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Questions tagged [user-groups]

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Setting up the group permissions in samba throughout archlinux

I wanted to set up the permissions for the group on linux, so members can access the group on windows. I coded it in archlinux and it looks like this : [test] path = /srv/smbtest/test valid users =...
Minja Culic's user avatar
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Primary user group for Linux desktop applications

My user has several groups assigned (e.g. group_a and group_b). By default, the order is: $ groups > group_b group_a In order to assign the right primary group (for file access rights etc.), I ...
benjamin's user avatar
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What does Docker ID 999 mean?

What does the 999 on the docker mean: michael@the-marketplace:/opt/backups$ id uid=1002(michael) gid=1002(michael) groups=1002(michael),999(docker) and why can I simply become root by running (source ...
zaid asseh's user avatar
18 votes
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Why do `groups` and `groups $USER` give different results?

I want to add myself to the "docker" group. These are the commands I ran, and their output: user1@laptop-p3510:~$ sudo usermod -a -G docker user1 user1@laptop-p3510:~$ groups user1 adm cdrom ...
Grollo's user avatar
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NFS Directory Group permissions not working

For some reason the users that are part of a particular group (with that group have rwx on an NFS directory) cannot cd in to that directory. I am at a loss here, there has to be something I am missing....
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How to change the group of a file generated by my python codes on Linux server?

I belong to multiple groups (AAA, BBB, CCC, and etc.) on a Linux server. And I wrote a python code that generates a file on the server. When generated, this file belongs to group AAA, by default. But ...
user3768495's user avatar
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How do I fix a quantum group membership? (I'm in the group, unless I look at the group, in which case I'm not in the group)

This happened (explanation on how we got to this below): PS C:\> Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Network Configuration Operators" -Member myuser Add-LocalGroupMember : MYLAPTOP\myuser is ...
Alexandros's user avatar
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Linux user administrator hierarchy

Can I have two users, one above other, but all can run all sudo commands and run all sudo applications, except user below, is not allowed specific small group of actions,set by user above. Ideally, ...
Nika Tvildiani's user avatar
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Cannot run docker as non sudo user

cannot run docker as non-privileged user. I added user to docker group with: sudo groupadd -a -G docker $USER I loggeg out and in again, still no success. I am running docker on a Ubuntu 21.10 system....
t0v4's user avatar
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How can I change the IsContainer property of an AD Group?

This question is related to an answer of another question: Please, how do I access, view or change the IsContainer property of an AD Group? I have tried it in a ...
Storm's user avatar
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Prevent regular users from accessing Windows settings

I have two user accounts under Windows 10 Pro (version 2004) - one administrative and the other regular. I would like to forbid the access to the Windows settings from the regular account. In ...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
-1 votes
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I accidentally removed SYSTEM group & 'Authenticated Users' group from C:\ permissions in Windows 10

Hoping someone can help. I was following the instructions for 'Solution 6:' on this linked page in an attempt to fix a blank preview screen in the OBS Studio app OBS Blank Preview Screen Fixes Sadly ...
Vicky White's user avatar
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User groups issue

Recently I noticed strange thing that I can't figure out searching the web. The groups and id give $ groups q $ id uid=1000(q) gid=1000(q) groups=1000(q) But explicitly passed arg change the ...
4xy's user avatar
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Can anyone tell me where these users and groups came from? (sshd, devtoolsuser, aspnet & netmon users, ssh users, performance log users)

I ran into an issue with "an administrator has blocked you from running xx app" which shouldnt be happening due to the fact im obviously administrator on my pc, and i have real-time/smartscreen ...
klepp0906's user avatar
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How can i specify which group can read and write files in directory

i have two groups boys girls boys have users pete ali girls have users alice mary i have d1 directoy in home/pete I want to let only pete can read and write the files in that folder, And ali ...
M J's user avatar
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getent group correct but id not

How on earth can this be possible? # getent group mailuser mailuser:*:37103:admin,pinguin,testuser # id testuser uid=46944(testuser) gid=100(users) Gruppen=2399(datas),100(users) # Yes, users/groups ...
divB's user avatar
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How to plot longitudinal data in R

I am trying to plot longitudinal data in R. My data frame has this form: participant_ID group S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 1 ctrl 14.00 14.00 13.00 13.00 7.00 8.00 4.00 1.00 2 ...
Yacila's user avatar
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List admins of a user group?

I was trying to add a user to a user group that I'm currently in. With pts adduser -user MyFriend -group OneOfMyGroups I got ts: Permission denied ; unable to add user MyFriend to group ...
Sibbs Gambling's user avatar
1 vote
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How to restore "wheel" user/group?

I deleted wheel group in HDD "get info/permissions" wrongly thinking it was hacker. I now see that my Mac is running akwardly these days. How can I restore or recover "natural" or previous HDD user/...
donagustino's user avatar
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Synology: understanding the group service permission

Let's say I have a user group A and user group B. I want A to have access to the FTP service and nothing else. I want B to have access to the cloud drive service and nothing else. Now if I add a ...
lvictorino's user avatar
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Linux Commands for Task

I am working on a File server on cent OS but stuck with a simple process, some how I am getting no result maybe I am new Linux that's why can't figure it out. Please Need Help: Here is what I want to ...
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Have directory that anyone in a group can chmod from 444 to 777

I have a release area that I (not a super user) manage. Nominally the privileges are 444 (Only read access for myself, group, and everyone). I don't want myself or a group to nominally have write ...
nanotek's user avatar
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getent passwd | grep my_user not showing result but getent passwd my_user will return output

my_user is an entry in /etc/passwd file. I wrote a test script which called getpwent() to see if my_user can be printed, but it's not showing as well. I'm using aix system.
Clon15323's user avatar
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Why does a group show up in the “Users & Groups” GUI but not in “/etc/groups/” in macOS?

I have in macOS in “Users & Groups” I have a group called: access_bpf. But it is not in: /etc/groups Where is the user of accesss_bpf and how does not the other groups show in the “Users & ...
taiat's user avatar
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How to list users and groups with Powershell?

How can I list local groups? PS C:\Users\thufir> PS C:\Users\thufir> Get-WMIObject win32_operatingsystem SystemDirectory : C:\WINDOWS\system32 Organization : Microsoft BuildNumber : ...
Thufir's user avatar
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External users need access to our domain

We built an application that is configured for single sign-on using our AD with SAML. We use Duo for 2FA. Hence, all users in our domain can access that app with their regular work accounts. However,...
DivZ's user avatar
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Why is a new group not active after SSH login via tmux?

This is my situation: I have added a new group to my user. I have verified /etc/group is properly set up. If I do su - myuser the group is shown with id -a But login-out and login-in again (via ssh) ...
blueFast's user avatar
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Add all LDAP users to a local group?

Is there a way to add every LDAP users to a local group on Debian ? I have more than 1500 ldap users, and they need to be in local groups ('video', 'audio' and 'games') on some computers (Raspbian)....
Azca's user avatar
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Docker group assignment doesn't affect the user

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04. On the manual page on how to use docker without sudo it is written that user should add himself to the docker group and perform logout/login for changes to take affect. I ...
maks's user avatar
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32 votes
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usermod equivalent for Alpine Linux

I'm building a Docker container, and I need to add my user to a group. usermod is not available in Alpine Linux by default. Apparently, you can add shadow from apk to install usermod, but I would ...
Zak's user avatar
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How to add someone back to the “root” user group after accidentally removing them in Ubuntu and not having another “sudo” user?

I have an Ubuntu installation without root user enabled (standard). The main user that was part of group root (called netuser) was mistakenly removed from the group adding another group and forgetting ...
James's user avatar
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Troubleshooting about user groups and usb devices in virtualbox

While accessing to usb devices in virtualbox I've found that usb devices aren't available, so I've checked user groups for vboxusers and found this: kike@ubuntu:~$ id uid=1001(kike) gid=1001(kike) ...
Dokan's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 SFTP Group: one user has permissions, the other doesn't

Following this guide I have created a group sftp_users that I use for SFTP access only. I created two users, user1, user2 I then added both to to group sudo usermod -a -G sftp_users user1 sudo ...
C. Ovidiu's user avatar
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How to setup an unique email address for a group of people (that is constantly evolving)?

I work in an organization and we usually communicate through emails. This does not work very well because our organization is very flexible: There is new people joining and people leaving everytime. ...
gordie's user avatar
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NixOS & NixOps declarative group management and services

Is it possible to manage groups in a declarative way in NixOS and NixOps? I would like to be able to create a new group in a configuration.nix, and add users to it. I have not been able to find any ...
8bit.wappen's user avatar
5 votes
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Why my linux account only belongs to one group?

I am currently using Ubuntu 18.04, and my username is abcxyz (not real, changed for the matter of the question). If I look at the contents of /etc/groups, my user appears in many groups: $ cat /etc/...
elxordi's user avatar
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Share a directory with one (not all) other non-root user on Linux (no root privileges)

Is it possible to share a directory with one other non-root user, but only this one, without root privileges? The system is Ubuntu with kernel 4.4.0. I do not have root privileges. The system has a ...
0range's user avatar
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list all the groups to which a user belongs. Using macOS and CentOS

This is may question. I want to know the groups of some user. $dscl . list /groups filterByUSer theFindUser is it possible?
joseluisbz's user avatar
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Windows Backup Operators group for family edition

On Windows pro versions, there is a "Backup Operators" group allowing to access every files for backup purposes. On Windows 10 family I don't see this group (with the commande net localgroup). I want ...
Gregory MOUSSAT's user avatar
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Displays the list of groups for a login using command-line in iMac

How to display the list of groups for which login, contained in the environment variable FT_USER, is a member (separated by commas without spaces) using Unix command line in iMac. Example: ...
Mveliso's user avatar
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Nextcloud users' settings "Group admin for" - what is it?

I've just finished configuring a Nextcloud server running on Apache2. It's the latest version. This is the first time I set up such a server. While I was fiddling with the settings I created a non-...
Manchineel's user avatar
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Setting default file permissions using setfacl

I need to set the default ACLs on new files created by httpd via the apache service user in such a way that the file is created with the GUID set to the dev users account (which well call devs), and ...
Justin's user avatar
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Unable to create local group CREATE OWNER

I would like to create a local group named CREATOR OWNER to work around a bug that's mentioned here. However, when I use the commandline and type net localgroup CREATOR OWNER or net localgroup ...
tmighty's user avatar
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Groups permissions for multiple users

I am setting up a web development uBuntu server for multiple users. The website files are all owned by root and in the group root. As I was trying to avoid giving parts of the file structure 777 ...
sisko's user avatar
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Grant user implicit permissions to folders of another user

I've got the following file structure on Debian 8: /folder userA:users 0750 rwxr-x--- (never edited) # Dynamically created by userA with these permissions: /folder/content1 ...
FireEmerald's user avatar
2 votes
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German names for windows groups?

I'm looking for windows groups names in german language, due I have to configure something with accesschk on Windows 10 Pro. I get errors which tell me that the names are not valid. Maybe here are ...
Tech-IO's user avatar
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Windows 2000 Groups

Which default group is created on Windows 2000 domain controllers to allow members to administer domain controllers, but does not allow members to administer user and group accounts? is it : Server ...
Wissam A Jackal's user avatar
6 votes
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Does a process with CAP_SETUID and CAP_SETGID can always gain full root privileges?

If I have an executable file with CAP_SETUID and CAP_SETGID set inside xattrs file’s attributes. Will I get full root privileges if such executable call setuid();setreuid();setresuid();setfsuid() with ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Error message after sucsessfully writing as group member

I am hosting multiple websites from my server. All sites are located in /home/www Recently I started working on projects with two close friends. As we all need to access files in this folder, I ...
SlyTech404's user avatar
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Linux permissions: Users, Groups, Others, white list or black list? And help sharing directories with full, partial, and no permissions

Update: for my general purposes, what I figured out here is good enough: UPDATE: ...
Gabriel Staples's user avatar

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