I wanted to set up the permissions for the group on linux, so members can access the group on windows. I coded it in archlinux and it looks like this :

  path = /srv/smbtest/test
  valid users = @fibu
  read list = @fibu
  write list = @fibu
  public = no
  available = yes
  guest ok = no
  browseable = yes
  create mask = 0664
  directory mask = 0775
  force group = fibu
  force user = manoca

Previously, two test users were added to group fibu to check if it works or not. When I try to login on windows in folder test with credentials that I set up for these two test members that I added, I get the upcoming error message:

\\datastorevm\test is not accesible. You might not have a permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. 

Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name is not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again. 

Did anyone encounter similar problem? How to solve it?

Thanks in advance! :)

2 Answers 2


It looks like you were able to establish at least a partial connection to the samba share, then attempted to connect again using different credentials?

Windows only allows one set of credentials per share name. You may be able to just run net use \\datastorevm\test /DELETE in windows, or you may have to restart the LanmanWorkstation service to get it to reset. Then you should be able to access the share with a new user if there are no other issues.

More info in the answers here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24933661/


I solved it, smbpasswd was necessarry to be defined for all the existing users in a given group. After that samba login functioned perfectly. Conduct the following command using root privileges:

  • smbpasswd -a groupname username (username from member of privileged group)
  • Define and retype new password
  • Restart service with rc-service smb restart

Login to the encrypted folder is now possible on windows with valid credentials

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