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Questions tagged [scoop]

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"scoop" package manager can't install anything (or I think something's wrong with making secure connections)

I usually use scoop to manage my various packages on Windows. I haven't updated in a while but I recently tried to install an application via scoop and it gave me the following error: Unable to read ...
user9564371's user avatar
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How to deploy a powershell-installer via the intune-portal?

I've got the powershell install script for the windows command-liner installer Scoop which is called: install.ps1. After downloading the script with irm -outfile 'install.ps1' I want to ...
hmaier's user avatar
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How to migrate from Chocolatey to Scoop?

I'm finding that Scoop's repos are more often updated than Chocolatey's (am I wrong?). Scoop doesn't immediately recognise apps already installed, so I wanted a way to let Scoop know the apps I had ...
André Levy's user avatar
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'scoop list' on PowerShell

When I execute the command 'scoop list' on PowerShell I get this reply: There aren't any apps installed. How do I fix this to show all installed software?
Twinsen's user avatar
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Powershell is extremely slow and using a lot of resources, how to solve this?

Using powershell is almost impossible. It takes almost 6 minutes to load on a pretty fast computer. I think it might be relevant that I use cmder and scoop. It's also slow in cmder. What can I do to ...
Thomas's user avatar
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ffmpeg fails when executing example command to convert using VP8

I am following the tutorial here, and executing the first example command yeilds an error. The ffmpeg version I have has libvpx and libvorbis enabled. When I run this command: ffmpeg -i aaa.mp4 -c:v ...
Ghasan's user avatar
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Run PostgreSQL on log in on Windows 10 when installed with scoop

I installed PostgreSQL on Windows 10 using Scoop: scoop install postgresql I can start it with: pg_ctl.exe start But how do I make it run automatically on boot or log in?
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
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Installation of scoop times out

I want to install scoop on a laptop on which I do not have administrator rights. I use the following commands in PowerShell: PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser PS> iex (new-...
Tommiie's user avatar
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SumatraPDF via scoop: how to set as default application?

Recently I have been trying out Scoop, which seems great for things like nodejs, yarn, git, etc.. But I am having troubles with applications that would otherwise also create file associations. Like ...
fritzmg's user avatar
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