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Local Win+Ubuntu: ssh from Win to Ubuntu via the Internet

I have two computers, Win10 & Ubuntu 18.04, behind a router, connected to the Internet. On both, Internet works OK. I want to give access to someone to do remote work on Ubuntu (not Win). The ...
MrSparkly's user avatar
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Unable to access LAN devices

A bit a of a newbie to anything network related so bear with me here. I'm having trouble having a reliable SSH connection to my Raspberry Pi servers on my local network. Say I am running a minecraft ...
jjosephliu's user avatar
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Can’t connect to Windows 10 via ssh neither netcat

I have installed 'OpenSSH SSH Server' on Windows 10 machine,(and it’s running) and I'm trying to connect from Kali Linux machine but I always get "ssh: connect to host port 22: ...
Zyrian's user avatar
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Cannot access SSH from WAN even though server itself is reachable

I have a server in my local network that I use for work over SSH. I have no issue connecting to it from LAN. The issue comes when I try to connect to it from outside. I've set up Port Forwarding for ...
JaffParker's user avatar
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SSH into IP Connected Linux Device using Windows 10

So I am trying to SSH into my local device (ip connected via 10.0.0 subnet) from Windows, and I can't seem to do it. I plug in my device into my Linux laptop, running Ubuntu 16, and I type: ssh root@...
The Dude's user avatar
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SSH from Ubuntu to Windows: different results over Wi-Fi and Ethernet

Problem Statement I'm gonna give a lot of details here, just in case any of them are relevant. I need to ssh through ethernet from a linux machine (Thinkpad X1 Extreme running Pop!_OS 18.04) into a ...
pipsqueaker117's user avatar
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Unable to ssh from linux to windows

Long story short, I have 2 computers at home, one running Kubuntu 20.04 and the other running Windows 10. I can SSH from Windows to Kubuntu no problem, but I cannot SSH the other way around (Linux >...
Stefan Campan's user avatar
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SSH from WSL to a VM running on the host fails

I am running WSL 2 on Windows from which I am running vagrant. Vagrant provisions a Centos 7.6 VM in VirtualBox running on the host. The VM listens to port 22 for SSH and Virtualbox maps the port 22 ...
ashwnacharya's user avatar
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SSH client takes 100 seconds to connect to machine with 17ms ping time

I'm trying to SSH from one computer of mine, A, to another, B, over a (wireless) LAN. They have the same netmask, get their lease the same way etc. The client A is Devuan Linux, the "server" B is a ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Installing OpenSSH with PowerShell

How is ssh used? ********************** Windows PowerShell transcript start Start time: 20200325223558 Username: DESKTOP-9AKB65V\thufir RunAs User: DESKTOP-9AKB65V\thufir Configuration Name: Machine:...
Thufir's user avatar
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How to get help for the Posh-SSH cmdlet?

I ran Get-Help which asked whether I wanted to run Update-Help, which I did. How do I get help on using Posh-SSH from within the powershell CLI? PS C:\> PS C:\> Get-Command -Name *ssh* ...
Thufir's user avatar
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Cannot access a server on Windows 10 using ssh key

I successfully connected to the server on Linux but I could not connect to the same server with the same ssh keys that I copied to my Windows 10 computer. I have already did a lot of research on ...
chullspen's user avatar
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How to connect to an SSH server running on a Windows 10 machine

I know that this question may have been answered somewhere, but I'm a total noob about this subject and couldn`t follow up on any tutorial. So any help would be appreciated :) Here's the thing: I can ...
kmdeoliv's user avatar
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Issue Getting Access to Router Shell through SSH

I'm a complete SSH newbie and don't really understand what the output means and I need a bit of help. Also if somebody could point me in the direction of some good learning resources I would ...
Austin Carnes's user avatar
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Kex error when I connect via ssh remotely on Windows

I am trying to use the in-built ssh server/client on windows10: ssh opens just fine when i run ssh localhost or ssh user@local_IP_address (i am using key based authentication) Now i've port ...
Karan Harsh Wardhan's user avatar
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Re-Route network calls to multiple domains through SSH tunnel in windows 10

I have the following situation: There are some hosts that are only accessible through an ssh tunnel. Lets say its I can establish the SSH tunnel and bind the ...
Christian Engel's user avatar
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Spring Update Windows 10 ssh client reverse tunelling not working

I'm trying to use the ssh client command available in windows 10 since the spring update. I do not use the "OpenSSH Server" optional module and it is not installed, I'm using only the "OpenSSH client"...
Mathieu Westphal's user avatar
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Installed update for Windows 10- now unable to access network drives...?

Yesterday, at the end of the day, I was part way through implementing some changes to some software that I was working on using a virtual machine (CentOS 5- which is where I do all of the development ...
Noble-Surfer's user avatar
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OpenSSH Windows 10 Firewall correct rules?

I'm attempting to set up a Windows-10 OpenSSH tunnel back to my office computer using Microsoft's beta found here, and I've run into some trouble regarding Window's Defender Firewall. Using Wireshark,...
Angus's user avatar
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Why I can not connect to my local server from windows?

I have the following setup at home A machine running CentOS7 IP A laptop running Windows10 IP I have both computers running also with OpenVPN with a tunnel CentOS7 has ...
Frederick Álvarez's user avatar
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VirtualBox: figure out host IP from NAT mode Linux guest

I need to SSH from guest VM (Linux/Debian 9) to its host running VirtualBox on a Windows 10 machine. Network configuration: NAT. Which Linux command can I use to figure out the IP of the host from ...
user1876484's user avatar
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Cannot ssh into Windows 10 native SSH server?

Hi have enabled sshd server in my Windows 10 Home edition and I can ssh into this PC from local Putty client using Windows 10's local IP Address(IP from home router), however, I cannot ssh into this ...
dhssa's user avatar
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How to set up a secure ssh server on Windows 10?

I am running a Windows 10 VM as a guest on a Mac host. I would like to be able to ssh into the Windows guest using ssh keys. I have found various resources, most notably this one which is great, but ...
dave234's user avatar
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SSH Port forwarding with Bash on Windows

I've recently migrated from Mac OSX to Windows 10 and am getting an error when attempting to mirror the ssh local port forwarding setup in my ~/.ssh/config file as follows: host myhost HostName ...
Manachi's user avatar
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Map a drive on one PC from a remote PC

I am working on mapping some drives from my home PC to my laptop that I travel with. They are not on the same network. I believe I can do this by either configuring a VPN, setting up my home PC as an ...
Iceape's user avatar
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Issues SSHing from Windows host to Linux guest

I’m trying to SSH from Windows host to Linux guest. Rather than using PuTTY and the like I’m trying to use Bash on Ubuntu on Windows (Windows Subsystem for Linux). In VirtualBox I have the network ...
MaKR's user avatar
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Turning windows computer into proxies

Google has failed and the closest result I found pointed me here so, I will ask my question here. I'm trying to turn a home computer into a multiple proxy machine. I saw someone manage to do this and ...
Axeon's user avatar
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Windows 10 can no longer find Ubuntu Server

I have a Windows 10 laptop and Ubuntu Server 16.04 setup on my home network. Previously, I've been using Putty to connect via SSH from Windows to Ubuntu without a problem. Today, however, my Windows ...
Alex's user avatar
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Remotely enable Windows 10 RDP without physical access

Given that I have network access and valid login credentials to my Win 10 Pro machine which was upgraded overnight from Win 7, how do I remotely enable Remote Desktop Protocol on my newly upgraded Win ...
James Dunne's user avatar
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Windows firewall blocking SSH to secondary subnet

My network has 2 subnets /25 and Linux server in each subnet. One of the subnets contains a Windows computer which is used for managing Linux servers via SSH; but there is problem with firewall on ...
Misaz's user avatar
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