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Cannot join my own gameserver via my external IP

In short, when I launch a game server on Windows, I can only join it via the local IP address but not via my public IP. The server and the client are on the same machine, same interface. The server is ...
t7e's user avatar
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Why my private IP is not within the allowed ranges?

My Vagrantfile :private_network, ip: "" config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v| v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", 2] v....
MikiBelavista's user avatar
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How to see the IP address on OPENEULER?

enter code hereI am a beginner in OPENEULER OS and trying to get my IPv4 address on OPENEULER operating system to do some configurations on putty but it get me this result: and putty get me this ...
chaimae's user avatar
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VirtualBox: Need example of MSDOS with IP stack to share folders with host machine

Does anyone have an example of the config.sys and autoexec.bat to setup an IP stack on a MSDOS virtual machine so I can share information between the virtual machine and the host? A downloadle VHD ...
Ruud's user avatar
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Why virtual machine gateway ip address ends with

Recently, I noticed that my virtual machine gateway IP address is instead of, as the gateway IP address for normal machines is . But that's not the case for ...
Ankan Sharma's user avatar
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Static IP for a VM

I've an existing network with multiple components. DHCP server is setup on router with range, addresses below are static IPs set on the devices directly. The setup works great so ...
ijavid's user avatar
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set different IP address for Vms in bridge mode in Virtualbox

I set up 3 Vms in Virtualbox all in bridge mode. guests can ping the host but they have the same IP addresses, so how can I change it? ( how can I ping one VM from another VM) note: I create Vms with ...
taherafahimi's user avatar
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How to Curl API with more than one IP address on Windows Server?

I purchased a real server with 10 dedicated IP addresses and Windows server on it to run my website on it. My app try to call an API and I need to send each request with one IP at a time. That's why I ...
Reza Tanzifi's user avatar
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Setting a static IP address to a guest machine if the host also has a static IP

I have Centos7 VM installed on VirtualBox and it works fine, but when I use the command ip address I get the IP as 192.168.0.X. The host machine (Windows 10) is on 192.168.100.X and I need the guest ...
Somayyah Mohammed's user avatar
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Why does static IP work with NAT but not bridged adapter?

I have been attempting to create a static IP on my VirtualBox guest server running Debian 9 for some time now. After much troubleshooting I decided to attempt the same format in my /etc/networking/...
koopmac's user avatar
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Use different IP's for each vm on virtualbox (Dedicated Server)

I have a dedicated server with a /29 block, how can I setup 8 linux vm and assign each vm with a different IP? Is it possible? edit 1 - Hello, guys. Thank you so much for your answers. I am using ...
Mirage's user avatar
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allow other networks to connect to my computer through the internet

I am trying to create a virtual machine with virtualBox which can be accessed from other networks. I explain myself more; I have an application in my virtual machine and I want that from another team ...
Andres ZL's user avatar
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How can I easily find the public LAN address of a Virtual Box VM in a public environment?

I’m using VirtualBox on Arch Linux and I’m learning some hacking stuff using OVA’s from VulnHub, imported into VirtualBox. Most times I generate a hackable webserver with an IP address, which I can ...
totemsteiner's user avatar
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Can't get dhcp ip in my virtual machine on Virtual box

I have a copy of a debian virtual machine that i got from my friend. He said that all the package that required for a networking are all in there, in that virtual machine which he gave (i.e SSH ...
gagantous's user avatar
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Virtualbox getting private IP instead of IP from DHCP server

new to server administration, going through a course on Youtube about Windows Server 2012/Active Directory/etc. I am trying to use Virtualbox to emulate multiple computer systems on the network to ...
mrk's user avatar
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