of a PDF?

I write a blog on WordPress for my cosmetology school and I'm trying to link to a certain section of page in an external PDF from the MN Board of Cosmetology. I've been using #page= at the end of my ...
Kelli's user avatar
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Intermittent "Err_Connection_Refusued" error on a WordPress website

I have been troubleshooting an intermittent issue with users accessing a locally hosted WordPress website and getting Err_Connection_Refused. This issue has been very intermittent. There seems to be ...
climbingtech's user avatar
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Router keeps forwarding to different port

I have a home server where I run my website. My current website is a spring-boot application running on port 8080. On my router I opened port 80 to 8080. Everything is working fine with that website. ...
Youssef N's user avatar
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short code to determine pdf page count and pdf page size for upload to woocommerce site

I am looking for short code or a woocommerce solution to determine the page size and page count of a pdf document for upload. Customers can upload pdf files to my woocommerce website, and I would like ...
AineM's user avatar
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Does the Windows version of the Wordpress desktop app offers the reusable blocks feature?

I am new to WordPress, and I learned the hosted application features something called reusable blocks. These blocks are content that can be reused, and these are called (or inserted) through the text ...
Digital Streaming's user avatar
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WP Localhost Installation prompting for FTP access when deleting plugin etc

I know this question is asked quite some times already, but none of the suggested approaches works. My problem: I have a wordpress installation on my localhost, but as soon as I try to delete plugins, ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found. - Only when no "https://" is entered. Windows IIS with Wordpress. - Any ideas?

I am running Windows Server 2012 R2 with IIS. I have added a website at the following address: It worked fine up until recently. I added a wildcard SSL certificate and it ...
J. Yonan's user avatar
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wordpress automatic updates via cron no root privileges?

this script is run by wich is run by cron every day at 2 o'clock, it allows wordpress to be updated automatically via cli (needs to be installed before) actually runs fine, when run as root ...
user418615's user avatar
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Object reached heap limit - debugging a Javascript SIGILL error on Chrome?

When i run my js script for my plugin in Wordpress. The page freezes, times out and returns a SIGILL error. I can't see any errors in web dev tools, the page just freezes. I installed ...
Myuser03's user avatar
-1 votes
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When I try to run Nextcloud and wordpress at the same time on Centos7, it only shows the nextcloud "access through untrusted domain" screen

I have been running a wordpress server for a while now. I have three sites all with different domains, and I decided to also install nextcloud. Now though, when I try to access the Wordpress sites on ...
Sam Haydock's user avatar
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Lost Wordpress site on Raspberry Pi4

Recently my router died and we have installed a spanking new fibre system with a new Google Wi-Fi mesh. Unfortunately the website on my RP no longer loads. I have assigned a new static IP to the Pi on ...
Dave H's user avatar
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2 answers

Can one extract the files in a .tar.gz and upload them individually onto cPanel?

I am in the process of migrating my website from Bluehost to a different hosting company. I downloaded the entire backup of the cPanel (61 GIG) successfully, but uploading files is incredibly much ...
user avatar
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Php Extension MySqli installed but calling it gives an error

I run the following statements (so it is completely reproducible) (because i wanted to play with the source code of WordPress) and the following makes your current dir a website running under 8082 (...
edelwater's user avatar
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Backup Database Mysql (wordpress) via FTP

I can access to server only via FTP. I need to copy the data on server for to restore in another server. But this server is offline (not reachable to HTTP ,SSH , etc.) I can access in read-only via ...
Mark Mark's user avatar
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3 answers

How to download/ save my own website?

Basically I can no longer afford my site. I want to save it dearly but I cannot pay. I am a noob at this stuff but I want to download/ save the site so that when I can host I can just re-upload its ...
Wade Wilson's user avatar
3 votes
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Nginx WordPress pretty permalinks show 404. Working only with plain permalink setting

Tried so many tutorials but could not get it working in my local development server (CentOS 8). I can view and edit fine with plain/ugly permalinks setting. When I change to any other permalink ...
Ugyen's user avatar
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How to gain access to WHM (CPanel)?

I have started on a new project and need to access the WHM and cPanel. I have tried to log into the server through SSH (denied). I then used the terminal on cPanel to run some commands and get ...
badoinkyoink's user avatar
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Posting to blog through the command line

I have a blog. I typically post on the blog through the web interface. I have been trying to discover a means to post on the website through the command line. My desired workflow is this:...
sghosh's user avatar
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How to Access Source Code Using Bluehost Wordpress?

I'm trying to edit the source code on a new website. I'm using Bluehost Wordpress. The theme is Codeless:Specular. I am able to find the theme files, but not the pages themselves. Most places I ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Don't Save Session Cookies and Cache in Incognito Chrome

Ok basically I'm using wordpress to make a website, and so I'd like to use Incognito mode to view the website as the visitor would see it (so I don't have to log off and then log back on to edit again)...
Safwan Abrar's user avatar
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SFTP to Bitnami Wordpress in AWS

I followed this tutorial to install Wordpress by Birnami in AWS ...
drcrow's user avatar
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How do I allow Nginx to share a Let’s Encrypt certificate used by Apache on the same system?

I run an apache WordPress website on VMbox Debian 10. I have a domain at and Let’s Encrypt certificate for my domains, so my site is accessible through HTTPS. I also installed Nginx with RTMP ...
magrega's user avatar
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Cannot connect to any database after upgrading OpenSSH

I upgraded OpenSSH with this command: sudo apt-get upgrade openssh-server I rebooted the server and after that, I cannot connect to any database (WordPress database, you'll database, phpmyadmin ...
PC Welcome's user avatar
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Increasing image quality on an image that is 262*64 px in Inkscape

I have a website that uses WordPress and alidropship, I’ve just created a logo for the site using Inkscape but when I upload it at the recommended size of 262*64 px the image appears very blurry on ...
Jethro Knowles's user avatar
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Getting WordPress on an Nginx proxy to work with a subdirectory

I'm trying to use the WordPress official Docker container to serve content from An Nginx instance sits in front of WordPress and handles all the SSL-ishness. Nginx is ...
Tom's user avatar
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Wordpress error connecting to database but it's correct

I've been struggling to find the problem but I just seem to be going around in circles and most of the tutorials just tell me to check the mysql credentials but I'm sure that they're right. I have an ...
lostsaint25's user avatar
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remove id's from background images in visual composer

It seems like visual composer sometimes adds an ID to background images. For example .jpg?id=25339 Any tips to how I can remove this feature?
Michael Nielsen's user avatar
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Strange requests from localhost in Apache access logs causing server to crash

I recently setup a Ubuntu 18 testing server on a cloud VPS host and installed the latest Wordpress. Today I went to log in and the site will not load - I get an error Error establishing a database ...
Jim's user avatar
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Deployed wordpress is now showing basic auth popup instead of login page for wp-admin

I have a wordpress website that hasn't been logged into for awhile, and it appears some auto-update change happened. The wp-admin login screen is now blocked by a basic auth popup. The admin and user ...
Corbell's user avatar
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What image processing does WordPress use?

I'm having a problem that I haven't had before. I'm saving these images out as sRGB Everything is great on screen, even look okay on the site when it displays the full resolution but, during thumbnail ...
Dallas Price's user avatar
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Wordpress installation on LAMP: what happens if I move the server?

I have a wordpress installation on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Apache2. Online I found a lot of tutorials and articles on how to correctly migrate a wordpress site from one server to another. In my case, ...
Fede9390's user avatar
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PHP links not working (nginx)

I am trying to install phpBB on my Pi. This is the base site of the installation: this is the url which it trys to go to:
Niwla23's user avatar
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Google Cloud-How to access and edit .htaccess on Wordpress Bitnami on google-cloud-platform

If anyone can please guide me on How to edit .htaccess file in WP-Bitnami installation on Google cloud platform.
Qflow's user avatar
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Since installing an SSL certificate the featured images from my portfolio aren't displaying on my website homepage

I'm using Wordpress for my website with a Phlox theme and the Elementor and Phlox plug-ins. Since installing the SSL certificate the feature images are not displaying on my home page. The area it ...
user12047975's user avatar
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WordPress reports wrong version of php

I have a centos 6 Linux server with a whm and cpanel installed. I've recently updated the PHP version to 7 through the whm and applied it to the website on the server in both whm and cpanel in the ...
Danny Connolly's user avatar
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413 - Failed to load admin-ajex.php (Nginx + WordPress + Divi)

I am running Wordpress 5.2.2 dockerized on nginx 1.13.1 with PHP Version 7.3 When I try to activate/download a premade theme from Divi I get 413 Errors like: jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:4 POST https://...
Alexander Fink's user avatar
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How do I give myself permissions to edit files in my Wordpress theme via FTP?

I am using Filezilla right now to edit my Wordpress JS and CSS theme files since I prefer to use Atom to edit than the default Wordpress text editor, however I am getting a Critical file transfer ...
Kevin Lu's user avatar
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PDF Media Upload with Wordpress

I have a WP installation on IIS that won't let me upload a PDF to the media section, but it has the following weirdness: I can upload a smaller PDF (~22KB) Can't upload the larger one (~4.2MB), even ...
Kyudos's user avatar
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Wordpress won't upload images correctly

I just transferred a website's files to a new directory and took it live. Wordpress suddenly won't upload images all the way, just a blank square showing up. I can see the image, however, if I click ...
Raechel's user avatar
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IIS Url Rewrite Wordpress

I have 2 servers on an internal LAN, a Windows 10 Pro PC running IIS (http://windows10-pc on the LAN), and then I have a Raspberry Pi running Apache 2 (http://raspberrypi on the LAN). Both servers ...
John Ernest's user avatar

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