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Questions tagged [wordpress]

Popular blogging engine – mostly considered off-topic. Questions about belong on WebApps.SE. Questions about installing and maintaining WordPress belong on WordPress.SE

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2 answers

LAN IP being appended with port from router's port forwarding after Wordpress install

I've never run across this before... I've been messing with different apache servers at home while at work. Before I got the proxypass working, I needed to be able to hit server number two from ...
JoshP's user avatar
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Non-zero exist status and permission denied trying to install application in Plesk 10

I am using Plesk Panel 10.4.4 on an Ubuntu server and trying to install WordPress. I continue to get "Non-zero exit status returned by script" and "failed to open stream: Permission denied" warnings. ...
CoderJK's user avatar
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Ubuntu 12.04 Server: permissions on /var/www for newly copied files

I ran the following commands to set up ACL on the /var/www folder in my Ubuntu 12.04 Server: sudo usermod -g www-data abe sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www I ...
Abe's user avatar
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Installing Wordpress in Apache

So, I've installed Wordpress in Apache and have it working, i.e. I can browse to it on my hosting server via localhost and it displays my blog, all good and well. But when (anyone) browses to it from ...
PnP's user avatar
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hosts file handles specified domain but not a longer path

Trying to resolve a website domain to localhost for development purposes. I am developing on a Wordpress Installation which has some inherent hardcoded redirects to the domain it is installed on. So I ...
Andy's user avatar
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WordPress and EverNote integration, any existing solutions? [duplicate]

Actually the tag and category system in WordPress and EverNote are very similar, almost exactly the same. We can create a notebook/notebook group in EverNote, its counterpart in Wordpress is Category/...
JXITC's user avatar
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WordPress and MS Exchange

I have WordPress built on a RHEL VM for an intranet site with no outside access. I'm being asked whether I can connect WordPress to the MS Exchange network so that I don't have to setup an email ...
AlxVallejo's user avatar
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What causes Wordpress/hosting "HTTP error name lookup timed out"?

My hosting company made some change in their hardware and now suddenly all wordpress sites hosted on that machine (some are mine, others aren't) are getting "HTTP errors" and "name lookup timed out" ...
JostyH's user avatar
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Change URLs with percent signs back to their original language

How can I convert a link which has percentages and dollars in the URL into its original language? I don't want it displayed like the following
Registered User's user avatar
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Unable to get MAMP working at all

I've installed MAMP on my imac 27 running os x 10.7.2. I have read dozens of articles on configuration and tried every possible combination that I can think of but, am either getting a 404 Page not ...
Paul's user avatar
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linux - installed wordpress lack write problems

I have recently installed wordpress but I have run into the problem that when i try to install plugins and themes i lack the permissions to write files. My OS is linux ofc, running thru ssh terminal. ...
Ghostetr's user avatar
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.htaccess in subdir gets ignored by Wordpress' own .htaccess in /

I have a Wordpress installation on the root of an apache (I.E. on /) and WP wrote this custom .htaccess: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] ...
Petruza's user avatar
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What is the filename (including path) of a WordPress database?

I have local Wordpress database that got corrupt as a result of an abrupt power outage (I wasn't even editing it!). Since the system I am dealing with is pretty static (and old), I just want to ...
WinWin's user avatar
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Windows Live Writer and LaTeX

I am looking for a way to integrate a WordPress latex plugin: and Windows Live Writer, so that LaTeX would render in real time in Windows Live Writer. Any ...
Praetoria's user avatar
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My browser have been hacked.. or?

I just looked over my blog today and discovered a problem with my comment form. I've already installed and activated the Akismet anti-spam plugin so I don't actually receive the spam comments, but my ...
Simon's user avatar
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Wordpress Permissions OS X & MAMP

I have installed several local versions of Wordpress for development purposes. After the install I can create posts, pages and edit admin options. However as soon as try to upload images which would ...
Matt2020's user avatar
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Allowing write permissions for WordPress in WebMatrix

I'm giving Microsoft WebMatrix a shot and have installed WordPress. However I can't get it to save files. I'm getting the following error: The uploaded file could not be moved to D:\WebMatrix\...
Chance's user avatar
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4 answers

trying to set up wordpress

I've got an ubuntu VM inside Virtualbox running on my desktop. I'm trying to hit it from my netbook. From within the virtual machine, I can go to http://localhost/wordpress and it loads great. ...
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Copy from Evernote to Paste to Wordpress preserving formating

Is it possible to post texts directly from the Windows desktop Evernote application to Wordpress, and retain the formating? Simple copy/past leads to format break.
Sergey's user avatar
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Mirroring a WordPress site with wget

I'm trying to mirror a WordPress site that is no longer updated so that I can remove the php backend. I have no desire to worry about updating the site again. I realize this will break dynamic parts ...
Tor's user avatar
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Apache: Internal Port Redirecting to Public Port

So, I'm running Apache on an internal server and I port forwarded, say port 10000 from outside to port 80 internally. My router doesn't support loopback so I tried accessing it from outside my ...
Michael's user avatar
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Bold font shortcut in WordPress editor in Mac OS X? (The equivalent to Ctrl+b in Windows)

I've recently acquired a MacBook Air and I'm getting used to Mac OS X shortcuts. One that I can't find, though, is the change to bold a piece of text previously selected in the WordPress editor. I do ...
javipas's user avatar
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VPS system requirements for hosting SVN, Wordpress, and a Simple mail server

Migrated from ServerFault: I have been toying with the idea of trying out a VPS for hosting SVN repositories and Wordpress blogs for my fiancée and I. Additionally it would be nice to be able to set ...
instanceofTom's user avatar
9 votes
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In Ubuntu, how to copy all contents of a folder to another folder?

I want to copy the contents of an unzipped folder, wordpress/, to another existing folder. I tried cp -R wordpress/*.* /my/folder but the sub-folders in wordpress/ didn't get copied over. Why not?
user27449's user avatar
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MS Word --> WordPress exporter [closed]

Is there a tool to export advanced page make-up from MS Word to WordPress? I need images and tables (with images in cells). (Please don't ask me where I've got Word file that I want to convert to ...
Alexander Gladysh's user avatar
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How do I resolve page cannot be displayed issue while configuring a Wordpress blog?

I have installed a WordPress blog on different webhosting accounts but now I'm trying to install WP on my own server and running into issues. Here's the issue. I've setup my own database using ...
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Upgraded my Ubuntu server from Gutsy to Hardy and my Wordpress install got corrupted, help?

Upgraded my Ubuntu server from Gutsy to Hardy and my Wordpress install got corrupted. The front page and admin interface work, but all of the permalinks to individual blog posts are broken. Have ...
MikeN's user avatar
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blogging without having to manually upload pictures

I want to blog on a Wordpress account, without having to upload pictures manually. I'm looking for a program that allows you to edit text + simple formatting + pictures, and lets you publish it to ...
bguiz's user avatar
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How to edit and update PHP script like Wordpress?

I would like to ask if there is a software that could help me in mantaining and managing my Wordpress+Plugin modified version. The problem is that I have a certain number of hacks made to the core ...
Drake's user avatar
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5 answers

Best practices for setting up LAMP development environment

I'm having a nightmare setting up a decent environment for developing Wordpress on a local machine. I'm constantly manually tweaking file permissions every time I add a plugin. I can't install themes ...
2 votes
1 answer

Equivalent to Windows Live Writer for Linux?

Is there any Linux equivalent to Windows Live Writer? I've got the Wordpress for iPhone app on my iPod and Windows Live Writer on Windows. These programs are much easier for stuff such as adding ...
Macha's user avatar
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Mac webserver, MySQL security [closed]

I know its not really practical, but anyway recently I got interested in making my mac a server, possibly to host a blog, with WordPress. Right now I have a free DynDns account and host with gets the ...
mk12's user avatar
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Help setting up MySQL (to use with PHP and Apache) on OS X

Ok, I recently got interested in making my mac a server, maybe for a blog. I used DynDns for a free domain name, that will always resolve to my current IP, updated with the DynDns Updater application ...
mk12's user avatar
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How to prevent Live Writer from messing up <code>

I am trying out Windows Live Writer, and it seems to be pretty cool. But, how can I prevent it from encoding characters between <code> tags when switching between Edit and Source? Is there a ...
Svish's user avatar
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6 answers

Unable to access localhost after starting Xampp

I'm running Windows XP Professional SP2. A few days back I installed xampplite 1.7.1 and was able to access localhost and phpmyadmin through the browser. Today however it suddenly stopped working. ...
user7370's user avatar

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