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Questions tagged [pid]

PID (Process IDentifier) is the number that identifies a process running on an operational system.

4 votes
2 answers

What process is the parent of the init process in Linux?

Who or Which process is the parent of INIT process? INIT is the first process which is initialized by the Kernel, kernel is not one process, So what is its parent process id value?
Novice's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting pid of process not listed in ps -ef

I know there is a process called running on a particular machine but not quite sure which user is running it. i have tried ps -ef | grep -i but obviously it's not finding it. Is there ...
ealeon's user avatar
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1 answer

The server quit without updating PID file

I am trying to install MySQL on my Mac w/ Mavericks OS. Whenever I try sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start it shows an error The server quit without updating PID file (/usr/local/...
SleepNot's user avatar
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1 answer

How to execute a script 20 at a time with different variables at a time in parallel?

I am trying to run 20 files at a time, using or a better way to put it is 20 instances of at a time with directory contents as the input. I am also trying to watch the PIDs in case bad ...
ehime's user avatar
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1 answer

Weird start-stop-daemon behaviour?

I have the following script: #!/usr/bin/python3 import sys for s in sys.argv: print(s) Now I execute: sudo start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/ --make-pidfile /var/run/test....
mafrasi2's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Does Windows 7 reuse process IDs?

Does Windows 7 reuse process IDs? The reason I ask this question is due to my experience that Windows XP and Linux never seems to generate process IDs higher than 20–30k. However, my Windows 7 ...
isildur's user avatar
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Squid Proxy process not running

Hey community, some days ago my squid crashed. I'm running squid 2.6 STABLE21 on CentOS. The output of the "show squid status" command is just squid dead but pid file exists starting the ...
Rob Tyson's user avatar
358 votes
11 answers

If I know the PID number of a process, how can I get its name?

If I have the PID number for a process (on a UNIX machine), how can I find out the name of its associated process? What do I have to do?
AndreaNobili's user avatar
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1 answer

How to start a process with a predefined (in case it is unused) PID?

Is it possible to start/run a process with a predefined PID? In Linux or in OS X (or BSD)?
static's user avatar
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Red5 on Debian, output PID

I'm fumbling my way through with this one, as a novice with all things linux so please be patient :) I would like to output the process ID of a program to a file. From my readings this is generally ...
milks's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Run a process and return its PID (as CHP.EXE) for a batch file

I'm looking for something like chp.exe, it can runs a command and returns its pid. I can not use CHP.EXE because it seems to be reported as infected file in some antiviruses. Thanks
Tobia's user avatar
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Is there a process with pid 0 linux? [duplicate]

Is there a process with pid 0 linux? Also is there any negative pids? This is just out of curiosity :D
agz's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

What processes, if any, exist between PIDs 0 and 4 on Windows 7?

Just out of curiosity what are the processes between 0 and 4, and also between 4 and 200 something.
agz's user avatar
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hide pid when a process is launched in background

So I put this command vncconfig -iconic &, this causes vncconfig window to launch and terminal will display like [1] 13488. I want to hide this pid info. That is, when we put the command, only ...
user195661's user avatar
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Install perl module from rpm file

I have a perl issue and obviously I'm not a perl expert. I can not use CPAN. I've installed File::Pid using a rpm, or I tried. I downloaded perl-File-Pid-1.01-3.el5.noarch.rpm (and the perl-Class-...
user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Interfacing strace with Process Name instead of PID

How do I implement a wrapper script pstrace in bash that changes the interface of [sudo] strace -c -p [PID] to [sudo] pstrace -c -p [PROCESS-NAME] similar to how killall [PROCESS-NAME] is used. ...
Nordlöw's user avatar
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36 votes
6 answers

How to find PID's user name in Linux?

Can you help me to find the PID's user name? Sometimes my server has high load. When I run top -c, I cannot even find the owner of a process which is causing load on the server.
Ranjithkumar T's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Determine display or VNC session based on PID

I frequently VNC into a server where we run many concurrent computationally intensive matlab processes. Sometimes, one of my processes misbehave, which I can see from top, but I have a hard time ...
Daniel Kessler's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Is a process PID guaranteed to stay the same as long as the process doesn't die?

I'm doing some simulation work with Linux, and the code I'm working on right now only works under the assumption that, once a process has been assigned a PID by the kernel, that PID will remain the ...
Reiik's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

Linux - alternative places where to store pid file instead of /var/run

As written in the title, where should I let the init script write the pid file? are there any standard paths I should choose instead of the /var/run? Could /tmp be a good place where to store it or ...
Murko's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

How to get the pid of a running process using a single command that parse the output of ps?

I am looking for a single line that does return the pid of a running process. Currently I have: ps -A -o pid,cmd|grep xxx|head -n 1 And this returns the fist pid, command. I need only the first ...
sorin's user avatar
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5 answers

Get PID of process started in screen by su

i have a simple script that starts quassel-core in a screen session as different user! The script is: #!/bin/sh su ircc -c 'screen -dmS quassel /home/ircc/quassel/quassel-core' I want to start and ...
Josef's user avatar
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30 votes
7 answers

Excluding grep from process list

I have cobbled together a command to return the process ID of a running daemon: ps aux | grep daemon_name | awk "{ print \$2 }" It works perfectly and returns the PID, but it also returns a second ...
tak's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Where can I find my (current shell process') PID?

I'm on OS X using ZSH (have lots of homebrew stuff, too). I'd like to know the PID of my current terminal. (I'm learning more about process management on *nix systems, pstree and the like, and so ...
John Hinnegan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I locate the PID code for an ASUS laptop webcam?

I can't look in the Device Manager for the PID code because the camera has disappeared from the device list. The driver still shows up in programs list, but the camera doesn't work. Where else can I ...
Brady's user avatar
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Show PID of process just launched in ZSH

Can I show the PID of a process that I just launched, ideally at the end of the line of the command? Example: root in ~: mysqld .................. [PID 34567] 12121 mysql-logs start to come in... ...
mmlac's user avatar
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Reattaching to screen - Linux

We run several screen instances from one box, eg. : 27185.pts-53.CentOS-57-64-minimal (Detached) 27209.pts-53.CentOS-57-64-minimal (Detached) 27281.pts-53.CentOS-57-64-minimal (Detached)...
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0 votes
2 answers

How can I stop in fedora15?

I have jenkins running, but I need to stop it. in /var/run I have which is what the standard jenkins script uses to stop jenkins. The jenkins script uses start-stop-daemon which doesn't ...
Rythmic's user avatar
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67 votes
7 answers

PID:4 using Port 80

I was trying to install Zend Server CE on my computer but when I got to the point were I need to choose the port for my Web Server it says: "Web Server Port: 80 Occupied". So I decided to check what ...
apokaliptis's user avatar
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Routing packets to different available networks using process' pid / uid

I need to route packets from some processes(unique pids/uids) to desired network connection. So, Suppose we have 4 processes with pids 10, 11, 12, 13 respectively; and we have two network connections ...
Animesh Sinha's user avatar

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