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Questions tagged [privacy-protection]

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46 votes
5 answers

How to automatically remove Flash history/privacy trail? Or stop Flash from storing it?

Many people have heard about third-party cookies, and some browsers even block those by default. Some people may even be using Private Browsing modes. However, only few seem to realise that Adobe's ...
Arjan's user avatar
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63 votes
13 answers

Is there a way to make my hard drive inaccessible to everyone but me?

Let me give you some backup story first: A computer technician challenged me to give him my laptop and ask him for any piece of information that I wanted to "hide" in my hard drive. He claimed that he ...
F1234k's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

How good is Word's password protection? [closed]

I have a password protected MS-Word 2007 file that needs to stay private. How good is Word's protection? If it's not very good, can you suggest a better method for keeping the file protected? EDIT: ...
Yuval's user avatar
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33 votes
8 answers

Can my ISP monitor me?

I'm an atheist visiting a islamic republic where the punishmnent for apostacy may be high. Is it possible for an ISP to see the websites I might browse or what kind of blasphemous conversations I ...
Click Upvote's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Public WiFi Security [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: SSH from public network? How does a hacker in a public WIFI actually view your computer? HTTPS in public wireless network: is it ok I have heard and read about public ...
L84's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How can I permanently delete messages from gmail? [closed]

For privacy reasons, I want to permanently delete a lot of mail from gmail. I've downloaded it using IMAP. However, when I try to delete the mail, it keeps coming back. This happens even when I delete ...
vy32's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to make Firefox open a tab as a private tab?

Is there a Firefox addon that will let me open a tab as a private tab? Otherwise, I have to open a new private window. When I open pages like Amazon I sometimes want to use them anonymized because of ...
Fake4d's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

is there a way to prevent data in a flash drive from being copied [duplicate]

I want to give a USB flash drive to a friend but I don't want him to copy the data in USB or add anything to it is it possible so he could only read the files without the ability to do anything else?
Mehdi Zibout's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do websites uniquely identify your computer even with other computers on your network?

There's a site that I visit that shows a captcha every 2 hours or so and I was just wondering how they did it. NOTE: I am not trying to circumvent it because the rewards of doing so would be next to ...
Byte11's user avatar
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-2 votes
4 answers

Generic browser with no tracking [closed]

Most of the mainstream browsers nowadays can be easily tracked via regular cookies, flash supercookies, unique id numbers (e.g. Chrome), and various other less known tricks. Does there exist any ...
D R's user avatar
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