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0 votes
1 answer

AWS for PowerShell doesn't recognize the credentials file

Calling Get-Ec2Instance returns: Get-Ec2Instance : No credentials specified or obtained from persisted/shell defaults. I did however added the credentials file under C:\Users\{user name}\.aws ...
2 votes
4 answers

How to rename multiple files with same name and different extensions?

I have a number of files with the same name and different extensions in a folder. Originally these files were all in .jpg format with different names. Like: 1.j87 1.j88 1.j89 Now I've to rename ...
2 votes
4 answers

Set PSModulePath Environment Variable with PowerShell in Windows 10

I don't understand this. So currently my system environment variable named "PSModulePath" looks like this: %ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\...
0 votes
2 answers

Searching all XMLs in a folder that are missing a specific tag, Windows 10?

I have a folder with hundreds of XML files. I Need to search all (*.xml) files to find files that do not contain a specific tag, and somehow present me the list of those XML files missing the tag.
2 votes
1 answer

Enable/Disable real time monitoring in Windows

I can't enable/disable real-time monitoring in Windows 10 using PowerShell ISE (as administrator). I have run the command Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $false for disabling real-time ...
1 vote
1 answer

Uninstall set of programs using Powershell

I have a set of programs I would like to uninstall with Powershell. Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | where-Object {$ -Like "MySQL*"} How do I pipe this to an uninstall function? Some ...
0 votes
1 answer

Adding persistent route through PowerShell not working for Windows 10 Pro VPN client

I'm setting up a new VPN server using L2TP and I'm hitting my last snag. I'm now able to connect to the L2TP VPN using the native Windows 10 Pro client. I do not want to use the remote gateway for ...
0 votes
1 answer

Getting the Display Version of the current computer with Powershell7 (I.E.: 22H2). But ReleaseId conflicts with DisplayVersion

I've read a bunch of threads on here about this and I want to get the Windows edition (22H2 for instance). This is the code: $ReleaseID = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\...
2 votes
1 answer

Network Name assigned to non-existent object

Tl;dr: I can't rename network adapters which were reset from the creators update, at least I think it was the creators update. Following scenario: there is an image from an configured PC (IP adresses,...
1 vote
2 answers

Use Powershell to copy files to current users logged in and users who login in the future

I want to create a script that copies a file to all user profiles both who have already logged and for a new user who log into the windows 10 pc. The location the files should be copied to is Users\...
40 votes
8 answers

Switching default audio device with a batch file

I'm trying to write a batch file on Windows 10 that allows me to switch between my headset and my speakers as default audio device when I run it. I don't want to use any third-party software. I tried ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot delete file in Windows 10 [duplicate]

On Windows 10, there is a file [%UserProfile%\Videos\Lorem.mkv] that is less thant 9KB and I cannot delete it. The file belongs to me, I have permissions to it, there are no prompts for entering a ...
2 votes
2 answers

Change ownership of Registry Key using script

I'm attempting to programmatically change the owner of a registry key but I can't get it to work using a few different methods in CMD or PowerShell. Is this even possible? The key is owned by "...
2 votes
1 answer

CMD cipher /e on a folder output "Request not supported"

I've recently discovered cipher command on windows-10 command-line. Now, the problem is when I'm try to execute cipher /e [directory name] or cipher /e [absolute path], because I'm always receiving ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to enable virtualization via PowerShell on Win10, HP laptop?

How to enable virtualization via PowerShell on Win10, HP laptop? Reason why I am not doing it this way: Go to Windows Settings Click on Update & Security Now click on Recovery Click Restart now ...
11 votes
3 answers

Get-Net* PowerShell cmdlets failing with Invalid class

How can I troubleshoot and fix Get-Net* PowerShell cmdlets? All of the following are failing with Invalid class. I'm using Windows 10, version 1511 and do not have the option to upgrade to 1607 at ...
6 votes
2 answers

SSH is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet - client is installed and path is correct

The OpenSSH client is installed. To be sure everything was OK I removed it and reinstalled, but that made no difference. The Path variable included OpenSSH. Windows Explorer shows that the folder C:\...
3 votes
1 answer

Set powershell_transcript folder location

My Documents folder keeps being spammed with datestamp folders which contain powershell_transcript files. I did not enable/configure it, so it must be either a default setting or something set by ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I enable "Desktop Slideshow" with Powershell only?

How do I change the setting in Settings App > Personalization > Background so that it uses one of the three selections with PowerShell. I just want it to change the Background setting only, not ...
23 votes
2 answers

Open Powershell as Administrator at Current File Explorer Directory Keyboard Shortcut (Windows 10)

Let's say that I'm browsing through Windows File Explorer, and suddenly I decide that I would like to open Powershell as administrator at the current directory (the directory that I'm at in File ...
2 votes
1 answer

Windows 10 Pro lockscreen mass change

I'm search way to change lockscreen image on Windows 10 Pro amd64 workstations in domain. I found than group policy option work only on Enterprise version at least in 1607 and 1703 releases. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Notepad with dark background and white font

I am using windows 10 with dark theme colors. My favorite applications, notepad, when high contrast setting is on becomes black with white font. I would like my notepad to look like that, but without ...
0 votes
1 answer

Change Windows 10 default system language from PowerShell without user interaction

I have a preconfigured Windows 10 VM provisioned by a cloud computing service. All Win10 images provided by this service have English (US) set as the default system language. I have no control over ...
1 vote
1 answer

Windows 10 Powershell opens in C:\WINDOWS\system32 instead of folder that I shift-right-clicked in File Explorer

I shift-right-click a folder in File Explorer and click "Open powershell window here" but it opens in: C:\WINDOWS\system32 instead
2 votes
0 answers

Enable BitLocker through Powershell script avoiding startup authentication

I'm working on a PowerShell script to enable BitLocker in all the endpoints of our organization, including ones which are not connected to domain(accessing private network). I don't want to use TPM ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to change the "Welcome Screen" - "Input language" and the "New user accounts" - "Input language" aswell in powershell ? (WIN 10)

I'm currently having an issue on Win10. The problem : I want to set up the language of the pc for all the users and even the welcome screen to be "FR-BE" using powershell. Here's what I've ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is the "SSH" equivalent for Windows 10?

I recently had to start managing remote Windows 10 systems (non-servers) and am curious if there is an SSH equivalent for running command prompt commands remotely. Is there a default utility for doing ...
0 votes
1 answer

Disable sleep, hibernate, and fast startup using PowerShell in Windows 10

Edit: Skip to the end for the result of my situation I am trying to figure out how I disabled the sleep, hibernate, and fast startup options in Windows 10, so that I can include them in the PowerShell ...
1 vote
0 answers

Raising a dialog window from a Windows .sys driver from the command line?

I would like to allow the user of my application to directly open the (Windows Control Panel) "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" properties dialog (see image below), for a selected ...
-1 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to open windows terminal shells in the current directory with keyboard shortcuts?

I've Windows Terminal (Preview) pinned to taskbar which I launch using win+t. I'm trying to achieve a similar functionality to alt+f+r inside a directory in file explorer which opens powershell in the ...

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