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27 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Problems in SSH to 2 of my VirtualBox VMs (for mininet setup)

I'm trying to set up a Mininet environment with SDN setup, each under a separate VirtualBox VM(mininet@mininet and media@odl) (using this tutorial- pretty strait forward). First adapter in VMs by ...
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Vagrant ssh fails -- after cloning the box with vagrant package

i've set up a first Vagrant box for python dev that works very well. I can vagrant ssh in that original box without issue. Trouble start when i try to create a copy of that box (with vagrant package),...
knightofni's user avatar
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Taskhost Process has high CPU when using VirtualBox

I am running a Ubuntu VirtualBox-VM on my Windows 10 host machine. After the VM is running for some time (not at the beginning), the process taskhostw.exe uses much of the CPU. I normaly use ssh to ...
Twistios_Player's user avatar
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how do I ssh Linux VM over virtualbox from windows

I spin up a Centos7 virtual machine over Virtualbox and trying to access via ssh from putty over windows from another machine in a same network, below are the details of my VM: IP addresses: Windows ...
piyush sachdeva's user avatar
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CentOS 7 Virtualbox VM SSH Connection Suddenly Refused

I am new to linux and am working with a minimal CentOS 7 installation on a VM running on Virtualbox with a Win10 host. Up until today, I was able to use PuTTy and WinSCP to SSH into the VM from the ...
deflator's user avatar
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SSH into a VirtualBox VM that was configured via command line

I am trying to set up a cluster of VMs on my Ubuntu laptop so that I can test some distributed code. My goal is to execute a shell script that will spin up the configuration and another script to tear ...
asmiller's user avatar
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Can't ping VirtualBox Windows 7 VM from separate OS X machine

I have a VirtualBox VM running Windows 7 on one Macbook, and have tried unsuccessfully to ping the VM's IP from another Macbook. Here is what I've tried so far: I have turned off the 2 Windows ...
Richie Thomas's user avatar
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Is it a good idea to use the host computer as proxy of a virtual server hosted into it?

I plan to use a physical proxy between another physical server which is accesses via SSH, and the router, acting as firewall. Right now I just have 1 physical computer to use for this net structure, ...
Alberto Martín's user avatar
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SSHing into a Ubuntu VM instance

I have an Ubuntu VM instance running on my laptop. Both Host and VM run the same OS - Ubuntu 12.04. I tried to ssh from host like ssh username@<VM-IP> It tries for some time and then says ssh:...
Prasanna's user avatar
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Iptables redirect outside requests to (VirtualBox)

I have a virtual machine installed with the output: ifconfig: enp0s3: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::...
moninah's user avatar
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What's the password needed to ssh to Windows

I have 2 VMs, one is a Kali VM and the other is a Windows 10 VM that I've initialised with a generic key (
Saurav Chittal's user avatar
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vagrant up and vagrant halt does not work fine. it shows the command failed using the windows 11 OS and vagrant 2.3.0 and virtual box 6.1.36

I have created my own box file and tried running but i am getting the below error. please help on this. vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> default: Importing ...
user2450515's user avatar
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I am not able to connect to the headless "Ubuntu" remote virtual machine (virtual box)

I cannot connect to the headless "Ubuntu" remote virtual machine which I created using virtual box. I've installed the virtual machine and configured it on my oracle linux server using ssh ...
John Williams's user avatar
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How to SSH to a Host from a VM (Virtualbox)

It is well known how to ssh into a Virtual Machine from a Linux Host machine (at least with Virtual Box). We have to set a port forward rule into the vm's network settings. After that we can simply ...
TheWesDias's user avatar
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How do I access the guest virtual machines through an esxi server?

I have installed Guest VM with default template which has some static IP address and which is not reachable from outside i.e private Network. My ultimate aim to change the IP address. How do I change ...
Mohamed Iburahimsha Seeni Rafi's user avatar
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How to SSH into a VirtualBox VM from outside?

VirtualBox version: 6.0.6 Host OS: Windows 10 Guest OS: Ubuntu 18.04 How can I VM so that I can SSH into VM from another server outside LAN? I have tried using NAT adapter and port forwarding, ...
j.dawg's user avatar
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SSH to CentOS VirtualBox from PuTtY on an External Windows System

I have created a VM on my personal machine and the VM is running CentOS and I can ssh to that machine from my local Windows 10 machine via PuTty. However, I am not sure of how to ssh to the VM from a ...
Kyle Lott's user avatar
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Install RancherOS on VirtualBox: How to share public key to VM

For testing purpose, I want to install RancherOS on a VirtualBox VM. To install it, a cloud-config.yml file with public key is required to manage the system using SSH. What's the easiest/reliable ...
Lion's user avatar
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Connecting to linux vm from Mac OS X

My friend has a windows laptop and has installed a Linux VM using virtual box I want to ssh into the Linux vm using my Mac OS and we are connected to the same wi-fi network (the network adapter is NAT)...
Shreyas Pimpalgaonkar's user avatar
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File transfer over VPN on VirtualBox

I'm accessing a computer inside a VPN via SSH. This access is being done through a VM. If I wanted to do file transfer and was in an actual machine inside the network I would do rsync from/path/...
Filipe Aleixo's user avatar
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Host Windows 7- Vmbox Ubuntu 14.04 - Network suddenly unreachable

I have trouble reach the host network wiht my Ubuntu VM on my Windows 7 host. It works fine an network suddenly cannot be reached. alibivmuser@ALIBIVM06:~$ ssh ssh: connect to host 192....
Mondraker's user avatar
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How to SSH to virtual machine locally without internet connection (or external modem)?

I run Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 as my host machine. I use Virtual Box to run Ubuntu Server. I SSH to my Ubuntu Server virtual machine using NAT network with port forwarding. With these settings I can SSH ...
faust_'s user avatar
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Not able to ssh into ubuntu virtualbox vm from mac host

I have an ubuntu VirtualBox VM running on MacOS as host. I have set up as a host-only network called vboxnet0, it is manually configured: ip netmask not using dhcp The VM ...
A j's user avatar
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ssh into a vm to pentest another vm on a different subnet

I'm trying to pentest this machine (guest target) who has been configured to be on with the Host-only networking feature of virtualbox. I can access it from my host machine, no ...
euri10's user avatar
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Trying to setup an SSH connection from an external Internet connection to a VirtualBox guest OS instance

I was having problems creating a SSH tunnel—while I was away from home—back to my VirtualBox guest machine back at my house. I did some research using search engines and looking at numerous sites, but ...
NoobNet14's user avatar
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Unable to SSH into freshly installed debian VM, "Permission denied, please try again." error

I just set up a Debian 7 VM. I can ping my VM from host OS, which is Ubuntu 14.1, but can not ssh into VM. Here is the output of ssh -v EDIT: I am using virtulbox. I am not using any command line ...
Kumar's user avatar
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Configure VM network settings to ssh into a mininet VM

I am trying to configure my VM (mininet vmdk) network settings in order to ssh into it from my host machine. I am using virtualbox as my hypervisor. Per the Mininet instructions (
user3772960's user avatar