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Questions tagged [queue]

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12 votes
10 answers

Send an Email at a future date

I'd like to write up an email that gets sent out in a few days. I'd prefer to use Gmail, but I could use some other client if necessary. It doesn't look like Gmail has this feature in their labs ...
Ryan's user avatar
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23 votes
9 answers

Is there a queue copy program available for Windows 7?

When copying a lot of files all from different locations to the same location, using Windows Explorer, Windows always creates multiple copy processes, slowing everything down. How can I queue copy ...
Edosoft's user avatar
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54 votes
8 answers

How to run commands as in a queue

I need to do a lot of copying of various files to various folders. I can add all my copy commands to a bash script and then run that, but then I must wait until it finishes if I want to add more ...
Svish's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Linux queuing system

We have a few computers that are used for simulations in physics which are run by a few people. I would like to install some queuing system to submit tasks and to fairly share resources. What would ...
klew's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can I create a shortcut to a printer's queue on Windows 7?

How can I create a desktop shortcut to a printer's queue on Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit? Thanks. For any future searchers, what worked for me is a little different from what's in the accepted ...
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