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How to correctly enable a service on a CentOs 7 machine using systemctl enable command?

I am not a sysadministrator (I am a software developer) but this time I have to install some agents on some CentOS machines that have to be monitored by Wazuh (a SIEM software) and I have the ...
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1 answer

Install Minecraft server on Centos

For the past 3 weeks, my 10 year old daughter begged me to build her a a minecraft/bukkit server, and I am attempting to do so on my on VPS running Centos6.4. I am following
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1 answer

service: command not found when trying to start vsftpd in centos

I am trying to use FTP on CentOS. I use this way to install: sudo yum -y install vsftpd when I use whereis to check the location of vsftpd, I can find it: But when I try service vsftpd start ...
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1 answer

Jenkins service user to restart mongodb service

Centos 7. Usually when I would like to run a sudo command as a non root user, I open up the visudo, and add this line to the right place: %<userGroup> ALL= NOPASSWD: <command> when I ...
5 votes
2 answers

How can I create a service in CentOS 6?

I need to create ratchet service on my dedicated server (CentOS 6). I have successfully created this service on local CentOS 7. The problem is that the server has got old version of CentOS and I need ...
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1 answer

How to list options of a service

On CentOS, there is a service which we normally run service acme_donkey start registry I would like to find out if there are any options to this service, such debug, etc. Is there a way of doing this?...
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1 answer

What's the point of adding service to firewall rules in centos?

My purpose is to make firewall allow connections to my newly installed service/server/daemon on Centos. I create /etc/firewalld/services/myservice.xml file, then reload firewall, then do: firewall-...
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1 answer

Run go app by service

In centos 6.8 I have a golang app , that run in command go run main.go and I need to create a system service to run it in boot like service httpd. I know that I have to create file like /etc/rc.d/init....
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2 answers

"Failed to start SYSV" when starting self-made service

I'm trying to set up a service, on root, that will automatically start monetdb database after system startup because monetdb doesn't provide such mechanism. I've created /etc/init.d/monetdb script ...
5 votes
3 answers

How do I create a service using chkconfig in CentOS?

I want to be able to create a service so that the bash script will run every time the server boots up. I am running CentOS 5. I have been reading about chkconfig and creating a file in /etc/init.d ...
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1 answer

starting up apache tomcat on boot in Linux

I want to know whether is there any way to make our Apache tomcat to run automatically in the boot time?I want to simplify our works as we do not want to execute the start up script(provided in the ...
2 votes
2 answers

LFD wont start in Centos

Error messages: service lfd status Status of lfd:lfd is stopped tail /var/log/lfd.log Nov 24 15:36:05 lfd[3833]: Error Invalid configuration line, at line 64 Nov 24 15:36:05 lfd[3833]: daemon stopped ...
2 votes
2 answers

Why does systemd process stop as soon as it starts for foreman server process?

I am trying to export a simple Ruby app using foreman. Based on its usage for systemd, I appear to be doing things correctly. However, when I start the target/service, I get status messages along the ...
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2 answers

Cent OS 6 - Do I need to restart a service after updating .ssh/known_hosts

After updating my .ssh/known_hosts file do I need to restart a service? I tried service ssh restart but it gives ssh: unrecognized service.
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1 answer

How do I give a group 'service httpd graceful' permission in sudoers without passwd prompt?

I'm currently trying to lock down my users a bit. I've created some users: and a group: apacheadmins Both, and are members of the apacheadmins group. They do not ...

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