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Questions tagged [snippets]

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8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
3 votes
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Sublime paste in snippet

I have got a sublime snippet to get console.log in js who look like that : <snippet> <content><![CDATA[console.log('$1', $1);]]></content> <tabTrigger>cl</...
Xavier Haniquaut's user avatar
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Rofi/dmenu alternative for Windows 11 for pasting snippets from a list

I'm looking for a tool on Windows 11, which I could use to launch some sort of a finder, search among text snippets I have previously configured and paste the selected one to where my cursor was when ...
fbence's user avatar
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Dynamic Text Snippets?

Suppose my snippet is: <snippet> <content><![CDATA[ 1example \> ]]></content> <tabTrigger>1e</tabTrigger> <scope>text.tex.latex</scope> ...
blackened's user avatar
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yasnippet and evil mode : how to switch to normal mode without exiting the snippet environment

The problem is when I am in a snippet expansion, I hit escape to switch to normal mode, and the snippet is escaped. How can I make it to behave like this: one escape only switch to evil normal mode, ...
godblessfq's user avatar
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How to create a snippet in Sublime Text 3 on Windows 8.1. Snippets do not trigger

I cannot create a working snippet in ST3 on Windows 8.1. tabTrigger just doesn't print anything. For instance, I want to create a snippet @mixin for .scss files. Here is how I create it. Tools > ...
Green's user avatar
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Multible names for snippet in snipmate

I'm wondering if it possible to have a snippet with several names. For example a snipped for a title which can be expanded using title and ti. Of course it would be possible to add it twice, for each ...
Jan's user avatar
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Insert snippet until end of line in Visual Studio Code

I'm trying to add a comment snippet in Visual Studio Code that should add dashes until the end of the column, however depending on the indentation the amount of dashes should be different. The snippet ...
Marc's user avatar
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Make sublime auto-insert semicolon after colon in SCSS files just like it does with CSS?

Sublime auto-inserts a semicolon after typing a colon in CSS files, but not in SCSS files. I would like this behavior.
Marcus Plimsoll's user avatar