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Questions tagged [sublime-text]

Sublime Text is a cross-platform GUI text editor for Windows, OS X, and Linux. Use this tag for version-agnostic questions.

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Find the every nth occurrence of a string

Despite the many similar questions, I am still confused. qx|o1|md|4SAK9H7DQ876CAJ943,SJT8642H2DKT2CQ76,SQ5HKT653DAJCKT52|rh||ah|Board 1|sv|0|pg|| qx|o2|md|4SKQJ7642H9DQJ8CK8,STHAK8762D74CQJ65,...
blackened's user avatar
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Run ConEmu + Far in current folder

1. Briefly I don't find, how I can run ConEmu + Far in current folder. 2. Detail I don't set ConEmu + Far in ConEmu Open Sublime Text package. I don't set, how ConEmu + Far open in ConEmu Here. 3. ...
Саша Черных's user avatar
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Sublime text auto semicolon

Is it possible to automatic add semicolon in sublime? // 1 Route::get(| // 2 Route::get(|); After closing bracket insert ; at the end of line?
Sonique's user avatar
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Key refused in Sublime SFTP, but works in PuTTY

I've been using the SFTP package on Sublime Text to connect to AWS EC2 instances for a few years now and I've never had any problems. Today I created a new instance and for some reason I'm having ...
Júlio Pradera's user avatar
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Key binding for character insertion won't work in sublime text 3

I am trying to make my sublime text 3 instert a "<" character if I press alt + z, and ">" if I insert alt + x since my keyboard has no <> keys. I managed to make this work properly in Sublime ...
Markski's user avatar
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Find and replace only specific characters in Sublime Text

An example of what I want to do.. I have tons of: name : 'SomethingXX', I want to become: name: 'Something Else', Where Something is different for every entry, so I can find all using name : '((.*?...
BillyNM's user avatar
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How to recursively replace a string in Sublime Text?

The title tells it all: I am wondering how can I replace a string in all files in sub-folders of a folder.
Karlom's user avatar
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Sublime text: error while loading shared libraries

When I try to run sublime text 3 (installed with the official instructions) in a new debian sid chroot, it does not start, outputting: /opt/sublime_text/sublime_text: error while loading shared ...
phihag's user avatar
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How can I change default path to Sublime Text preferences?

Here is the case: I installed Sublime Text 3 on my Windows 8.1 . When I try to save my user preferences and/or keybindings, it throws following error: Unable to save C:\Users\w\AppData\Roaming\...
wscourge's user avatar
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sublime text 3 keybinding save with encode + utf8

As the title says. I want to make keyboard shortcut for save with encoding + UTF-8 . Anyone has idea how to do that in key bindings file of Submlime text 3?
user657054's user avatar
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How do I add a command to the tab context menu in Sublime?

I would like to add a command from my plugin to this context menu: This is the menu that pops up when you right click on a file. I only know how to add a command to the context menu that pops up when ...
Klik's user avatar
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Sublime text 3 asks me to choose a default language whenever I open it

Sublime text 3 asks me to choose a default language whenever I open it. I have the latest version, installed on windows 10. Each time I open sublime I see this Even if I pick english or whatever, the ...
Lynob's user avatar
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Inno Setup script (.iss) syntax highlight in Sublime Text?

I'm working on the Inno Setup based installer. I'd prefer to edit the script file in Sublime Text, but it doesn't appear to detect the language and doesn't enable syntax highlighting. I have failed so ...
Septagram's user avatar
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in sublime how to abort previous build automatically when building again

I know that there is key mapping to cancel build. But I want automatically when I press Ctrl+B, that it will abort the previous built. Is it possible? Is it possible, that the "cancel" build will do ...
Aminadav Glickshtein's user avatar
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Git gui blame from Sublime Text 3

I have tried many things, but none of them worked. Expected result: I type a shortkey, and git gui blame opens the current file at the line the pointer is on. I work on Windows 7, with Sublime 3 ...
Kalissar's user avatar
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How to search Sublime Text changelog?

I opened the Sublime Text changelog (Help / Changelog). How do I search it now? I think it's bizarre Sublime Text opens the changelog in a new window, rather than the text editor.
Colonel Panic's user avatar
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How to set document icon instead of application icon in Windows?

If I have a file extension associated with an application, such as xml files with Sublime Text 3 or html files with Chrome, the icons in Windows explorer are using the "application" icon for the ...
Steve's user avatar
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How can I delete everything from X to Y in a text document?

Lets say, given a text document with the content: zeep XXX fleem flerb floot flop YYY zoop yim XXX abc def jpg gif YYY yam i want to delete everything in between XXX and YYY so it looks like:...
user1560100's user avatar
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Sublime Text terminal control

I'm using Sublime Text 3 for editing my code on a remote server. I use sshfs to mount a directory from the server on my computer and make my changes using my local Sublime Text. Then I usually build ...
Adam Hunyadi's user avatar
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How to replace text in Sublime without moving the cursor or viewport

I am using Sublime Text to find some text in a file and make some changes to it, using the "Replace" command. When the thing I want to change is selected, if I click the "Replace" button, pick the "...
Elias Zamaria's user avatar
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Autoprefixer does not work on Sublime

I following this link to add AutoPrefixer plugin to my sublimeText. Once I press 'Cmd + Shift + P', AutoPrefix CSS is one option of the menu. However, when I choose it nothing happens. I have a ...
Jack's user avatar
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Is it possible to set a project-specific font in Sublime (2)?

Is it possible to set a project-specific font in Sublime (2)? I just naively tried adding this to the config it give you under Project > Edit Project: { "font_face": "monospace" } (Which was ...
Owen_AR's user avatar
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SublimeText XML completions file

I apparently can't get autocompletion to work in my XML files. Here is my xml.sublime-completions file, which I added to the User folder: { "scope": "text.xml", "completions": [ { "...
Alexei Danchenkov's user avatar
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SublimeText3 double-backslash in snippet

I'm using SublimeText3 with LaTeXTools for my LaTeX work and want it to insert a double-backslash+newline when I hit ctrl+enter. Like this: asdf\\ foobar I tried inserting the following into "...
beesteak's user avatar
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How can I get Sublime Text to show package keybindings in the code window?

Please look at the example image below: It looks like typing the package name is popping up a list of shortcuts. Can anyone tell me how to set this up? The image is from sublime-jekyll and I can’t ...
JAstuccio's user avatar
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Outline view in Sublime Text 3

I've been advised to use SublimeText and I'm giving it a try. When I take notes in a text file, I would like to structure it with a few levels of headers (in LaTeX, that would be sections and ...
jrouquie's user avatar
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Can I stop Sublime Text from messing with my input?

When I type in sublime text, it adds/eats parenthesis, quotes, etc. I spend as much time deleting the extra characters the editor adds in as it saves by adding them. In fact, I think it's a net ...
Nick Retallack's user avatar
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Is there a way to autosave after every 2-5 mins in sublime text?

I have come across ways to save on focus up "save_on_focus_lost": true, or save on every change like this but I am looking for time based saving ...
Ahmed Numan's user avatar
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Sublimetext3 jedi autocomplete: Docstrings not showing

I've just stumbled upon a problem with the jedi autocomplete package in sublimetext3 on windows. I've installed the package via package control and the code completion itself works fine. E.g. when ...
seppo's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3, LaTeX Tools, and compiling with LuaLaTeX via %!TEX program = lualatex not working

I'm using Sublime Text 3 with the LaTeX Tools package, and need to compile a .tex document with LuaLaTeX (in order to use the tikz graph drawing library). I put %!TEX program = lualatex as the very ...
Kyle O's user avatar
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Select Folder option in Dreamweaver is missing

I have a question about Adobe Dreamweaver: I have two code editors, Sublime and Dreamweaver(CS6 and CC2019 ). Sublime has the option select folder to include a project at a side panel. But in ...
Hashaam zahid's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3 marks things without a reason

To me it is unclear why Sublime Text 3 marks things without having selected some other text. It bothers me because I cannot focus clearly because of this. Does somebody know how to 'reset' Sublime ...
SparkleFish's user avatar
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Using Sublime Text as default e-mail editor in Thunderbird

1. Briefly I want to write my e-mail messages use external editor Sublime Text 3. But I don't know, how I can do it. 2. Example of expected behavior For example, I get email in Thunderbird. I click ...
Саша Черных's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3 keyboard shortcut to jump from Find Bar to text

I would like to jump from the Find Bar back to the text being edited, while keeping the Find Bar open. Currently I do it with a mouse click. Is there a keyboard shortcut for this, or how do I create ...
ultracrepidarian's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a word preprocessor with a plugin?

I am wondering whether it is possible to create a plugin that would act as a kind of a word-preprocessor. Here is an example to make things more clear: Let's say I want to be able to highlight words ...
Božo Stojković's user avatar
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Ctrl+space autocompletion for TernJS (ST3)

I have a problem getting Ctrl+space autocompletion working per TernJS description (Sublime Text 3). Autocompletion as such seems to work, because if I define bbb variable as string per below, type .t,...
LetMeSOThat4U's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3 - Terminal/Browser view

I've been searching for a plugin for Sublime that would allow me to access a terminal or browser preview in a second column (accessable via alt+Shift+2), similar to the interface (reference)
Valkyrie's user avatar
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Sublime text: Keep build window open

In sublime text when I try build my code the build window shows up while it is building but then closes when done. I can't see my output when it does this. How do I keep the build window open?
Mark Skelton's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3: Using the line as an arg for a Keybinding

I want to use sublime text to edit scripts, and it could be helpful to "evaluate" (run) a line in the command line, right in sublime text. I thought I'd do this with the Shell Command Plugin, which ...
wildeyes's user avatar
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Dynamic Text Snippets?

Suppose my snippet is: <snippet> <content><![CDATA[ 1example \> ]]></content> <tabTrigger>1e</tabTrigger> <scope>text.tex.latex</scope> ...
blackened's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3 vertical paste on large number of lines

This is a follow-up question for this answer. While working with vertical selection/pasting this answere works only for the destination pasting area should be selected with Command+Shift+L+for same ...
nehem's user avatar
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Sublime snippet in many places with different placeholders

In my scaffolding snippet I'd like to be able to remove two chunks of optional code, with a single button press. However my attempts were unsuccessful. <snippet> <content><![CDATA[...
Misiur's user avatar
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Sidebar subfolder: Sort by alphabet by not by capitalisation

It's every time confuse me that in sublime-text at sidebar subfolders sort like: Folder5 Folder8 folder1 folder7 How to force sublime-text to ignore letters case and sort subfolders like this: ...
d9k's user avatar
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Sublime User Keybindings Error

I am running sublime text 3 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I added the following line to the user key bindings: { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+s"], "command": "save_all" } Following this forum: Sublime Save All ...
jlzizmor's user avatar
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Sublime Text 2/3: Arrow key navigation

In Textpad, when you press the down arrow key in a line, insert some text, and then press down again, you will stay in the same position that you were at before you inserted text. Sublime Text ...
reggie's user avatar
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Sublime-text command as keybinding

I want to add a keybinding for Reindent(Edit>Line>Reindent). I have tried adding "keys": ["ctrl+shift+i"], "command": "reindent" But this does nothing even after restarting sublime Other answers ...
Lightvvind's user avatar
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How to stop sublime text from adding a new extra line at the end?

I'm on OS X and using Sublime Text 3 and it's adding a newline at the end of document after I press CMD+S, which I don't want. I have already added below line in Sublime Text user settings: "...
metal gear solid's user avatar
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Select text with CTRL+SHIFT+M plus one or more line of code in Sublime Text

This is the sample code: Class foo { function one() { // lines of code } function two() { // lines of code } } I know that hitting CTRL+SHIFT+M inside the curly braces of ...
Jiego Cordoviz's user avatar
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Language-specific settings for SublimeREPL

How do I apply specific settings to new SublimeREPL buffers for specific languages? Specifically, I want to have "Auto Wrap" set by default for the "REPL [fsharp]" buffers.
Søren Debois's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3: Move caret up/down between displayed lines

With soft-wrapping enabled, 1 text line could occupy multiple displayed lines -- depending on how wide the window is. By default Up/Down arrows move carets between actual lines. I was wondering ...
ejel's user avatar
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